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gether while Blyth hurriedly strapped his leg on。
  Nobody suspected。 From the first moments; when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg; to the tearful farewell of Blyth's parents and Diggs taking statements (a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags); not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident。 Only I knew better。
  I didn't tell Eric。 He was shocked by what had happened and genuinely sorry for Blyth and his parents。 All I said was that I thought it was a judgement from God that Blyth had first lost his leg and then had the replacement bee the instrument of his downfall。 All because of the rabbits。 Eric; who was going through a religious phase at the time which I suppose I was to some extent copying; thought this was a terrible thing to say; God wasn't like that。 I said the one I believed in was。
  At any rate; such was the reason that particular patch of ground got its name: the Snake Park。
  I lay in bed; thinking back on all this。 Father still hadn't e back。 Perhaps he was going to stay out all night。 That was extremely unusual; and rather worrying。 Perhaps he had been knocked down; or had died of a heart attack。
  I've always had a rather ambivalent attitude towards something happening to my father; and it persists。 A death is always exciting; always makes you realise how alive you are; how vulnerable but so…far…lucky; but the death of somebody close gives you a good excuse to go a bit crazy for a while and do things that would otherwise be inexcusable。 What delight to behave really badly and still get loads of sympathy!
  But I'd miss him; and I don't know what the legal position would be about me staying on here by myself。 Would I get all his money? That would be good; I could get my motorbike now instead of having to wait。 Jesus; there'd be so many things I could do I don't even know where to start thinking about them。 But it would be a big change; and I don't know that I'm ready for it yet。
  I could feel myself starting to slide off into sleep; I began to imagine and see all sorts of weird things behind my eyes : maze…shapes and spreading areas of unknown colours; then fantastic buildings and spaceships and weapons and landscapes。 I often wish I could remember my dreams better。。。。
  Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul; for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I'd disposed of Blyth; and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda; more or less on a whim。
  That's my score to date。 Three。 I haven't killed anybody for years; and don't intend to ever again。
  It was just a stage I was going through。
   3: In the Bunker
  My GREATEST ENEMIES are Women and the Sea。 These things I hate。 Women because they are weak and stupid and live in the shadow of men and are nothing pared to them; and the Sea because it has always frustrated me; destroying what I have built; washing away what I have left; wiping clean the marks I have made。 And I'm not all that sure the Wind is blameless; either。
  The Sea is a sort of mythological enemy; and I make what you might call sacrifices to it in my soul; fearing it a little; respecting it as you're supposed to; but in many ways treating it as an equal。 It does things to the world; and so do I; we should both be feared。 Women。。。 well; women are a bit too close for fort as far as I'm concerned。 I don't even like having them on the island; not even Mrs Clamp; who es every week on a Saturday to clean the house and deliver our supplies。 She's ancient; and sexless the way the very old and the very young are; but she's still been a woman; and I resent that; for my own good reason。
  I woke the next morning; wondering if my father had e back or not。 Without bothering to dress; I went to his room。 I was going to try the door; but I could hear him snoring before I touched the handle; so I turned and went to the bathroom。
  In the bathroom; after a piss; I went through my daily washing ritual。 First I had my shower。 The shower is the only time in any twenty…four…hour period I take my underpants right off。 I put the old pair in the dirty…linen bag in the airing cupboard。 I showered carefully; starting at my hair and ending between my toes and under my toenails。 Sometimes; when I have to make precious substances such as toenail cheese or belly…button fluff; I have to go without a shower or bath for days and days; I hate doing this because I soon feel dirty and itchy; and the only bright thing about such abstinence is how good it feels to have a shower at the end of it。
  After my shower; and a brisk rub…down with first a face…cloth and then a towel; I trimmed my nails。 Then I brushed my teeth thoroughly with my electric toothbrush。 Next the shave。 I always use shaving foam and the latest razors (twin…blade swivel…heads are state…of…the…art at the moment); removing the downy brown growth of the previous day and night with dexterity and precision。 As with all my ablutions; the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern; I take the same number of strokes of the same length in the same sequence each morning。 As always; I felt a rising tingle of excitement as I contemplated the meticulously shorn surfaces of my face。
  I blew and picked my nose clean; washed my hands; cleaned the razor; nail…clipper; shower and basin; rinsed out the flannel and bed my hair。 Happily I didn't have any spots; so there was nothing else required but a final handwash and a clean pair of underpants。 I placed all my washing materials; towels; razor and so forth exactly where they should be; wiped a little steam off the mirror on my bathroom cabinet; and returned to my room。
  There I put on my socks; green for that day。 Then a khaki shirt with pockets。 In the winter I'd have a vest underneath and a green army jumper over the shirt; but not in the summer。 My green cord trousers came next; followed by my fawn Kickers boots; labels removed as from everything I wear because I refuse to be a walking advertisement for anybody。 My bat jacket; knife; bags; catapult and other equipment I took down to the kitchen with me。
  It was still early; and the rain I'd heard forecast the previous night was looking about ready to drop。 I had my modest breakfast; and I was ready。
  I went out into the fresh damp morning; walking quickly to keep warm and get round the island before any rain started。 The hills beyond the town were hidden by cloud; and the sea was rough as the wind freshened。 The grass was heavy with dew; drops of mist bowed the unopened flowers and clung to my Sacrifice Poles; too; like clear blood on the shrivelled heads and tiny; desiccated bodies。
  A couple of jets screamed over the island at one point; two Jaguars wing to wing about one hundred metres up and going fast; crossing the whole island in an eye…blink and racing out to sea。 I glared at them; then went on my way。 Once
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