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in the air that made the tent flap stir slightly。 She was sure a sneeze could have done as much。 She had done better with Moiraine; sometimes; at least。 She wished it was Moiraine doing the teaching。
       Nynaeve never even felt a glimmer; or so she said。 By the end her eyes were set and her mouth so tight that Egwene was afraid she was about to begin berating Verin as if the Aes Sedai were a village woman intruding on her privacy。 But Verin simply told her to close her eyes once again; this time without Egwene。
       Egwene was sitting; watching the other two between her yawns。 The night had grown late; well past the time she would usually be asleep。 Nynaeve wore a face like week…old death; her eyes clamped shut as if she never meant to open them and her hands white…knuckled fists in her lap。 Egwene hoped the Wisdom's temper did not break loose; not after she had held it this long。
       〃Feel the flow through you;〃 Verin was saying。 Her voice did not change; but suddenly there was a gleam in her eyes。 〃Feel the flow。 Flow of the Power。 Flow like a breeze; a gentle stirring in the air。〃 Egwene sat up straight。 This was how Verin had guided her each time she had actually had the Power flowing through her。 〃A soft breeze; the slightest movement of air。 Soft。〃
       Abruptly the stacked blankets burst into flame like fatwood。
       Nynaeve opened her eyes with a yell。 Egwene was not sure if she screamed or not。 All Egwene knew was that she was on her feet; trying to kick the burning blankets outside before they set the tent on fire。 Before she managed a second kick; the flames vanished; leaving wispy smoke rising from a charred mass and the smell of burned wool。
       〃Well;〃 Verin said。 〃Well。 I did not expect to have to douse a fire。 Don't faint on me; child。 It's all right now。 I took care of it。〃
       〃I … I was angry。〃 Nynaeve spoke through trembling lips in a bloodless face。 〃I heard you talking about a breeze; telling me what to do; and fire just popped into my head。 I … I didn't mean to burn anything。 It was just a small fire; in … in my head。〃 She shuddered。
       〃I suppose it was a small fire; at that。〃 Verin barked a laugh that was gone with another look at Nynaeve's face。 〃Are you all right; child? If you feel ill; I can 。。。〃 Nynaeve shook her head; and Verin nodded。 〃Rest is what you need。 Both of you。 I've worked you too hard。 You must rest。 The Amyrlin will have us all up and away before first light。〃 Standing; she toed the charred blankets。 〃I will have some more blankets brought to you。 I hope this shows both of you how important control is。 You must learn to do what you mean to do; and nothing more。 Aside from harming someone else; if you draw more of the Power than you can safely handle … and you cannot handle much; yet; but it will grow … if you draw too much; you can destroy yourself。 You can die。 Or you can burn yourself out; destroy what ability you have。〃 As if she had not told them they were walking a knife edge; she added a cheerful 〃Sleep well。〃 With that; she was gone。
       Egwene put her arms around Nynaeve and hugged her tight。 〃It is all right; Nynaeve。 There is no need to be frightened。 Once you learn to control…〃
       Nynaeve gave a croaking laugh。 〃I am not frightened。〃 She glanced sideways at the smoking blankets and twitched her eyes away。 〃It takes more than a little fire to frighten me。〃 But she did not look at the blankets again; even when a Warder came to take them away and leave new。
       Verin did not e again; as she had said she would not。 Indeed; as they journeyed on; south and west; day by day; as fast as the footmen could move; Verin paid the two women from Emond's Field no more mind than Moiraine did; than did any of the Aes Sedai。 They were not precisely unfriendly; the Aes Sedai; but rather distant and aloof; as if preoccupied。 Their coolness heightened Egwene's unease; and brought back all the tales she had heard as a child。
       Her mother had always told her the tales about Aes Sedai were a lot of fool men's nonsense; but neither her mother nor any other woman in Emond's Field had ever met an Aes Sedai before Moiraine came there。 She herself had spent a good deal of time with Moiraine; and Moiraine was proof to her that not all Aes Sedai were like the tales。 Cold manipulators and merciless destroyers。 Breakers of the World。 She knew now that those; at least … the Breakers of the World … had been male Aes Sedai; when there were such; in the Age of Legends; but it did not help a great deal。 Not all Aes Sedai were like the tales; but how many; and which?
       The Aes Sedai who came to the tent each night were so mixed that they did not help at all in clearing her thoughts。 Alviarin was as cool and businesslike as a merchant e to buy wool and tabac; surprised that Nynaeve was part of the lesson but accepting; sharp in her criticisms but always ready to try again。 Alanna Mosvani laughed and spent as much time talking about the world; and men; as she did teaching。 Alanna showed too much interest in Rand and Perrin and Mat for Egwene's fort; though。 Especially Rand。 Worst of all was Liandrin; the only one who wore her shawl; the others had all packed them away before leaving Fal Dara。 Liandrin sat fingering her red fringe and taught little; and reluctantly at that。 She questioned Egwene and Nynaeve as if they had been accused of a crime; and her questions were all about the three boys。 She kept it up until Nynaeve threw her out … Egwene was not sure why Nynaeve did so … and then she left with a warning。
       〃Watch yourselves; my daughters。 You are in your village no longer。 Now you dabble your toes where there are things to bite you。〃
       Finally the column reached the village of Medo; on the banks of the Mora; which ran along the border between Shienar and Arafel and so into the River Erinin。
       Egwene was sure it was the Aes Sedai's questions about Rand that had made her start dreaming of him; that and worrying about him; about whether he and the others had had to follow the Horn of Valere into the Blight。 The dreams were always bad; but at first they were just the ordinary sort of nightmare。 By the night they reached Medo; the dreams had changed; though。
       〃Pardon; Aes Sedai;〃 Egwene asked diffidently; 〃but have you seen Moiraine Sedai?〃 The slender Aes Sedai waved her away and hurried on down the crowded; torch…lit village street; calling for someone to be careful with her horse。 The woman was of the Yellow Ajah; though not wearing her shawl now; Egwene knew no more of her than that; not even her name。
       Medo was a small village…though Egwene was shocked to realize that what she now thought of as a 〃small village〃 was as big as Emond's Field…and it was overwhelmed now with many more outsiders than there were inhabitants。 Horses and people filled the narrow streets; jostling to the docks past villagers who knelt whenever an unseeing Aes Sedai sped by。 Harsh torchlight lit everything。 The two docks jutted out into the River Mora like stone fingers; and each hosted a pair of small; two…masted ships。 There; horses were being hoisted on board by booms and cables and canvas cradles under their bellies。 More of the ships … high…sided
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