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 For a small fraction of a second the twinkle in Despain's eyes was blurred; hut he said immediately: 〃Ain't you getting up in the world! The last time I saw you you were just punking around for Paul。〃
 Ned Beaumont refolded the paper and returned it to his pocket。 Despain said: 〃Well; go ahead; investigate something for usanythingjust to show us how it's done。〃 He sat down facing Ned Beaumont; wagging his too…large head。 〃You ain't going to tell me you came all the way to New York to ask me about killing Taylor Henry?〃
 〃That's too bad。 I could've saved you the trip。〃 He flourished a hand at the traveling…bags on the floor。 〃As soon as Lee told me what it was all about I started packing up to go back and laugh it your frame…up。〃
 Ned Beaumont lounged back fortably in his chair。 One of his hands was behind him。 He said: 〃If it's a frame…up it's Lee's。 The police got their dope from her。〃
 〃Yes;〃 she said angrily; 〃when I had to because you sent them there; you bastard。〃
 Despain said: 〃Uh…huh; Lee's a dumb cluck; all right; but those markers don't mean anything。 They〃
 〃I'm a dumb cluck; am I?〃 Lee cried indignantly。 〃Didn't I e all the way here to warn you after you'd run off with every stinking piece of〃
 〃Yes;〃 Despain agreed pleasantly。 〃and ing here shows just what a dumb cluck you are; because you led this guy right to me。〃
 〃If that's the way you feel about it I'm damned glad I did give the police those I 0 Us; and what do you think of that?〃
 Despain said: 〃I'll tell you just exactly what I think of it after our pany's gone。〃 He turned to Ned Beaumont。 〃So honest Paul Madvig's letting you drop the shuck on me; huh?〃
 Ned Beaumont smiled。 〃You're not being framed; Bernie; and you know it。 Lee gave us the lead…in and the rest that we got clicked with it。〃
 〃There's some more besides what she gave you?〃
 Ned Beaumont smiled again。 〃There are lots of things I could say to you; Bernie; that I wouldn't want to say in front of a crowd。〃
 Despain said: 〃Nuts!〃
 The Kid spoke from the doorway to Despain in his rasping voice: 〃Let's chuck this sap out on his can and get going。〃
 〃Wait;〃 Despain said。 Then he frowned and put a question to Ned Beaumont: 〃Is there a warrant out for me?〃
 〃Well; I don't〃
 〃Yes or no?〃 Despain's bantering humor was gone。
 Ned Beaumont said slowly: 〃Not that I know of。〃
 Despain stood up and pushed his chair back。 〃Then get the hell out of here and make it quick; or I'll let the Kid take another poke at you。〃
 Ned Beaumont stood up。 He picked up his overcoat。 He took his cap out of his overcoat…pocket and; holding it in one hand; his overcoat over the other arm; said seriously: 〃You'll be sorry。〃 Then he walked out in a dignified manner。 The Kid's rasping laughter and Lee's shriller hooting followed him out。
 Outside the Buckman Ned Beaumont started briskly down the street。 His eyes were glowing in his tired face and his dark mustache twitched above a flickering smile。
 At ti…me first corner he came face to face with Jack。 He asked: 〃What are you doing here?〃
 Jack said: 〃I'm still working for you; far as I know; so I came along to see if I could find anything to do。〃
 〃Swell。 Find us a taxi quick。 They're sliding out。〃
 Jack said; 〃Ay; ay;〃 and went down the street。
 Ned Beaumont remained on the corner。 The front and side entrances of the Buckman could be seen from there。
 In a little while Jack returned in a taxicab。 Ned Beaumont got into it and they told the driver where to park it。
 〃What did you do to them?〃 Jack asked when they were sitting still。
 Ten minutes passed and Jack; saying; 〃Look;〃 was pointing a forefinger at a taxicab drawing up to the Buckman's side door。
 The Kid; carrying two traveling…bags; left the building first; then; when he was in the taxicab; Despain and the girl ran out to join him。 The taxicab ran away。
 Jack leaned forward and told his driver what to do。 They ran along in the other cab's wake。 They wound through streets that were bright with morning sunlight; going by a devious route finally to a battered brown stone house in west Forty…ninth Street。
 Despain's cab stopped in front of the house and; once more; the Kid was the first of the trio out on the sidewalk。 He looked up and down the street。 He went up to the front door of the house and unlocked it。 Then he returned to the taxicab。 Despain and the girl jumped out and went indoors hurriedly。 The Kid followed with the bags。
 〃Stick here with the cab;〃 Ned Beaumont told Jack。
 'What are you going to do?〃
 〃Try my luck。〃
 Jack shook his head。 〃This is another wrong neighborhood to look for trouble in;〃 he said。
 Ned Beaumont said: 〃If I e out with Despain; you beat it。 Get another taxi and go hack to watch the Buckman。 If I don't e out; use your own judgment。〃
 He opened the cab…door and stepped out。 He was shivering。 His eyes were shiny。 He ignored something that Jack leaned out to say and hurried across the street to the house into which the two men and the girl had gone。
 He went straight up the front steps and put a hand on the door…knob。 The knob turned in his hand。 The door was not locked。 He pushed it open and; after peering into the dim hallway; went in。
 The door slammed shut behind him and one of the Kid's fists struck his head a glancing blow that carried his cap away and sent him crashing into the wall。 He sank down a little; giddily; almost to one knee; and the Kid's other fist struck the wall over his head。
 He pulled his lips back over his teeth and drove a fist into the Kid's groin; a short sharp blow that brought a snarl from the Kid and made him fall back so that Ned Beaumont could pull himself up straight before the Kid was upon him again。
 Up the hallway a little; Bernie Despain was leaning against the wall; his mouth stretched wide and thin; his eyes narrowed to dark points; saying over and over in a low voice: 〃Sock him; Kid; sock him      Lee Wilshire was not in sight。
 The Kid's next two blows landed on Ned Beaumont's chest; mashing him against the wall; making him cough。 The third; aimed at his face; he avoided。 Then he pushed the Kid away from him with a forearm against his throat and kicked the Kid in the belly。 The Kid roared angrily and came in with both fists going; but forearm and foot had carried him away from Ned Beaumont and had given Ned Beaumont time to get his right hand to his hip…pocket and to get Jack's revolver out of his pocket。 He had not time to level the revolver; but; holding it at a downward angle; he pulled the trigger and managed to shoot the Kid in the right thigh。 The Kid yelped and fell down on the hallway floor。 He lay there looking up at Ned Beaumont with frightened bloodshot eyes。
 Ned Beaumont stepped back from him; put his left hand in his trousers…pocket; and addressed Bernie Despain: 〃e on out with me。 I want to talk to you。〃 His face was sullenly determined。
 Footsteps ran overhead; somewhere back in the building a door opened; and down the hallway excited voices were audible; but nobody came into sight。
 Despain stared for a long moment at Ned Beaumont as if horribly fascinated。 Then; without a word
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