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ar small patches of yellow light glowed faintly。 Ned Beaumont shivered; tried to draw his rain…coat closer around him; and began to stumble downhill through drenched underbrush towards the patches of light。
 Wind and rain on his back pushed him downhill towards the patches。 As he went downhill stiffness gradually left him so that; though he stumbled often and staggered; and was tripped by obstacles underfoot; he kept his feet under him and moved nimbly enough; if erratically; towards his goal。
 Presently a path came under his feet。 He turned into it; holding it partly by its sliminess under his feet; partly by the feel of the bushes whipping his face on either side; and not at all by sight。 The path led him off to the left for a little distance; but then; swinging in a broad curve; brought him to the brink of a small gorge through which water rushed noisily and from there; in another curve; to the front door of the building where the yellow light glowed。
 Ned Beaumont went straight up to the door and knocked。
 The door was opened by a grey…haired bespectacled man。 His face was mild and greyish and the eyes that peered anxiously through the pale…tortoise…shell…encircled lenses of his spectacles were grey。 His brown suit was neat and of good quality; but not fashionably cut。 One side of his rather high stiff white collar had been blistered in four places by drops of water。 He stood aside holding the door open and said; 〃e in; sir; e in out of the rain;〃 in a friendly if not hearty voice。 〃A wretched night to be out in。〃
 Ned Beaumont lowered his head no more than two inches in the beginning of a bow and stepped indoors。 He was in a large room that occupied all the building's ground…floor。 The sparseness and simplicity of the room's furnishings gave it a primitive air that was pleasantly devoid of ostentation。 It was a kitchen; a dining…room; and a living…room。
 Opal Madvig rose from the footstool on which she had been sitting at one end of the fireplace and; holding herself tall and straight; stared with hostile bleak eyes at Ned Beaumont。
 He took off his hat and began to unbutton his rain…coat。 The others recognized him then。
 The man who had opened the door said; 〃Why; it's Beaumont!〃 in an incredulous voice and looked wide…eyed at Shad O'Rory。
 Shad O'Rory was sitting in a wooden chair in the center of the room facing the fireplace。 He smiled dreamily at Ned Beaumont; saying; in his musical faintly Irish barytone; 〃And so it is;〃 and; 〃How are you; Ned?〃
 Jeff Gardner's apish face broadened in a grin that showed his beautiful false teeth and almost pletely hid his little red eyes。 〃By Jesus; Rusty!〃 he said to the sullen rosy…cheeked boy who lounged on the bench beside him; 〃little Rubber Ball has e back to us。 I told you he liked the way we bounced him around。〃
 Rusty lowered at Ned Beaumont and growled something that did not carry across the room。
 The thin girl in red sitting not far from Opal Madvig looked at Ned Beaumont with bright interested dark eyes。
 Ned Beaumont took off his coat。 His lean face; still bearing the marks of Jeff's and Rusty's fists; was tranquil except for the recklessness aglitter in his eyes。 He put his coat and hat on a long unpainted chest that was against one wall near the door。 He smiled politely at the man who had admitted him and said: 〃My car broke down as I was passing。 It's very kind of you to give me shelter; Mr。 Mathews。〃
 Mathews said; 〃Not at allglad to;〃 somewhat vaguely。 Then his frightened eyes looked pleadingly at O'Rory again。
 O'Rory stroked his smooth white hair with a slender pale hand and smiled pleasantly at Ned Beaumont; but did not say anything。
 Ned Beaumont advanced to the fireplace。 〃'Lo; snip;〃 he said to Opal Madvig。
 She did not respond to his greeting。 She stood there and looked at him with hostile bleak eyes。
 He directed his smile at the thin girl in red。 〃This is Mrs。 Mathews; isn't it?〃
 She said; 〃It is;〃 in a soft; almost cooing; voice and held out her hand。
 〃Opal told me you were a schoolmate of hers;〃 he said as he took her hand。 He turned from her to face Rusty and Jeff。 〃'Lo; boys;〃 he said carelessly。 〃I was hoping I'd see you some time soon。〃
 Rusty said nothing。
 Jeff's face became an ugly mask of grinning delight。 〃Me and you both;〃 he said heartily; 〃now that my knuckles are all healed up again。 What do you guess it is that makes me get such a hell of a big kick out of slugging you?〃
 Shad O'Rory gently addressed the apish man without turning to look at him: 〃You talk too much with your mouth; Jeff。 Maybe if you didn't you'd still have your own teeth。〃
 Mrs。 Mathews spoke to Opal in an undertone。 Opal shook her head and sat down on the stool by the fire again。
 Mathews; indicating a wooden chair at the other end of the fireplace; said nervously: 〃Sit down; Mr。 Beaumont; and dry your feet andand get warm。〃
 〃Thanks。〃 Ned Beaumont pulled the chair out more directly in the fire's glow and sat down。
 Shad O'Rory was lighting a cigarette。 When he had finished he took it from between his lips and asked: 〃How are you feeling; Ned?〃
 〃Pretty good; Shad。〃
 〃That's fine。〃 O'Rory turned his head a little to speak to the two men on the bench: 〃You boys can go back to town tomorrow。〃 He turned back to Ned Beaumont; explaining blandly: 〃We were playing safe as long as we didn't know for sure you weren't going to die; but we don't mind standing an assault…rap。〃
 Ned Beaumont nodded。 〃The chances are I won't go to the trouble of appearing against you; anyhow; on that; but don't forget our friend Jeff's wanted for West's murder。〃 His voice was light; but into his eyes; fixed on the log burning in the fireplace; came a brief evil glint。 There was nothing in his eyes but mockery when he moved them to the left to focus on Mathews。 〃Though of course I might so I could make trouble for Mathews for helping you hide out。〃
 Mathews said hastily: 〃I didn't; Mr。 Beaumont。 I didn't even know they were here until we came up today and I was as surprised as〃 He broke off; his face panicky; and addressed Shad O'Rory; whining: 〃You know you are wele。 You know that; but the point I'm trying to make〃his face was illuminated by a sudden glad smile〃is that by helping you without knowing it I didn't do anything I could be held legally responsible for。〃
 O'Rory said softly: 〃Yes; you helped me without knowing it。〃 His notable clear blue…grey eyes looked without interest at the newspaper…publisher。
 Mathews's smile lost its gladness; flickered out entirely。 He fidgeted with fingers at his necktie and presently evaded O'Rory's gaze。
 Mrs。 Mathews spoke to Ned Beaumont; sweetly: 〃Everybody's been so dull this evening。 It was simply ghastly until you came。〃
 He looked at her curiously。 Her dark eyes were bright; soft; inviting。 Under his appraising look she lowered her head a little and pursed her lips a little; coquettishly。 Her lips were thin; too dark with rouge; but beautiful in form。 He smiled at her and; rising; went over to her。
 Opal Madvig stared at the floor before her。 Mathews; O'Rory; and the two men on the bench watched Ned Beaumont and Mathews's wife。
 He asked; 〃What makes them so dull?〃 and sat down on the f
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