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s had failed to reverse the Socialist reforms of the previous Labour government: railways still nationalised ; working class breeding like flies now the welfare state existed to prevent the natural culling by disease; state…owned mines。。。 intolerable。 I have read some of the letters he wrote to my father。 Leviticus was happy with the country; though there were rather a lot of blacks around。 He referred to the policy of separate development as 'apart…hate' in his first few letters; until somebody must have clued him in on the correct spelling。 Not my father; I'm sure。
  Leviticus was passing police headquarters in Johannesburg one day; walking along the pavement after a shopping expedition; when a crazed; homicidal black threw himself; unconscious; from the top storey and apparently ripped all his fingernails out on the way down。 He hit and fatally injured my innocent and unfortunate uncle whose muttered last words in hospital; before his a became a full stop; were: 'My God; the buggers've learned to fly。。。'
  A faint wisp of smoke rose ahead of me from the town dump。 I wasn't going that far today; but I could hear the bulldozer they used sometimes to spread the garbage around as it revved and pushed。
  I hadn't been to the dump for a while; and it was about time I went to see what the good folk of Porteneil had thrown out。 That was where I got all the old aerosols for the last War; not to mention several important parts of the Wasp Factory; including the Face itself。
  My uncle Athelwald Trapley; from my mother's side of the family; emigrated to America at the end of the Second World War。 He threw in a good job with an insurance pany to go off with a woman and ended up; broke and heartbroke; in a cheap caravan site outside Fort Worth; where he decided to put an end to himself。
  He turned on his Calor…gas stove and heater but didn't light them and sat down to await the end。 Understandably nervous; and no doubt a little distracted and distraught both with his loved one's untimely departure and that which he was planning for himself; he resorted without a thought to his habitual method of calming himself down; and lit a Marlboro。
  Out of the blazing wreck he leaped; stumbling around on fire from head to toe and screaming。 He had intended a painless death; not being burned alive。 So he jumped head first into the forty…gallon oil…drum full of rainwater which stood at the rear of the caravan。 Wedged inside that drum he drowned; his little legs waggling pathetically as he gulped and squirmed and tried to get his arms into a position from which he could lever himself out。
  Twenty metres or so from the grass…packed hill which looks over the Rabbit Grounds I switched to Silent Running; pacing stealthily through the long weeds and reeds; careful not to let anything I was carrying make a noise。 I was hoping to catch some of the little pests out early but; if I had to; I was prepared to wait until the sun went down。
  I crawled quietly up the slope; the grass sliding under my chest and belly; my legs straining to propel my bulk up and forward。 I was down…wind; of course; and the breeze was stiff enough to cover most small noises。 As far as I could see; there were no rabbit sentries on the hill。 I stopped about two metres down from the summit and quietly cocked the gun; inspecting the posite steel and nylon pellet before placing it in the chamber and snicking the gun closed。 I closed my eyes and thought about the trapped; pressed spring and the little slug sitting at the shiny bottom of the rifled tube。 Then I crawled to the top of the hill。
  At first I thought I would have to wait。 The Grounds looked empty in the afternoon light; and only the grass moved in the wind。 I could see the holes and the little piles and scatters of droppings; and I could see the gorse bushes on the far slope above the bank which held most of the holes; where the rabbit…runs snaked tiny paths like jagged tunnels through the bushes; but there was no sign of the animals themselves。 It was in those rabbit…runs through the gorse that some of the local boys used to set snares。 I found the wire loops; though; having seen the boys set them; and I tore them out or put them under the grass on the paths the boys used to take when they came to inspect their traps。 Whether any of them was tripped up by his own snare or not I don't know; but I'd like to think they did go sprawling head first。 Anyway; they or their replacements don't set snares any more; I suppose it has gone out of fashion and they are out spraying slogans on walls; sniffing glue or trying to get laid。
  Animals rarely surprise me but there was something about the buck; once I noticed it sitting there; that froze me for a second。 It must have been there all the time; sitting motionless and staring straight at me from the far edge of the level area of the Grounds; but I hadn't noticed it at first。 When I did; something about its stillness stilled me for a moment。 Without actually moving physically; I shook my head clear inside and decided that the big male would make a fine head for a Pole。 The rabbit might as well have been stuffed for all the movement it made; and I could see that it definitely was staring right at me; its little eyes not blinking; its tiny nose not sniffing; its ears untwitched。 I stared straight back at it and very slowly brought the gun round to bear; moving it first one way then slightly the other; so that it looked like something swaying with the wind in the grass。 It took about a minute to get the rifle in place and my head in the correct position; cheek by stock; and still the beast hadn't moved a millimetre。
  Four times larger; his big whiskered head split neatly into four by the crosshairs; he looked even more impressive; and just as immobile。 I frowned and brought my head up; suddenly thinking that it might just be stuffed; perhaps somebody was having a laugh at my expense。 Town boys? My father? Surely not Eric yet ? It was a stupid thing to have done; I'd moved my head far too quickly for it to look natural; and the buck shot off up the bank。 I dipped my head and brought the gun up at the same time without thinking。 There was no time to get back into the right position; take a breath and gently squeeze the trigger; it was up and bang; and with my whole body unbalanced and both hands on the gun I fell forward; rolling as I did so to keep the gun out the sand。
  When I looked up; cradling the gun and gasping; my backside sunk in sand; I couldn't see the rabbit。 I forced the gun down and hit myself on the knees。 'Shit!' I told myself。
  The buck wasn't in a hole; however。 It wasn't even near the bank where the holes were。 It was tearing across the level ground in great leaps; heading right at me and seeming to shake and shiver in mid…air with every bound。 It was ing at me like a bullet; head shaking; lips curled back; teeth long and yellow and by far the biggest I'd ever seen on a rabbit; live or dead。 Its eyes looked like coiled slugs。 Blobs of red arced from its left haunch with every pouncing leap; it was almost on me; and I was sat there staring。
  There w
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