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ify me。  I just can't stay in the house any longer!〃
 〃Right;' said Bond soothingly; hoping the young man's voice would not rise too high。  〃If we can think of a way; would you help?  Give evidence if necessary?〃
 〃I've got the best evidence in the world;' he said in a calmer voice。 〃I've seen the Balloon Game run。  I know what it's about; and that's enough to terrify any large size policeman; let alone me。〃
 〃What's in it?  Tell me。〃
 〃It's my only ace。  You get me out and I'll give any help you might need。  Is that a deal?〃
 〃I can't promise。〃 Bond was acutely aware that time was slipping by。 Cindy would not be able to distract the two guards much longer。
 He told Peter to put the gun away。  〃If they're letting me out to do a bit of their dirty work; it's pretty certain they'll go through the Bentley with the finest of toothbs。  You've also got to realise that your absence puts a lot of people at risk。〃
 〃I know; but。  。
 〃Okay; it's 〃~ri;' now。  Listen; and listen carefully As quickly as he could; Bond told Amadeus the best way to hide under the other cars in the garage。  Then he pressed the keys into the young man's hand。  〃You use these only after they've played around with the Bentley。
 It's a risk。  Anything could happen; and I haven't any assurance they'll let me go in my own car。  One other thing。  If you're found here; you get no help。  I pletely deny having anything to do with you。  Right?〃 Bond told Amadeus he should hide in the boot after the car had been examined … 〃For all I know they'll send one of their people with me; armed to the teeth。〃 Then Bond gave him a final instruction should all else fail; or if Bond himself were prevented from going。  He patted the little programmer's shoulder; wishing him luck; then climbed back on to the roof of the Mercedes and hauled himself up through the skylight。
 Lying on the flat roof in the chill night air; pressed hard against the lead; he realised that Cindy had exhausted her repertoire。
 The guards were very close; just below the garage roof。  He could hear them mutterIng; menting on what they had seen: all the usual soldiers' innuendoes。
 He lay tense; listening; for about five minutes; until they moved away; following their routine pattern; covering the front of the house from all angles。
 It took a further ten minutes for Bond to snake his way back to the window。  After each move he stopped; lying still; ears strained for sounds of the returning guards; who passed under the garage twice during his unfortable crawl。  At last he negotiated the sill; climbing back into Cindy's room。
 〃You took your time。〃 She was stretched out on the bed; her dark body glistening; the gorgeous long legs moving as she rubbed thigh against thigh。  Cindy was quit n。t'd; and Bond; with the tension released; went to her。
 〃Thank you。  I've done all I can 。  。  。〃 He was going to say something about Amadeus; but changed his mind; sufficient unto the day。
 Cindy lifted her arms to his shoulders; and Bond found himself with no power to resist。
 Only once; as he entered her; did Percy's face and body flash before him … a picture so vivid that he thought he could smell her scent on Cindy。
 was almost dawn when he crept back to his own room。  The house was still silent; as though sleeping in preparation for action。  He ate some of the food; threw the rest down the lavatory and flushed it three times to clear it away。  Only when that was done did Bond lie down on his own bed; still fully dressed; and drop into a refreshing sleep。
 At the first noise he was awake; his right hand going for the ASP。
 It was Cindy; looking as though even hard…boiled sweets would dissolve at the touch of her tongue。  She carried a breakfast tray and was followed by Tigerbalm; who produced his inane grin; saying that Professor St。 John…Finnes wished to see him at noon。  〃That's midday sharp;' he added。  〃I'll e and fetch yer。
 〃Please do。〃 He moved on the bed; but Cindy was already halfway out of the door。
 〃Cindy;' he called。
 She did not even look back。  〃Have a nice day' was flung sharply over her shoulder。
 Bond shrugged; a little worried; and then began to help himself to black coffee and toast。  It was ten…thirty by his watch。  By eleven forty…five he was showered; shaved and changed; feeling better than the day before; and reflecting that even M could not leave it much longer before making a move against Endor。
 At three minutes to twelve; Tigerbalm reappeared。
 They went downstairs to the rear of the house; where Jay Autem Holy was waiting for him in a small room Bond had never seen before。
 There was a table; two chairs and a telephone; no pictures; windows or any other furnishing。  The room was lit by two long neon strips; and Bond saw immediately that the chairs and table were bolted to the floor。 It was familiar ground: an interrogation room。
 〃e in; friend Bond。〃 The head came up in a swooping movement; the green eyes piercing; hostile as laser gun sights。  He told Tigerbalm to leave; motioning for Bond to sit down。  Holy wasted no time。
 〃The plan you outlined to me … the way to get your eyes on the current Epoc frequency 〃Yes。〃
 〃It is imperative that we have the frequency which es into operation at midnight tonight; covering the next two days。
 〃I can get it; but 〃We'll do without any buts; James。  SPECTRE are still most unhappy about using you。  They have sent a message; which I am to give you; alone。〃 Bond waited。  There was a pause of a few seconds。
 〃Those who speak for SPECTRE say that you already know they are not squeamish。  They also say that it is useless for us to threaten you with death or anything else; if you don't carry out orders to the letter。〃 He gave the ghost of a smile。  〃I happen to believe that you're with us all the way。  If you're doubling; then I'd have to admit you've fooled me。 However; just so that we all know where we stand; I am to tell you the worst that can happen。
 Again Bond did not reply; or allow any change in his expression。
 〃The operation to which we are all now mitted has peaceful aims; I must stress this。  True; it will alter history。  Certainly it will bring about some chaos。  There will undoubtedly be resistance from reactionaries。  But the change will e; and with it Peace。〃 He made it plain; by his tone that the word was given a capital P。
 〃So; the EPOC frequency is a prerequisite to SPECTRE'S plan for the Peaceful solution。  If all goes well; there will be little or no bloodshed。  If anyone is hurt or killed; it will be the fault of those trying to make a stand against the inevitable。〃 Holy clasped his hands together gently and placed them on the table in a gesture of open and frank paternal counselling。
 〃What I am instructed to tell you is that; should you fail us; or try any tricks to foil what cannot be foiled; the operation will still go ahead; but the Peaceful solution will have to be abandoned。  Without the EPOC frequency there is one way only … the way of horror; terror and the ultimate holocaust。
 〃I 。  。  。  〃 Bond began; but was stopped short by Holy's glare。
 〃They wish me to make it clear to you that; should you be tempted to cut and run; not provide the frequency; or
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