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y。 She would hear the noise of the plane and perhaps her instincts would make her look up towards the sky and feel that for a moment he was nearby。
 Bond wondered if they would ever meet again and finish what they had begun。 But that would have to e later; when his work was over … the prize at the end of the dangerous road that had started three weeks before in the fog of London。
 After a cocktail and an early dinner they came in to Nassau and spent half an hour on the richest island in the world; the sandy patch where a thousand million pounds of frightened sterling lies buried beneath the Canasta tables and where bungalows surrounded by a thin scurf of screw…pine and casuarina change hands at fifty thousand pounds a piece。
 They left the platinum whistle…stop behind and were soon crossing the twinkling mother…of…pearl lights of Havana; so different in their pastel modesty from the harsh primary colours of American cities at night。
 They were flying at fifteen thousand feet when; just after crossing Cuba; they ran into one of those violent tropical storms that suddenly turn aircraft from fortable drawing…rooms into bucketing death…traps。 The great plane staggered and plunged; its screws now roaring in vacuum and now biting harshly into walls of solid air。 The thin tube shuddered and swung。 Crockery crashed in the pantry and huge rain hammered on the perspex windows。
 Bond gripped the arms of his chair so that his left hand hurt and cursed softly to himself。
 He looked at the racks of magazines and thought: they won't help much when the steel tires at fifteen thousand feet; nor will the eau…de…cologne in the washroom; nor the personalized meals; the free razor; the 'orchid for your lady' now trembling in the ice…box。 Least of all the safety…belts and the life…jackets with the whistle that the steward demonstrates will really blow; nor the cute little rescue…lamp that glows red。
 No; when the stresses are too great for the tired metal; when the ground mechanic who checks the de…icing equipment is crossed in love and skimps his job; way back in London; Idlewild; Gander; Montreal; when those or many things happen; then the little warm room with propellers in front falls straight down out of the sky into the sea or on to the land; heavier than air; fallible; vain。 And the forty little heavier…than…air people; fallible within the plane's fallibility; vain within its larger vanity; fall down with it and make little holes in the land or little splashes in the sea。 Which is anyway their destiny; so why worry? You are linked to the ground mechanic's careless fingers in Nassau just as you are linked to the weak head of the little man in the family saloon who mistakes the red light for the green and meets you head…on; for the first and last time; as you are motoring quietly home from some private sin。 There's nothing to do about it。 You start to die the moment you are born。 The whole of life is cutting through the pack with death。 So take it easy。 Light a cigarette and be grateful you are still alive as you suck the smoke deep into your lungs。 Your stars have already let you e quite a long way since you left your mother's womb and whimpered at the cold air of the world。 Perhaps they'll even let you get to Jamaica tonight。 Can't you hear those cheerful voices in the control tower that have said quietly all day long; 'e in BOAC。 e in Panam。 e in K L M '? Can't you hear them calling you down too : 'e in Transcarib。 e in Transcarib'? Don't lose faith in your stars。 Remember that hot stitch of time when you faced death from The Robber's gun last night。 You're still alive; aren't you? There; we're out of it already。 It was just to remind you that being quick with a gun doesn't mean you're really tough。 Just don't forget it。 This happy landing at Palisadoes Airport es to you by courtesy of your stars。 Better thank them。
 Bond unfastened his seat…belt and wiped the sweat off his face。
 To hell with it; he thought; as he stepped down out of the huge strong plane。
 Strangways; the chief Secret Service agent for the Caribbean; was at the airport to meet him and he was quickly through the Customs and Immigration and Finance
 It was nearly eleven and the night was quiet and hot。 There was the shrill sound of crickets from the dildo cactus on both sides of the airport road and Bond gratefully drank in the sounds and smells of the tropics as the military pick…up cut across the corner of Kingston and took them up towards the gleaming; moonlit foothills of the Blue Mountains。
 They talked in monosyllables until they were settled on the fortable veranda of Strangways's neat white house on the Junction Road below Stony Hill。
 Strangways poured a strong whisky…and…soda for both of them and then gave a concise account of the whole of the Jamaica end of the case。
 He was a lean; humorous man of about thirty…five; a former Lieutenant…mander in the Special Branch of the RNVR。 He had a black patch over one eye and the sort of aquiline good looks that are associated with the bridges of destroyers。 But his face was heavily lined under its tan and Bond sensed from his quick gestures and clipped sentences that he was nervous and highly strung。 He was certainly efficient and he had a sense of humour; and he showed no signs of jealousy at someone from headquarters butting in on his territory。 Bond felt that they would get on well together and he looked forward to the partnership。 This was the story that Strangways had to tell。 It had always been rumoured that there was treasure on the Isle of Surprise and everything that was known about Bloody Morgan supported the rumour。
 The tiny island lay in the exact centre of Shark Bay; a small harbour that lies at the end of the Junction Road that runs across the thin waist of Jamaica from Kingston to the north coast。
 The great buccaneer had made Shark Bay his headquarters。 He liked to have the whole width of the island between himself and the Governor at Port Royal so that he could slip in and out of Jamaican waters in plete secrecy。 The Governor also liked the arrangement。 The Crown wished a blind eye to be turned on Morgan's piracy until the Spaniards had been cleared out of the Caribbean。 When this was acplished; Morgan was rewarded with a Knighthood and the Governorship of Jamaica。 Till then; his actions had to be disavowed to avoid a European war with Spain。
 So; for the long period before the poacher turned gamekeeper; Morgan used Shark Bay as his sallyport。 He built three houses on the neighbouring estate; christened Llanrumney after his birthplace in Wales。 These houses were called 'Morgan's'; The Doctor's' and The Lady's'。 Buckles and coins are still turned up in the ruins of them。
 His ships always anchored in Shark Bay and he careened them in the lee of the Isle of Surprise; a precipitous lump of coral and limestone that surges straight up out of the centre of the bay and is surmounted by a jungly plateau of about an acre。
 When; in 1683; he left Jamaica for the last time; it was under open arrest to be tried by his peers for flouting the Crown。 His treasure was left behind somewhere in Jamaica and he died in penury without revealing its whereabouts。 It must have been a
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