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Q:If you found yourself getting burned out; what would you do to revitalize your energy?  
A:I dont allow myself to get involved in a routine to the point that I get burned out。 I've always been the type of person who asks for new assignments so that I stay motivated and interested。  
Q:Our pany believes that employees should give time back to the munity。 How do you feel about it?  
A:I believe that; too。 In my last job as manager I told each of my employees that they could spend one Friday afternoon a month at a charity of their choice on pany time as long as they werent all gone on the same Fridays。 Ironically;  
productivity didn't decrease at all; they got more done in the morning—and I guess Friday afternoons weren't that productive to begin with。 I've spent my afternoons with an adult reading program。                 
Q:What munity projects that can use your professional skills are particularly interesting to you?  
A:As a marketing person; I've offered free advice to our local high school for its fundraisers; as well as to a local realestate office whose success could help my rural munity's realestate values。  
Q:If you had unlimited leisure time; how would you spend that time?  
A:I dont think I could ever be happy with lots of spare time。 Id probably travel; learn another language; and spend more time with my two charities。 I'd also take more courses in accounting。  
Q:Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwork or discipline。  
A:My football coach from high school taught me always to watch out for the other guy。 If you do; he'll cover you when you need him to。 I've applied that principle in all my work groups; especially on the trading floor。  
Q:When you aren't at work; do you prefer to stick to a schedule; or do you prefer to be spontaneous? Why?  
A:My workday is very structured because I'm generally in four or five meetings a day。 On the weekends; I like to have a plan; but not necessarily a set schedule。 That in itself is a relaxing change of pace for me; but I feel I'd be wasting time with no plan at all。  
Q:Tell me about an interest that you outgrew。  
A:Early on; I wanted to be a research physician。 Then I spent time in a chemistry lab and realized I wasnt looking forward to the next two years of lab work。 That's why I've chosen marketing for medical equipment instead。 It bines my respect for the medical profession with a job that's more suited to my personality。  
Q:Describe a movie you've seen that really inspired you。  
A:I loved one part of an otherwise depressing movie; One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest。 In one scene the nurse refuses to turn on the TV for the World Series; so Jack Nicholson looks at the blank screen and starts narrating as though the game were actually on。 The other patients gather around him and follow the game。 I thought that scene was an example of the power of visualization in making things happen。                 
Q:What would you do if I told you that I thought you were giving a very poor interview today?  
A:Well; the first thing Id do is ask you if there was any specific part of the interview that you thought I might have mishandled。 After that Id think back and try to remember if there had been any faulty munication on my part。 Then I'd try to review possible problems I had understanding your 
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