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'll take her out to dinner in Tampa。 They've got the best restaurant on the whole coast; Cuban; 〃Los Novedades〃。 We'll stop at the airport on the way and fix her flight for tomorrow。'
 Leiter reached for the telephone and asked for Long Distance。 Bond left him to it。
 Ten minutes later they were on their way。
 Solitaire had not wanted to be left。 She had clung to Bond。 'I want to get away from here;' she said; her eyes frightened。 'I have a feeling。。。' She didn't end the sentence。 Bond kissed her。
 'It's all right;' he said。 'We'll be back in an hour or so。 Nothing can happen to you here。 Then I shan't leave you until you're on the plane。 We can even stay the night in Tampa and get you off at first light。'
 'Yes; please;' said Solitaire anxiously。 I'd rather do that。 I'm frightened here。 I feel in danger。' She put her arms round his neck。 'Don't think I'm being hysterical。' She kissed him。 'Now you can go。 I just wanted to see you。 Gome back quickly。'
 Leiter had called and Bond had closed the door on her and locked it。
 He followed Leiter to his car on the Parkway feeling vaguely troubled。 He couldn't imagine that the girl could e to any harm in this peaceful; law…abiding place; or that The Big Man could conceivably have traced her to The Everglades; which was only one of a hundred similar beach establishments on Treasure Island。 But he respected the extraordinary power of her intuitions and her attack of nerves made him uneasy。
 The sight of Leiter's car put these thoughts out of his mind。
 Bond liked fast cars and he liked driving them。 Most American cars bored him。 They lacked personality and the patina of individual craftsmanship that European cars have。 They were just Vehicles'; similar in shape and in colour; and even in the tone of their horns。 Designed to serve for a year and then be turned in in part exchange for the next year's model。 All the fun of driving had been taken out of them with the abolition of a gear…change; with hydraulic…assisted steering and spongy suspension。 All effort had been smoothed away and all of that close contact with the machine and the road that extracts skill and nerve from the European driver。 To Bond; American cars were just beetle…shaped Dodgems in which you motored along with one hand on the wheel; the ladio full on; and the power…operated windows closed to keep out the draughts。
 But Leiter had got hold of an old Cord; one of the few American cars with a personality; and it cheered Bond to climb into the low…hung saloon; to hear the solid bite of the gears and the masculine tone of the wide exhaust。 Fifteen years old; he reflected; yet still one of the most modern…looking cars in the world。
 They swung on to the causeway and across the wide expanse of unrippled water that separates the twenty miles of narrow island from the broad peninsula sprawling with St。 Petersburg and its suburbs。
 Already as they idled up Central Avenue on their way across the town to the Yacht Basin and the main harbour and the big hotels; Bond caught a whiff of the atmosphere that makes the town the 'Old Folks Home' of America。 Everyone on the sidewalks had white hair; white or blue; and the famous Sidewalk Davenports that Solitaire had described were thick with oldsters sitting in rows like the starlings in Trafalgar Square。
 Bond noted the small grudging mouths of the women; the sun gleaming on their pince…nez; the stringy; collapsed chests and arms of the men displayed to the sunshine in Truman shirts。 The fluffy; sparse balls of hair on the women showing the pink scalp。 The bony bald heads of the men。 And; everywhere; a prattling camaraderie; a swapping of news and gossip; a making of folksy dates for the shuffle board and the bridge…table; a handing round of letters from children and grandchildren; a tut…tutting about prices in the shops and the motels。
 You didn't have to be amongst them to hear it all。 It was all in the nodding and twittering of the balls of blue fluff; the back…slapping and hawk…an…spitting of the little old baldheads。
 'It makes you want to climb right into the tomb and pull the lid down;' said Leiter at Bond's exclamations of horror。 'You wait till we get out and walk。 If they see your shadow ing up the sidewalk behind them they jump out of the way as if you were the Chief Cashier ing to look over their shoulders in the bank。 It's ghastly。 Makes me think of the bank clerk who went home unexpectedly at midday and found the President of the bank sleeping with his wife。 He went back and told his pals in the ledger department and said; 〃Gosh; fellers; he nearly caught me!〃 '
 Bond laughed。
 'You can hear all the presentation gold watches ticking in their pockets;' said Leiter。 'Place is full of undertakers; and pawnshops stuffed with gold watches and masonic rings and bits of jet and lockets full of hair。 Makes you shiver to think of it all。 Wait till you go to 〃Aunt Milly's Place〃 and see them all in droves mumbling over their corn…beef hash and cheeseburgers; trying to keep alive till ninety。 It'll frighten the life out of you。 But they're not all old down here。 Take a look at that ad over there。' He pointed towards a big hoarding on a deserted lot。
 It was an advertisement for maternity clothes。 'STUTZ HEIMER & BLOCK;' it Said; 'IT'S NEW! OUR ANTICIPATION   DEPARTMENT; AND AFTER! CLOTHES FOR CHIPS (1…4) AND TWIGS (4…8)。'
 Bond groaned。 'Let's get away from here;' he said。 'This is really beyond the call of duty。'
 They came down to the waterfront and turned right until they came to the seaplane base and the coastguard station。 The streets were free of oldsters and here there was the normal life of a harbour … wharves; warehouses; a ship's chandler; some up…turned boats; nets drying; the cry of seagulls; the。 rather fetid smell ing in off the bay。 After the teeming boneyard of the town the sign over the garage: 'Drive…ur…Self。 Pat Grady。 The Smiling Irishman。 Used cars;' was a cheerful reminder of a livelier; bustling world。
 'Better get out and walk;' said Leiter。 'The Robber's place is in the next block。'
 They left the car beside the harbour and sauntered along past a timber warehouse and some oil…storage tanks。 Then they turned left again towards the sea。
 The side…road ended at a small weather…beaten wooden jetty that reached out twenty feet on barnacled piles into the bay。 Right up against its open gate was a long low corrugated…iron warehouse。 Over its wide double doors was painted; black on white; 'Ourobouros Inc。 Live Worm and Bait Merchants。 Coral; Shells; Tropical Fish。 Wholesale only。' In one of the double doors there was a smaller door with a gleaming Yale lock。 On the door was a sign: 'Private。 Keep Out。'
 Against this a man sat on a kitchen chair; its back tilted so that the door supported his weight。 He was cleaning a rifle; a Remington 30 it looked like to Bond。 He had a wooden toothpick sticking out of his mouth and a battered baseball cap on the back of his head。 He was wearing a stained white singlet that revealed tufts of black hair under his arms; and slept…in white canvas trousers and rubber…soled sneakers。 He was around forty and his face was as knotted and seamed as the mooring posts on the jetty。 It was a thin; hatc
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