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ate to ask the question now uppermost in my mind。〃
 〃Have no fear;〃 the wizard said。 〃Say what you will。〃
 〃Your kingdom of Gomalalee lies in a realm of constant warfare。 We have seen the wounds your people have suffered。 So; I wonder: if your god is so great; so knowing; why has He not given you power over your enemies?〃
 Mortacious roared laughter。 It made a ghastly sound; as if the winds of humor were blowing through that deep cavern where the Dark Seeker dwells。 〃Oh; but He has; my dear man 。。。 He has。〃 The neck scarf had e loose; and I saw clear the wound it hid from view。 It was a putrid; unhealed gash circling his throat。 He did not notice my gaze and returned the black scarf to its place。 His face was mocking。 〃What is the greatest power you can imagine; my little wizard?〃 he asked。 〃Tell me quick and tell me true。〃
 Janos replied with no hesitation。 'To know all things。 To be able to lift my eyes from Nature's stitching and see its grand design。 I would give all I have…which; in the end; is only my life…if I could have but a single glimpse; one clear understanding。〃
 〃Then you are a fool;〃 Mortacious said。 〃For the sum of all things is too large to know。 The stitches too numerous for even the gods to count。〃
 Janos made his eyes widen and stroked his beard as if he were in the presence of a great; knowing master。 'Then what is the answer; my lord? Tell me; please; where my error lies?〃
 〃Why it is as simple as mon bread;〃 the wizard said; his eyes aglow with self importance。 〃The greatest power a mortal can mand 。。。 is the power over another man's soul。〃
 〃I do not understand;〃 Janos said。 'Tell me more; pray; to further my education。〃
 But the wizard grew wary; fearing he had said too much。 He shook his head; as if wearying of the buzz of little children。 He smoothed the scarf; picked up his cup; and drained it。 He set the cup down firmly。 〃I think not;〃 he said at last。
 He brushed crumbs from his robe and came to his feet。 〃I hope you gentlemen have supped well。 Now; if you will forgive my rudeness 。。。 I shall ask you to retire。 I pray you find your quarters pleasant; and you sleep an untroubled sleep。〃
 Before he could go; I made bold to say; 〃Thank you; Lord Mortacious; for your hospitality。 I would not want us to overstay it。 With your kind permission; we shall depart tomorrow…with deep regret。〃
 The wizard fixed me with those fierce; desert…bird eyes。 I did not flinch; but kept a mild look upon my face。 〃We shall see;〃 he finally said; then swept out。 As soon as he was gone; Janos scooped up the crumbs the wizard had discarded and put them in his pocket。 He gave me a wink just as the man who had led us to Mortacious appeared。 〃e with me; if you please; sirs;〃 he said。
 He put all twenty of us in a spacious chamber; it was window…less; and its walls were barren stone。 There were cots set up; with soft coverlets that seemed odd amid such barrackslike starkness。 There was a large water vessel in the corner; with a dipper hanging from the mouth; and in another corner there was a hole for wastes。 As Mortacious' man swung shut the heavy door; Janos signaled us to remain silent。 We heard a strong bolt shoot into place; so much for the fiction that we were only guests。 Janos crept to the door and ran his hands lightly over the surface。 Whatever he learned from the examination pleased him; for he nodded in satisfaction。 He turned back to us and made signs there was a listening spell in place。 More hand signals sent the men to their cots to feign sleep and brought Sergeant Maeen and me to his side。
 〃It is as I feared;〃 he whispered。 〃There is no locking spell on the door。 Only the mechanical bar。〃
 〃Why is that troublesome; sir?〃 Maeen asked。
 I puzzled with him; for if escape was necessary; or even possible; then the scanty security was in our favor。 Then I felt a sudden awful weariness and yearned for the sweet fort of those soft coverlets。 Sergeant Maeen gave an elaborate yawn; and as the uncontrollable urge to ape his actions came upon me; I heard more yawns all over the chamber as our men were similarly affected。
 Janos gave Maeen a hard push to jolt him awake。 〃Fetch some water;〃 he hissed; 〃and quickly。〃
 As the sergeant stumbled to do his bidding; Janos knelt。 I squatted beside him; fighting off sleep。 There was no question what had happened: Mortacious had cast a sleeping spell on our food。 Janos took the crumbs…the wizard's leavings…from his pocket and spread them on the floor。 He leaned close and breathed over them: once; twice; three times。 When Maeen returned with tht dipper; Janos sprinkled water over the crumbs and made a paste。 I saw him struggle with a yawn of his own; as he kneaded the paste into twenty bread pellets。 Once more his hand dipped into his pocket; and when it appeared again; I saw his fingers coated with the golden ash from the wizard's plate。 He whispered a chant as he sprinkled the ash over the dough pellets; and in dumb amazement I watched the pellets swiftly rise; in a moment they had the appearance and size of small biscuits。 Hazy fear enveloped me as Sergeant Maeen sagged down and I felt sleep's dark veil descending。
 〃Eat;〃 Janos hissed; shoving the biscuit at me。 I took it; irritated at being ordered to do anything other than sleep。 I bit off a small portion as he demanded; and it seemed so delicious after that awful meal; I had to have more。 My mind sharpened with the pleasure of the taste; banishing sleep。 Janos raced about; forcing a biscuit into every man's gullet。 Soon all were awake and Janos was back by my side。 Once more he held a finger to his lips; but this time it was not directed at the sergeant and myself。 With that same finger he drew a circle about our heads。 He repeated the gesture; and I saw the air begin to shimmer。 〃Silence;〃 Janos whispered。 The shimmer became a swirl。 〃Silence;〃 he said louder still; and the shimmer became a pale light。 Then he bellowed; 〃Silence。〃 But though the shout hammered my ears; it became a dead thing at the barrier of pale light。 No echo resounded from the walls or aroused the men; although they watched with anxious interest。 〃So much for Lord Mortacious and his silly spells;〃 Janos said in normal tones。 〃Now; we can plot escape in fort。〃
 〃What about the men; sir?〃 Maeen asked。 〃Shouldn't they be able to listen as well?〃
 〃The size of the counterspell would alert our host;〃 Janos said。 〃We must not underestimate this man。 He has little wit; but much low cunning; and his powers are as great as any wizard I have encountered。 Just because I let him win that little table game; and sniffed out the sleeping spell he cast on our food; it does not mean our continued existence is assured beyond this night。〃
 〃It may be difficult; sir;〃 Maeen said; as he put his professional mind to work。 〃But not impossible。 He's got the terrain; and the numbers; I'll admit。 However; the demons of surprise are on our side; now。 And as for his men…why; most of 'em are walking wounded。〃 he sniffed。 〃I've never seen such a mangy lot in my life。〃
 But Janos wasn't listening; his brow was furrowed in concentration。 Then his skin pearled white。 〃Oh; what a fool I've been;〃 he groaned。 〃The bastard's tricked me!〃
 We asked 
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