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He lay down on the bathroom…floor and sobbed himself to sleep。
 When he awakened again he could stand; and did。 He doused his head in cold water and drank four glasses of water。 The water made him sick and after that he began to shake with a chill。 He went into the bedroom and lay down on the bare blood…stained mattress; but got up almost immediately to go stumbling and staggering in haste back to the bathroom; where he got down on hands and knees and searched the floor until he had found the rusty razor…blade。 He sat on the floor and put the razorblade into his vest…pocket。 Putting it in; his fingers touched his lighter。 He took the lighter out and looked at it。 A cunning gleam came into his one open eye as he looked at the lighter。 The gleam was not sane。
 Shaking so that his teeth rattled together; he got up from the bathroom…floor and went into the bedroom again。 He laughed harshly when he saw the newspaper under the table where the apish dark man and the sullen rosy…checked boy had played cards。 Tearing and rumpling and wadding the paper in his hands; he carried it to the door and put it on the floor there。 In each of the drawers in the chest of drawers he found a piece of wrapping…paper folded to cover the bottom。 He rumpled them and put them with the newspaper against the door。 With the razor…blade he made a long gash in the mattress; pulled out big handfuls of the coarse grey cotton with which the mattress was stuffed; and carried them to the door。 He was not shaking now; nor stumbling; and he used both hands dexterously; but presently he tired of gutting the mattress and dragged what was left of ittick and allto ti…me door。
 He giggled then and; after the third attempt; got his lighter ignited。 He set fire to the bottom of the heap against the door。 At first he stood close to the heap; crouching over it; but as the smoke increased it drove him back step by step; reluctantly; coughing as he retreated。 Presently he went into the bathroom; soaked a towel with water; and wrapped it around his head; covering eyes; nose; and mouth。 He came stumbling back into the bedroom; a dim figure in the smoky room; fell against ti…me bed; and sat down on the floor beside it。
 Jeff found him there when he came in。
 Jeff came in cursing and coughing through the rag he held against nose and mouth。 In opening the door he had pushed most of the burning heap back a little。 He kicked some more out of the way and stamped through the rest to reach Ned Beaumont。 He took Ned Beaumont by the back of the collar and dragged him out of the room。
 Outside; still holding Ned Beaumont by the back of the collar; Jeff kicked him to his feet and ran him down to the far end of the corridor。 There he pushed him through an open doorway; bawled; 〃I'm going to eat one of your ears when I e back; you bastard;〃 at him; kicked him again; stepped back into the corridor; slammed the door; and turned the key in its lock。
 Ned Beaumont; kicked into the room; saved himself from a fall by catching hold of a table。 He pushed himself up a little nearer straight and looked around。 The towel had fallen down muffler…fashion around his neck and shoulders。 The room had two windows。 He went to the nearer window and tried to raise it。 It was locked。 He unfastened the lock and raised the window。 Outside was night。 He put a leg over the sill; then the other; turned so that he was lying belly…down across the sill; lowered himself until he was hanging by his hands; felt with his feet for some support; found none; and let himself drop。
 V。The Hospital
 A nurse was doing something to Ned Beaumont's face。
 〃Where am I?〃 he asked。
 〃St。 Luke's Hospital。〃 She was a small nurse with very large bright hazel eyes; a breathless sort of hushed voice; and an odor of mimosa。
 〃What day?〃
 〃It's Monday。〃
 〃What month and year?〃 he asked。 When she frowned at him he said: 〃Oh; never mind。 How long have I been here?〃
 〃This is the third day。〃
 〃Where's the telephone?〃 He tried to sit up。
 〃Stop that;〃 she said。 〃You can't use the telephone and you mustn't get yourself excited。〃
 〃You use it; then。 Call Hartford six one one six and tell Mr。 Madvig that I've got to see him right away。〃
 〃Mr。 Madvig's here every afternoon;〃 she said; 〃but I don't think Doctor Tait will let you talk to anybody yet。 As a matter of fact you've done a whole lot more talking now… than you ought to。〃
 〃What is it now? Morning or afternoon?〃
 〃That's too long to wait;〃 he said。 〃Call him now。〃
 〃Doctor Tait will be in in a little while。〃
 〃I don't want any Doctor Taits;〃 he said irritably。 〃I want Paul Madvig。〃
 〃You'll do what you're told;〃 she replied。 〃You'll lie there and be quiet till Doctor Tait es。〃
 He scowled at her。 〃What a swell nurse you are。 Didn't anybody ever tell you it's not good for patients to be quarreled with?〃
 She ignored his question。
 He said: 〃Besides; you're hurting my jaw。〃
 She said: 〃If you'd keep it still it wouldn't get hurt。〃
 He was quiet for a moment。 Then he asked: 〃What's supposed to have happened to me? Or didn't you get far enough in your lessons to know?〃
 〃Probably a drunken brawl;〃 she told him; but she could not keep her face straight after that。 She laughed and said: 〃But honestly you shouldn't talk so much and you can't see anybody till the doctor says so。〃
 Paul Madvig arrived early in the afternoon。 〃Christ; I'm glad to see you alive again!〃 he said。 He took the invalid's unbandaged left hand in both of his。
 Ned Beaumont said: 〃I'm all right。 But here's what we've got to do: grab Walt Ivans and have him taken over to Braywood and shown to the gun…dealers there。 He〃
 〃You told me all that;〃 Madvig said。 〃That's done。〃
 Ned Beaumont frowned。 〃I told you?〃
 〃Surethe morning you were picked up。 They took you to the Emergency Hospital and you wouldn't let them do anything to you till you'd seen me and I came down there and you told me about Ivans and Braywood and passed out cold。〃
 〃It's a blank to me;〃 Ned Beaumont said。 〃Did you nail them?〃
 〃We got the Ivanses; all right; and Walt Ivans talked after he was identified in Braywood and the Grand Jury indicted Jeff Gardner and two John Does; but we're not going to be able to nail Shad on it。 Gardner's the man Ivans dickered with and anybody knows he wouldn't do anything without Shad's say…so; but proving it's another thing。〃
 〃Jeff's the monkey…looking guy; huh? Has he been picked up yet?〃
 〃No。 Shad took him into hiding with him after you got away; I guess。 They had you; didn't they?〃
 〃Uh…huh。 In the Dog House; upstairs。 I went there to lay a trap for the gent and he out…trapped me。〃 He scowled。 〃I remember going there with Whisky Vassos and being bitten by the dog and knocked around by Jeff and a blond kid。 Then there was something about a fire andthat's about all。 Who found me? and where?〃
 〃A copper found you crawling on all fours up the middle of Colman Street at three in the morning leaving a trail of blood behind you。〃
 〃I think of funny things to do;〃 Ned Beaumont said。
 The small nurse with large eyes opened the door cautiously and put her head in。
 Ned Beaumont
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