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ou've forgotten you gave me your money to look after before we left the house。'
 'Guess the lady'll need plenty for her summer frocks;' said the conductor。 'Shops is plenty expensive in St。 Pete。 Plenty hot down there too。 You folks been to Florida before?〃
 'We always go at this time of year;' said Bond。
 'Hope you have a pleasant trip;' said the conductor。
 When the door shut behind him; Solitaire laughed delightedly。
 'You can't embarrass me;' she said。 'I'll think up something really fierce if you're not careful。 To begin with; I'm going in there;' she gestured towards the door behind Bond's head。 'I must look terrible。'
 'Go ahead; darling;' laughed Bond as she disappeared。
 Bond turned to the window and watched the pretty clapboard houses slip by as they approached Trenton。 He loved trains and he looked forward with excitement to the rest of the journey。
 The train was slowing down。 They slid past sidings full of 〃empty freight cars bearing names from all over the States … 'Lackawanna'; 'Chesapeake and Ohio'; 'Lehigh Valley'; 'Seaboard Fruit Express'; and the lilting 'Acheson; Topeka and Santa Fe' … names that held all the romance of the American railroads。 
 'British Railways?' thought Bond。 He sighed and turned his thoughts back to the present adventure。
 For better or worse he had decided to accept Solitaire; or rather; in his cold way; to make the most of her。 There were many questions to be answered but now was not the time to ask them。 All that immediately concerned him was that another blow had been struck at Mr。 Big … where it would hurt most; in his vanity。
 As for the girl; as a girl; he reflected that it was going to be fun teasing her and being teased back and he was glad that they had already crossed the frontiers into radeship and even intimacy。
 Was it true what The Big Man had said; that she would have nothing to do with men? He doubted it。 She seemed open to love and to desire。 At any rate he knew she was not closed to him。 He wanted her to e back and sit down opposite him again so that he could look at her and play with her and slowly discover her。 Solitaire。 It was an attractive name。 No wonder they had christened her that in the sleazy nightclubs of Port au Prince。 Even in her present promise of warmth towards him there was much that was withdrawn and mysterious。 He sensed a lonely childhood on some great decaying plantation; an echoing 'Great House' slowly falling into disrepair and being encroached on by the luxuriance of the tropics。 The parents dying; and the property being sold。 The panionship of a servant or two and an equivocal life in lodgings in the capital。 The beauty which was her only asset and the struggle against the shady propositions to be a 'governess'; a 'panion'; a'secretary'; all of which meant respectable prostitution。 Then the dubious; unknown steps into the world of entertainment。 The evening stint at the nightclub with the mysterious act which; among people dominated by magic; must have kept many away from her and made her a person to be feared。 And then; one evening; the huge man with the grey face sitting at a table by himself。 The promise that he would put her on Broadway。 The chance of a new life; of an escape from the heat and the dirt and the solitude。
 Bond turned brusquely away from the window。 A romantic picture; perhaps。 But it must have been something like that。
 He heard the door unlock。 The girl came back and slid into the seat opposite him。 She looked fresh and gay。 She examined him carefully。
 'You have been wondering about me;' she said。 'I felt it。 Don't worry。 There is nothing very bad to know。 I will tell you all about it some day。 When we have time。 Now I want to forget about the past。 I will just tell you my real name。 It is Simone Latrelle; but you can call me what you like。 I am twenty…five。 And now I am happy。 I like this little room。 But I am hungry and sleepy。 Which bed will you have?'
 Bond smiled at the question。 He reflected。
 'It's not very gallant;' he said; 'but I think I'd better have the bottom one。 I'd rather be close to the floor … just in case。 Not that there's anything to worry about;' he added; seeing her frown; 'but Mr。 Big seems to have a pretty long arm; particularly in the negro world。 And that includes the railroads。 Do you mind?'
 'Of course not;' she said。 'I was going to suggest it。 And you couldn't climb into the top one with your poor hand。'
 Their lunch arrived; brought from the diner by a preoccupied negro waiter。 He seemed anxious to be paid and get back to his work。
 When they had finished and Bond rang for the Pullman porter; he also seemed distrait and avoided looking at Bond。 He took his time getting the beds made up。 He made much show of not having enough room to move around in。
 Finally; he seemed to pluck up courage。
 'Praps Mistress Bryce like set down nex' door while Ah git the room fixed;' he said; looking over Bond's head。 'Nex' room goin' to be empty all way to St。 Pete。' He took out a key and unlocked the municating door without waiting for Bond's reply。
 At a gesture from Bond; Solitaire took the hint。 He heard her lock the door into the corridor。 The negro bumped the municating door shut。
 Bond waited for a moment。 He remembered the negro's name。
 'Got something on your mind; Baldwin?' he asked。
 Relieved; the attendant turned and looked straight at him。
 'Sho' have; Mister Bryce。 Yassuh。' Once started; the words came in a torrent。 'Shouldn be tellin' yuh this; Mister Bryce; but dere's plenty trouble 'n this train this trip。 Yuh gotten yoself a henemy 'n dis train; Mister Bryce。 Yassuh。 Ah hears tings which Ah don' like at all。 Cain't say much。 Get mahself 'n plenty trouble。 But yuh all want to watch yo step plenty good。 Yassuh。 Certain party got da finger 'n yuh; Mister Bryce; 'n dat man is bad news。 Better take dese hyah;' he reached in 'his pocket and brought out two wooden window wedges。 'Push dem under the doors;' he said。 'Ah cain't do nuthen else。 Git mah throat cut。 But Ah don' like any foolin' aroun' wid da customers 'n my cyar。 Nossuh。'
 Bond took the wedges from him。 'But。。。'
 'Cain't help yuh no more; Sah;' said the negro with finality; his hand on the door。 'Ef yuh ring fo me dis evenin'; Ah'll fetch yo dinner。 Doan yuh go lettin' any person else in the room。'
 His hand came out to take the twenty…dollar bill。 He crumpled it into his pocket。
 'Ah'll do all Ah can; Sah;' he said。 'But dey'll git me ef Ah don' watch it。 Sho will。' He went out and quickly shut the door behind him。
 Bond thought for a moment then he opened the municating door。 Solitaire was reading。
 'He's fixed everything;' he said。 'Took a long time about it。 Wanted to tell me all his life…story as well。 I'll keep out of your way until you've climbed up to your nest。 Call me when you're ready。'
 He sat down next door in the seat she had left and watched the grim suburbs of Philadelphia showing their sores; like beggars; to the rich train。
 No object in frightening her until it had to be。 But the new threat had e sooner than he expected; and her danger if the watcher on the train discovered her identity would be as great as his。
 She called and he went in。
 The room 
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