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ou; but this isn't a hell of a good spot to go up against him if he's got friends here。〃
 〃Has he?〃
 Jack put the cigarette in a corner of his mouth so it moved batonwise with his words。 〃If they're waiting here for him; it might be one of his hang…outs。〃
 The waiter came with their drinks。 Ned Beaumont drained his glass immediately and plained: 〃Cut to nothing。〃
 〃Yes; I guess it is;〃 Jack said and took a sip from his glass。 He set fire to the end of his cigarette and took another sip。
 〃Well;〃 Ned Beaumont said; 〃I'm going up against him as soon as he shows。〃
 〃Fair enough。〃 Jack's good…looking dark face was inscrutable。 〃What do I do?〃
 Ned Beaumont said; 〃Leave it to me;〃 and caught their waiter's attention。
 He ordered a double Scotch。 Jack another rickey。 Ned Beaumont emptied his glass as soon as it arrived。 Jack let his first drink be carried away no more than half consumed and sipped at his second。 Presently Ned Beaumont had another double Scotch and another while Jack had time to finish none of his drinks。
 Then Bernie Despain came upstairs。
 Jack; watching the head of the stairs; saw the gambler and put a foot on Ned Beaumont's under the table。 Ned Beaumont; looking up from his empty glass; became suddenly hard and cold of eye。 He put his hands flat on the table and stood up。 He stepped out of the stall and faced Despain。 He said: 〃I want my money; Bernie。〃
 The man who had e upstairs behind Despain now walked around him and struck Ned Beaumont very hard in the body with his left fist。 He was not a tall man; but his shoulders were heavy and his fists were large globes。
 Ned Beaumont was knocked back against a stall…partition。 He bent forward and his knees gave; but he did not fall。 He hung there for a moment。 His eyes were glassy and his skin had taken on a greenish tinge。 He said something nobody could have understood and went to the head of the stairs。
 He went down the stairs; loose…jointed; pallid; and bare…headed。 He went through the downstairs dining…room to the street and out to the curb; where he vomited。 When he had vomited; he went to a taxicab that stood a dozen feet away; climbed into it; and gave the driver an address in Greenwich Village。
 Ned Beaumont left the taxicab in front of a house whose open basement…door; under brown stone steps; let noise and light out into a dark street。 He went through the basement…doorway into a narrow room where two white…coated bar…tenders served a dozen men and women at a twenty…foot bar and two waiters moved among tables at which other people sat。
 The balder bar…tender said; 〃For Christ's sake; Ned!〃 put down the pink mixture he was shaking in a tall glass; and stuck a wet hand out across the bar。
 Ned Beaumont said; 〃'Lo; Mack;〃 and shook the wet hand。
 One of the waiters came up to shake Ned Beaumont's hand and then a round and florid Italian whom Ned Beaumont called Tony。 When these greetings were over Ned Beaumont said he would buy a drink。
 〃Like hell you will;〃 Tony said。 He turned to the bar and rapped on it with an empty cocktail…glass。 〃This guy can't buy so much as a glass of water tonight;〃 he said when he had the bar…tenders' attention。 〃What he wants is on the house。〃
 Ned Beaumont said: 〃That's all right for me; so I get it。 Double Scotch。〃
 Two girls at a table in the other end of the room stood up and called together: 〃Yoo…hoo; Ned!〃
 He told Tony; 〃Be back in a minute;〃 and went to the girls' table。 They embraced him; asked him questions; introduced him to the men with them; and made a place for him at their table。
 He sat down and replied to their questions that he was back in New York only for a short visit and not to stay and that his was double Scotch。
 At a little before three o'clock they rose from their table; left Tony's establishment; and went to another almost exactly like it three blocks away; where they sat at a table that could hardly have been told from the first and drank the same sort of liquor they had been drinking。
 One of the men went away at half past three。 He did not say good…by to the others; nor they to him。 Ten minutes later Ned Beaumont; the other man; and the two girls left。 They got into a taxicab at the corner and went to a hotel near Washington Square; where the other man and one of the girls got out。
 The remaining girl took Ned Beaumont; who called her Fedink; to an apartment in Seventy…third Street。 The apartment was very warm。 When she opened the door warm air came out to meet them。 When she was three steps inside the living…room she sighed and fell down on the floor。
 Ned Beaumont shut the door and tried to awaken her; but she would not wake。 He carried and dragged her difficultly into the next room and put her on a chintz…covered day…bed。 He took off part of her clothing; found some blankets to spread over her; and opened a window。 Then he went into the bathroom and was sick。 After that he returned to the living…room; lay down on the sofa in all his clothes; and went to sleep。
 A telephone…bell; ringing close to Ned Beaumont's head; awakened him。 He opened his eyes; put his feet down on the floor; turned on his side; and looked around the room。 When he saw the telephone he shut his eyes and relaxed。
 The bell continued to ring。 He groaned; opened his eyes again; and squirmed until he had freed his left arm from beneath his body。 He put his wrist close to his eves and looked at his watch; squinting。 The watch's crystal was gone and its hands had stopped at twelve minutes to twelve。
 Ned Beaumont squirmed again on the sofa until he was leaning on his left elbow; holding his head up on his left hand。 The telephone…bell was still ringing。 He looked around the room with miserably dull eyes。 The lights were burning。 Through an open doorway he could see Fedink's blanket…covered feet on an end of the day…bed。
 He groaned again and sat up; running fingers through his tousled dark hair; squeezing his temples between the heels of his palms。 His lips were dry and brownly encrusted。 He ran his tongue over them and made a distasteful face。 Then he rose; coughing a little; took off his gloves and overcoat; dropped them on the sofa; and went into the bathroom。
 When he came out he went to the day…bed and looked down at Fedink。 She was sleeping heavily; face down; one blue…sleeved arm crooked above her head。 The telephone…bell had stopped ringing。 He pulled his tie straight and returned to the living…room。
 Three Murad cigarettes were in an open box on the table between two chairs。 He picked up one of the cigarettes; muttered; 〃Nonchalant;〃 without humor; found a paper of matches; lit the cigarette; and went into the kitchen。 He squeezed the juice of four oranges into a tall glass and drank it。 He made and drank two cups of coffee。
 As he came out of the kitchen Fedink asked in a woefully flat voice: 〃Where's Ted?〃 Her one visible eye was partially open。
 Ned Beaumont went over to her。 〃Who's Ted?〃 he asked。
 〃That fellow I was with。〃
 〃Were you with somebody? How do I know?〃
 She opened her mouth and made an unpleasant clucking sound shutting it。 〃What time is it?〃
 〃I don't know that either。 Somewhere around daylight。〃
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