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       Fain cut her off; his easy tone making his words all the harder。 〃What are you; to me? Less than peasants。 Herd cattle for the Trollocs; perhaps? If you want to live; cattle; you must be useful。〃
       The woman's face broke。 She sobbed; and suddenly all the rest were babbling; telling him how useful they were; men and women who had had influence and position before they were called to fulfill their oaths at Fal Dara。 They spilled out the names of important; powerful people whom they knew in the Borderlands; in Cairhien; and other lands。 They babbled of the knowledge they alone had of this land or that; of political situations; alliances; intrigues; all the things they could tell him if he let them serve him。 The noise of them blended with the sounds of the Trollocs' slaughter and fit right in。
       Fain ignored all of it … he had no fear of turning his back on them; not since they had seen the Fade dealt with … and went to his prize。 Kneeling; he ran his hands over the ornate; golden chest; feeling the power locked inside。 He had to have a Trolloc carry it … he did not trust the humans enough to load it on a horse and packsaddle; some dreams of power might be strong enough to overe even fear of him; but Trollocs never dreamed of anything except killing … and he had not yet puzzled out how to open it。 But that would e。 Everything would e。 Everything。
       Unsheathing the dagger; he laid it atop the chest before settling himself down beside the fire。 That blade was a better guard than Trolloc or human。 They had all seen what happened when he used it; once; none would e within a span of that bared blade without his mand; and then reluctantly。
       Lying there in his blankets; he stared northward。 He could not feel al'Thor; now; the distance between them was too great。 Or perhaps al'Thor was doing his vanishing trick。 Sometimes; in the keep; the boy had suddenly vanished from Fain's senses。 He did not know how; but always al'Thor came back; just as suddenly as he had gone。 He would e back this time; too。
       〃This time you e to me; Rand al'Thor。 Before; I followed you like a dog driven on the trail; but now you follow me。〃 His laughter was a cackle that even he knew was mad; but he did not care。 Madness was a part of him; too。 〃e to me; al'Thor。 The dance is not even begun yet。 We'll dance on Toman Head; and I'll be free of you。 I'll see you dead at last。〃

Chapter 12
(Flame of Tar Valon)
Woven in the Pattern
       Egwene hurried after Nynaeve toward the knot of Aes Sedai around the Amyrlin Seat's horse…borne palanquin; her desire to know what had caused the turmoil in Fal Dara keep outweighing even her worry over Rand。 He was beyond her reach; for the moment。 Beta; her shaggy mare; was with the Aes Sedai's horses; and Nynaeve's mount; too。
       The Warders; hands on sword hilts and eyes searching everywhere; made a steel circle around the Aes Sedai and the palanquin。 They were an island of relative calm in the courtyard; where Shienaran soldiers still ran amid the keep's horrified inhabitants。 Egwene pushed in beside Nynaeve … the two of them all but ignored after a single sharp glance from the Warders; all knew they would be leaving with the Amyrlin … and caught enough in the crowd's murmurs to learn of an arrow that had flashed seemingly from nowhere and a bowman yet uncaught。
       Egwene stopped; wide…eyed; too shocked even to think that she was surrounded by Aes Sedai。 An attempt on the life of the Amyrlin Seat。 It went beyond thinking of。
       The Amyrlin sat in her palanquin with the curtains drawn back; the bloodstained rip in her sleeve drawing all eyes; and faced down Lord Agelmar。 〃You will find the bowman or you will not; my son。 Either way; my business in Tar Valon is as urgent as that of Ingtar on his quest。 I leave now。〃
       〃But; Mother;〃 Agelmar protested; 〃this attempt on your life changes everything。 We still do not know who sent the man; or why。 An hour more; and I will have the bowman and the answers for you。〃
       The Amyrlin barked a laugh with no amusement in it。 〃You'll need slyer bait or finer nets to catch this fish; my son。 By the time you have the man; it will be too late in the day for leaving。 There are too many who would cheer to see me dead for me to worry overmuch about this one。 You may send me news of what you find; if you find anything at all。〃 Her eyes traveled around the towers overlooking the courtyard; and the ramparts and archers' balconies; still jammed with people; though silent now。 The arrow had to have e from one of those places。 〃I think this bowman is already fled from Fal Dara。〃
       〃But; Mother …〃
       The woman in the palanquin cut him off with a sharp gesture of finality。 Not even the Lord of Fal Dara could press the Amyrlin Seat too far。 Her eyes came to rest on Egwene and Nynaeve; piercing eyes that seemed to Egwene to be seeing everything about herself that she wanted to keep secret。 Egwene took a step back; then caught herself and dropped a curtsy; wondering if that were proper; no one had ever explained to her the protocol of meeting the Amyrlin Seat。 Nynaeve kept her back straight and returned the Amyrlin's stare; but she fumbled for Egwene's hand and gripped as hard as Egwene did。
       〃So these are your two; Moiraine;〃 the Amyrlin said。 Moiraine gave the barest nod; and the other Aes Sedai turned to stare at the two women from Emond's Field。 Egwene swallowed。 They all looked as if they knew things; things other people did not; and it was no help at all to know that they truly did。 〃Yes; I sense a fine spark in each of them。 But what will kindle from it? That's the question; isn't it?〃
       Egwene's mouth felt dry as dust。 She had seen Master Padwhin; the carpenter back home; look at his tools much the same way as the Amyrlin was looking at the two of them。 This one for this purpose; that one for that。
       The Amyrlin said abruptly; 〃It is time we were gone。 To horse。 Lord Agelmar and I can say what needs be said without you all gawking like novices on a freeday。 To horse!〃
       At her mand the Warders scattered to their mounts; still wary; and the Aes Sedai; all but Leane; glided away from the palanquin to their own horses。 As Egwene and Nynaeve turned to obey; a servant appeared at Lord Agelmar's shoulder with a silver chalice。 Agelmar took it with a dissatisfied twist to his mouth。
       〃With this cup from my hand; Mother; take my wish that you fare well on this day; and every 。。。〃
       Whatever else they said was lost to Egwene as she scrambled onto Bela。 By the time she had given the shaggy mare a pat; and arranged her skirts; the palanquin was already moving toward the open gates; its horses stepping without rein or lead。 Leane rode beside the palanquin; her staff propped at her stirrup。 Egwene and Nynaeve brought their horses along behind with the rest of the Aes Sedai。
       Roars and cheers from the crowds lining the town streets greeted the procession; all but drowning the thunder of the drummers and the blare of the trumpeters。 Warders led the column; with the banner bearing the White Flame waving in ripples; and rode guard around the Aes Sedai; keeping the mass of people back; archers and 
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