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  I HAD BEEN making the rounds of the Sacrifice Poles the day we heard my brother had escaped。 I already knew something was going to happen; the Factory told me。
  At the north end of the island; near the tumbled remains of the slip where the handle of the rusty winch still creaks in an easterly wind; I had two Poles on the far face of the last dune。 One of the Poles held a rat head with two dragonflies; the other a seagull and two mice。 I was just sticking one of the mouse heads back on when the birds went up into the evening air; kaw…calling and screaming; wheeling over the path through the dunes where it went near their nests。 I made sure the head was secure; then clambered to the top of the dune to watch with my binoculars。
  Diggs; the policeman from the town; was ing down the path on his bike; pedalling hard; his head down as the wheels sank part way into the sandy surface。 He got off the bike at the bridge and left it propped against the suspension cables; then walked to the middle of the swaying bridge; where the gate is。 I could see him press the button on the phone。 He stood for a while; looking round about at the quiet dunes and the settling birds。 He didn't see me; because I was too well hidden。 Then my father must have answered the buzzer in the house; because Diggs stooped slightly and talked into the grille beside the button; and then pushed the gate open and walked over the bridge; on to the island and down the path towards the house。 When he disappeared behind the dunes I sat for a while; scratching my crotch as the wind played with my hair and the birds returned to their nests。
  I took my catapult from my belt; selected a half…inch steelie; sighted carefully; then sent the big ball…bearing arcing out over the river; the telephone poles and the little suspension bridge to the mainland。 The shot hit the 'Keep Out…Private Property' sign with a thud I could just hear; and I smiled。 It was a good omen。 The Factory hadn't been specific (it rarely is); but I had the feeling that whatever it was warning me about was important; and I also suspected it would be bad; but I had been wise enough to take the hint and check my Poles; and now I knew my aim was still good; things were still with me。
  I decided not to go straight back to the house。 Father didn't like me to be there when Diggs came and; anyway; I still had a couple of Poles to check before the sun went down。 I jumped and slid down the slope of the dune into its shadow; then turned at the bottom to look back up at those small heads and bodies as they watched over the northern approaches to the island。 They looked fine; those husks on their gnarled branches。 Black ribbons tied to the wooden limbs blew softly in the breeze; waving at me。 I decided nothing would be too bad; and that tomorrow I would ask the Factory for more information。 If I was lucky; my father might tell me something and; if I was luckier still; it might even be the truth。
  I left the sack of heads and bodies in the Bunker just as the light was going pletely and the stars were starting to e out。 The birds had told me Diggs had left a few minutes earlier; so I ran back the quick way to the house; where the lights all burned as usual。 My father met me in the kitchen。
  'Diggs was just here。 I suppose you know。'
  He put the stub of the fat cigar he had been smoking under the cold tap; turned the water on for a second while the brown stump sizzled and died; then threw the sodden remnant in the bin。 I put my things down on the big table and sat down; shrugging。 My father turned up the ring on the cooker under the soup…pan; looking beneath the lid into the warming mixture and then turning back to look at me。
  There was a layer of grey…blue smoke in the room at about shoulder level; and a big wave in it; probably produced by me as I came in through the double doors of the back porch。 The wave rose slowly between us while my father stared at me。 I fidgeted; then looked down; toying with the wrist…rest of the black catapult。 It crossed my mind that my father looked worried; but he was good at acting and perhaps that was just what he wanted me to think; so deep down I remained unconvinced。
  'I suppose I'd better tell you;' he said; then turned away again; taking up a wooden spoon and stirring the soup。 I waited。 'It's Eric。'
  Then I knew what had happened。 He didn't have to tell me the rest。 I suppose I could have thought from the little he'd said up until then that my half…brother was dead; or ill; or that something had happened to him; but I knew then it was something Eric had done; and there was only one thing he could have done which would make my father look worried。 He had escaped。 I didn't say anything; though。
  'Eric has escaped from the hospital。 That was what Diggs came to tell us。 They think he might head back here。 Take those things off the table; I've told you before。' He sipped the soup; his back still turned。 I waited until he started to turn round; then took the catapult; binoculars and spade off the table。 In the same flat tone my father went on; 'Well; I don't suppose he'll get this far。 They'll probably pick him up in a day or two。 I just thought I'd tell you。 In case anybody else hears and says anything。 Get out a plate。'
  I went to the cupboard and took out a plate; then sat down again; one leg crossed underneath me。 My father went back to stirring the soup; which I could smell now above the cigar smoke。 I could feel excitement in my stomach…a rising; tingling rush。 So Eric was ing back home again; that was good…bad。 I knew he'd make it。 I didn't even think of asking the Factory about it; he'd be here。 I wondered how long it would take him; and whether Diggs would now have to go shouting through the town; warning that the mad boy who set fire to dogs was on the loose again; lock up your hounds!
  My father ladled some soup into my plate。 I blew on it。 I thought of the Sacrifice Poles。 They were my early…warning system and deterrent rolled into one; infected; potent things which looked out from the island; warding off。 Those totems were my warning shot; anybody who set foot on the island after seeing them should know what to expect。 But it looked like; instead of being a clenched and threatening fist; they would present a weling; open hand。 For Eric。
  'I see you washed your hands again;' my father said as I sipped the hot soup。 He was being sarcastic。 He took the bottle of whisky from the dresser and poured himself a drink。 The other glass; which I guessed had been the constable's; he put in the sink。 He sat down at the far end of the table。
  My father is tall and slim; though slightly stooped。 He has a delicate face; like a woman's; and his eyes are dark。 He limps now; and has done ever since I can remember。 His left leg is almost totally stiff; and he usually takes a stick with him when he leaves the house。 Some days; when it's damp; he has to use the stick inside; too; and I can hear him clacking about the uncarpeted rooms and corridors of the house; a hollow noise; going from place to place。 Only here in the kitchen is the stick quiete
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