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       〃Do you walk in the Light; my daughter?〃 There would be none of that foolishness of calling her sister here。 The other woman was older by some years; but the ancient forms would be observed。 However long they had been forgotten; it was time they were remembered。
       As soon as the question was out of her mouth; though; Liandrin realized she had made a mistake。 It was a question guaranteed to cause doubt and anxiety; ing from an Aes Sedai; but Amalisa's back stiffened; and her face hardened。
       〃That is an insult; Liandrin Sedai。 I am Shienaran; of a noble House and the blood of soldiers。 My line has fought the Shadow since before there was a Shienar; three thousand years without fail or a day's weakness。〃
       Liandrin shifted her point of attack; but she did not retreat。 Striding across the room; she took the leather…bound copy of The Dance of the Hawk and the Hummingbird from the mantelpiece and hefted it without looking at it。 〃In Shienar above other lands; my daughter; the Light must be precious; and the Shadow feared。〃 Casually she threw the book into the fire。 Flames leaped as if it were a log of fat…wood; thundering as they licked up the chimney。 In the same instant every lamp in the room flared; hissing; so fiercely did they burn; flooding the chamber with light。 〃Here above all。 Here; so close to the cursed Blight; where corruption waits。 Here; even one who thinks he walks in the Light may still be corrupted by the Shadow。〃
       Beads of sweat glistened on Amalisa's forehead。 The hand she had raised in protest for her book fell slowly to her side。 Her features still held firm; but Liandrin saw her swallow; and her feet shift。 〃I do not understand; Liandrin Sedai。 Is it the book? It is only foolishness。〃
       There was a faint quaver in her voice。 Good。 Glass lamp mantles cracked as the flames leaped higher and hotter; lighting the room as bright as unsheltered noon。 Amalisa stood as stiff as a post; her face tight as she tried not to squint。
       〃It is you who are foolish; my daughter。 I care nothing for books。 Here; men enter the Blight; and walk in its taint。 In the very Shadow。 Why wonder you that that taint may seep into them? Whether or not against their will; still it may seep。 Why think you the Amyrlin Seat herself has e?〃
       〃No。〃 It was a gasp。
       〃Of the Red am I; my daughter;〃 Liandrin said relentlessly。 〃I hunt all men corrupted。〃
       〃I don't understand。〃
       〃Not only those foul ones who try the One Power。 All men corrupted。 High and low do I hunt。〃
       〃I don't 。。。〃 Amalisa licked her lips unsteadily and made a visible fort to gather herself。 〃I do not understand; Liandrin Sedai。 Please 。。。〃
       〃High even before low。〃
       〃No!〃 As if some invisible support had vanished; Amalisa fell to her knees; and her head dropped。 〃Please; Liandrin Sedai; say you do not mean Agelmar。 It cannot be him。〃
       In that moment of doubt and confusion; Liandrin struck。 She did not move; but lashed out with the One Power。 Amalisa gasped and gave a jerk; as if she had been pricked with a needle; and Liandrin's petulant mouth perked in a smile。
       This was her own special trick from childhood; the first learned of her abilities。 It had been forbidden to her as soon as the Mistress of Novices discovered it; but to Liandrin that only meant one more thing she needed to conceal from those who were jealous of her。
       She strode forward and pulled Amalisa's chin up。 The metal that had stiffened her was still there; but it was baser metal now; malleable to the right pressures。 Tears trickled from the corners of Amalisa's eyes; glistening on her cheeks。 Liandrin let the fires die back to normal; there was no longer any need for such。 She softened her words; but her voice was as unyielding as steel。
       〃Daughter; no one wants to see you and Agelmar thrown to the people as Darkfriends。 I will help you; but you must help。〃
       〃H…help you?〃 Amalisa put her hands to her temples; she looked confused。 〃Please; Liandrin Sedai; I don't 。。。 understand。 It is all so。。。 It's all。。。〃
       It was not a perfect ability; Liandrin could not force anyone to do what she wanted…though she had tried; oh; how she had tried。 But she could open them wide to her arguments; make them want to believe her; want more than anything to be convinced of her rightness。
       〃Obey; daughter。 Obey; and answer my questions truthfully; and I promise that no one will speak of you and Agelmar as Darkfriends。 You will not be dragged naked through the streets; to be flogged from the city if the people do not tear you to pieces first。 I will not let this happen。 You understand?〃
       〃Yes; Liandrin Sedai; yes。 I will do as you say and answer you truly。〃
       Liandrin straightened; looking down at the other woman。 The Lady Amalisa stayed as she was; kneeling; her face as open as a child's; a child waiting to be forted and helped by someone wiser and stronger。 There was a rightness about it to Liandrin。 She had never understood why a simple bow or curtsy was sufficient for Aes Sedai when men and women knelt to kings and queens。 What queen has within her my power? Her mouth twisted angrily; and Amalisa shivered。
       〃Be easy in yourself; my daughter。 I have e to help you; not to punish。 Only those who deserve it will be punished。 Truth only; speak to me。〃
       〃I will; Liandrin Sedai。 I will; I swear it by my House and honor。〃
       〃Moiraine came to Fal Dara with a Darkfriend。〃
       Amalisa was too frightened to show surprise。 〃Oh; no; Liandrin Sedai。 No。 That man came later。 He is in the dungeons now。〃
       〃Later; you say。 But it is true that she speaks often with him? She is often in pany with this Darkfriend? Alone?〃
       〃S…sometimes; Liandrin Sedai。 Only sometimes。 She wishes to find out why he came here。 Moiraine Sedai is … 〃 Liandrin held up her hand sharply; and Amalisa swallowed whatever else she had been going to say。
       〃By three young men Moiraine was acpanied。 This I know。 Where are they? I have been to their rooms; and they are not to be found。〃
       〃I … I do not know; Liandrin Sedai。 They seem nice boys。 Surely you don't think they are Darkfriends。〃
       〃Not Darkfriends; no。 Worse。 By far more dangerous than Darkfriends; my daughter。 The entire world is in danger from them。 They must be found。 You will mand your servants to search the keep; and your ladies; and yourself。 Every crack and cranny。 To this; you will see personally。 Personally! And to no one will you speak of it; save those I name。 None else may know。 None。 From Fal Dara in secrecy these young men must be removed; and to Tar Valon taken。 In utter secrecy。〃
       〃As you mand; Liandrin Sedai。 But I do not understand the need for secrecy。 No one here will hinder Aes Sedai。〃
       〃Of the Black Ajah you have heard?〃
       Amalisa's eyes bulged; and she leaned back away from Liandrin; raising her hands as though to shield herself from a blow。 〃A v…vile rumor; Liandrin Sedai。 V…vile。 There are n…no Aes Sedai who s…serve the Dark One。 I do not believe it。 You must believe me! Under the Light; I s…swear I do not believe it。 By my honor and my House; I swear 。。。〃
       Coolly Lian
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