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       〃We will find another。 You said they were scattered all over; and if they're all like this … all this stonework around them … it should not be too hard to find one。〃
       〃Rand; that fragment said the Stones came from an older Age than the Age of Legends; and even the Aes Sedai then did not understand them; though they used them; some of the truly powerful did。 They used them with the One Power; Rand。 How did you think to use this Stone to take us back? Or any other Stone we find?〃
       For a moment Rand could only stare at the Ogier; thinking faster than he ever had in his life。 〃If they are older than the Age of Legends; maybe the people who built them didn't use the Power。 There must be another way。 The Darkfriends got here; and they certainly couldn't use the Power。 Whatever this other way is; I will find it out。 I will get us back; Loial。〃 He looked at the tall stone column with its odd markings; and felt a prickle of fear。 Light; if only I don't have to use the Power to do it。 〃I will; Loial; I promise。 One way or another。〃
       The Ogier gave a doubtful nod。 He swung up onto his huge horse and followed Rand up the steps to join Hurin among the blackened trees。
       The land stretched out; low and rolling; sparsely forested here and there with grassland between; crossed by more than one stream。 In the middle distance Rand thought he could see another burned patch。 It was all pale; the colors washed。 There was no sign of anything made by men except the stone circle behind them。 The sky was empty; no chimney smoke; no birds; only a few clouds and the pale yellow sun。
       Worst of all; though; the land seemed to twist the eye。 What was close at hand looked all right; and what was seen straight ahead in the distance。 But whenever Rand turned his head; things that appeared distant when seen from the corner of his eye seemed to rush toward him; to be nearer when he stared straight at them。 It made for dizziness; even the horses whickered nervously and rolled their eyes。 He tried moving his head slowly; the apparent movement of things that should have been fixed was still there; but it seemed to help a little。
       〃Did your piece of a book say anything about this?〃 Rand asked。
       Loial shook his head; then swallowed hard as if he wished he had kept it still。 〃Nothing。〃
       〃I suppose there's nothing to do for it。 Which way; Hurin?〃
       〃South; Lord Rand。〃 The sniffer kept his eyes on the ground。
       〃South; then。〃 There has to be a way back besides using the Power。 Rand heeled Red's flanks。 He tried to make his voice lighthearted; as if he saw no difficulty at all in what they were about。 〃What was it Ingtar said? Three or four days to that monument to Artur Hawkwing? I wonder if that exists here; too; the way the Stones do。 If this is a world that could be; maybe it's still standing。 Wouldn't that be something to see; Loial?〃
       They rode south。

Chapter 14
Wolf brother

       〃Gone?〃 Ingtar demanded of the air。 〃And my guards saw nothing。 Nothing! They cannot just be gone!〃
       Listening; Perrin hunched his shoulders and looked at Mat; who stood a little way off frowning and muttering to himself。 Arguing with himself was how Perrin saw it。 The sun was peeking over the horizon; past time for them to have been riding。 Shadows lay long across the hollow; stretched out and thinned; but still like the trees that made them。 The packhorses; loaded and on their lead line; stamped impatiently; but everyone stood by his mount and waited。
       Uno came striding up。 〃Not a goat…kissing track; my Lord。〃 He sounded offended; failure touched on his skill。 〃Burn me; not so much as a flaming hoof scrape。 They just bloody vanished。〃
       〃Three men and three horses do not just vanish;〃 Ingtar growled。 〃Go over the ground again; Uno。 If anyone can find where they went; it's you。〃
       〃Maybe they just ran away;〃 Mat said。 Uno stopped and glared at him。 Like he'd cursed an Aes Sedai; Perrin thought wonderingly。
       〃Why would they run away?〃 Ingtar's voice was dangerously soft。 〃Rand; the Builder; my sniffer … my sniffer! … why would any of them run; much less all three?〃
       Mat shrugged。 〃I don't know。 Rand was 。。。〃 Perrin wanted to throw something at him; hit him; anything to stop him; but Ingtar and Uno were watching。 He felt a flood of relief when Mat hesitated; then spread his hands and muttered; 〃I don't know why。 I just thought maybe they had。〃
       Ingtar grimaced。 〃Ran away;〃 he growled as if he did not believe it for an instant。 〃The Builder can go as he will; but Hurin would not run away。 And neither would Rand al'Thor。 He would not; he knows his duty; now。 Go on; Uno。 Search the ground again。〃 Uno gave a half bow and hurried away; sword hilt bobbing over his shoulder。 Ingtar grumbled; 〃Why would Hurin leave like that; in the middle of the night; without a word? He knows what we're about。 How am I to track this Shadow…spawned filth without him? I would give a thousand gold crowns for a pack of trail hounds。 If I did not know better; I would say the Darkfriends managed this so they can slip east or west without me knowing。 Peace; I don't know if I do know better。〃 He stumped off after Uno。
       Perrin shifted uneasily。 The Darkfriends were doubtless getting further away with every minute。 Getting further away; and with them the Horn of Valere … and the dagger from Shadar Logoth。 He did not think that Rand; whatever he had bee; whatever had happened to him; would abandon that chase。 But where did he go; and why? Loial might go with Rand for friendship … but why Hurin?
       〃Maybe he did run away;〃 he muttered; then looked around。 No one appeared to have heard; even Mat was not paying him any mind。 He scrubbed a hand through his hair。 If Aes Sedai had been after him to be a false Dragon; he would have run; too。 But worrying about Rand was doing nothing to help track the Darkfriends。
       There was a way; perhaps; if he was willing to take it。 He did not want to take it。 He had been running away from it; but perhaps; now; he could no longer run。 Serves me right for what I told Rand。 I wish I could run。 Even knowing what he could do to help … what he had to do … he hesitated。
       No one was looking at him。 No one would know what they were seeing even if they did look。 Finally; reluctantly; he closed his eyes and let himself drift; let his thoughts drift; out; away from him。
       He had tried denying it from the first; long before his eyes began to change from dark brown to burnished golden yellow。 At that first meeting; that first instant of recognition; he had refused to believe; and he had run from the recognition ever since。 He still wanted to run。
       His thoughts drifted; feeling for what must be out there; what was always out there in country where men were few or far between; feeling for his brothers。 He did not like to think of them that way; but they were。
       In the beginning he had been afraid that what he did had some taint of the Dark One; or of the One Power … equally bad for a man who wanted nothing more than to be a blacksmith and live his life in the Light; and in peace。 From that time; he knew something of how 
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