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 woefully weary from his efforts。 It took him longer to recover with each passing year。 My older brothers were no help。 They were stiff; formal men; better at managing the farms or the account books。 They also possessed few traits necessary for a merchant。 They disliked strange people and things; and distrusted any whiff of risk…taking。
 They were my opposites; for I always took delight in the mysterious flavor of Orissa's docks; with all the strange tongues and costumes swirling about the unloading ships。 Geography was also one of the few areas of study that held my interest。 Old charts and tales of daring Findings thrilled me until I reached an age when to admit such a thing would be considered childish by my peers。 I even accepted my tutor's view of the world we lived in; although it was conventional; and I have already illustrated my healthy distrust of the conventional。 The earth was shaped like a great black egg; he said。 The sun; nurturing light and fire; was set in motion by the gods for our benefit。 Only the known lands and the sea separating them were gifted with this light。 All else was a vast darkness ruled by jealous sorcerers who plotted to bring us under their sway and finally extinguish the sun; plunging us into the cold gloom; leaving us at the mercy of alien gods。 My teacher said that once all had been light; that our ancestors possessed great knowledge of all enchantments。 But they grew slothful and decadent; he said; losing respect for tradition of family; city; and their Evocators。 When the wizards of darkness threatened; they were unprepared。 But our gods took pity and kept this small beacon of hope safe from total barbarity。 Over time; we regained some of the knowledge。 And our ships took sail again; pushing back the darkness with every successful Finding。 But there was a limit to our future; he taught。 And that limit had nearly been reached。
 There was one story…a fable; really…that particularly interested me。 It was the legend of the Far Kingdoms。 A place; the tale went; where descendants of our Old Ones lived on; a place where the sun shone amid a black wilderness ruled by sorcerer enemies。 The princes and Evocators of the Far Kingdoms were said to be kind and wise beyond all imagination。 It was a place where wine and song were always sweet。 Every purse was fat with gold; and every heart at ease。 If only we could join with them; the tale continued; all our enemies would be swept away and the world would once again bask in eternal light。 It was a pretty tale that had stirred me greatly once upon a time。 But I had put it away with my child's toys once I was old enough to strap on a rapier and convince myself I was a grown man。
 I gave a harsh laugh as I considered the last; and once again swore an oath to change my ways。 I drained my brandy to seal the bargain。 I turned to order one more for a nightcap and noted with a small stir of alarm that the atmosphere had changed。 The soldiers were gone; as were the original patrons。 Only the hard men who'd entered after me remained。 They were eyeing me openly; sniggering amongst themselves; and jabbing one another with their elbows。 I saw that the tavernkeep had disappeared; as well。 I felt a prickling。 Something was about to happen…especially if I remained and dared the fates。 I rose from my seat; nonchalant; and made my way to the door; pretending no interest in the three men。 If they followed; I thought; at least outside there would be room to fight。
 It is not an old man's boast that I was a fine swordsman then。 Although I was not the best in Orissa; I was good enough to give the best pause。 I had fought two duels; drawing first blood each time。 I was also fleet of foot from all those years of escaping my teachers to the athletic fields。 If necessary; I would show my heels and speed away like a wind demon。
 As I exited; I heard chairs scrape as the men got up to follow。 Before I could quicken my pace; two dark figures bulked out the night。 Scrabbling for my rapier; I saw the spider totem on one of the men's faces。 Leego! Behind me; the three brigands from the tavern closed the trap。 But my blade was ing clear; and I would show them all a thing or two about respect。 Then I was a fool once more as my rapier's ornate guard caught on a button。 My weapon clattered to the ground; and I stood there grinning like a monkey; my fighting arm outstretched; empty fist curling; uncurling。 An arm had me in a throttlehold; and I kicked back and heard a yelp of pain。 But there was no time to gloat; because strong hands grabbed and held me as Leego rushed forward and slammed a fist into my belly。 My gymnast's stomach absorbed the blow; and I could tell from Leego's sudden grant that he'd hurt himself。
 I took no satisfaction from his pain; because a moment later Leego was pressing his knife against my throat。
 〃Don't be a fool; Leego;〃 I said; my temper easily winning the struggle with mon sense over my tongue。 〃If you murder me this night; you'll be a prime candidate for next year's Kissing of the Stones。〃 I was speaking of the spring planting rite; when the Evocators make sacrifice by crushing a victim between two immense stones。 Criminals are favored for this annual gifting of the gods。
 Leego laughed; his breath foul in my face。 〃There is no protection for you in this place; young sir;〃 he rasped。 〃No witnesses to whatever I choose to do with your worthless life。〃 He pressed harder with his blade。 I felt a sting; then wetness as blood flowed。
 〃On the other hand;〃 he continued; 〃your reputation is protection enough for me。 Everyone knows you frequent the dark side of town。 They know your wild habits。 Your extravagant spending and dishonorable debts。 If I slit your throat; people will believe footpads responsible。 Or a wronged moneylender。 No; my friend; your class is no shield to you here。 And you will be no man's better with your guts greeting the morning sun。〃
 He laughed again and slapped my face。 Once; twice; then once more。 Hard; stinging blows that did me no real bother…except he was building his rage for what was to e next。 Behind him; in the mouth of a dark alley; I saw a large; dark figure making water on the side of a building。 One of Leego's thugs; I thought; pausing to empty his bladder before he joined the fun。 〃The only reason I haven't killed you yet; young sir;〃 Leego continued; 〃is that I am torn between revenge and profit。 What you did to Melina has cost me many a fat purse。 I'll have to send her far away now。 And spend a fortune curing her of the effects of that potion。〃
 〃Piss on your money; Leego;〃 I said。 〃You have taken more than enough from me these last months。 And I've seen nothing in return。〃
 Leego slapped me again。 〃That's what happens to a boy who es to play a man's game;〃 he snarled。 〃You keep thinking you have some choice in this matter;〃 he said。 〃You don't。 The choices are mine。 If I decide to favor profit; you shall provide me with all the money I require。 What would the Council of Evocators say if I reported this matter? Feeding a love potion to a hetaera is a great crime。 I can imagine well how happy it would make the Evocators to have an Antero in their power。〃
 〃I have no money; Leego;〃 I said; weary。 〃You and M
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