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e he knew it; he had taken the first position of Heron Wading in the Rushes; balanced on one foot; sword raised high; open and defenseless。 Death is lighter than a feather; duty heavier than a mountain。
       Ba'alzamon stared at him。 〃Why are you grinning like an idiot; fool? Do you not know I can destroy you utterly?〃
       Rand felt a calmness beyond that of the void。 〃I will never serve you; Father of Lies。 In a thousand lives; I never have。 I know that。 I'm sure of it。 e。 It is time to die。〃
       Ba'alzamon's eyes widened; for an instant they were furnaces that put sweat on Rand's face。 The blackness behind Ba'alzamon boiled up around him; and his face hardened。 〃Then die; worm!〃 He struck with the staff; as with a spear。
       Rand screamed as he felt it pierce his side; burning like a white…hot poker。 The void trembled; but he held on with the last of his strength; and drove the heron…mark blade into Ba'alzamon's heart。 Ba'alzamon screamed; and the dark behind him screamed。 The world exploded in fire。

Chapter 48
(Dragon's Fang)
First Claiming

       Min struggled up the cobblestone street; pushing through crowds that stood white…faced and staring; those who were not screaming hysterically。 A few ran; seemingly without any idea of where they were running; but most moved like poorly handled puppets; more afraid to go than to stay。 She searched the faces; hoping to find Egwene; or Elayne; or Nynaeve; but all she saw were Falmen。 And there was something drawing her on; as surely as if she had a string tied to her。
       Once she turned to look back。 Seanchan ships burned in the harbor; and she could see more in flames off the harbor mouth。 Many squarish vessels were already small against the setting sun; sailing west as fast as damane could make the winds drive them; and one small ship was beating away from the harbor; tilting to catch a wind to take it along the coast。 Spray。 She did not blame Bayle Domon for not waiting longer; not after what she had seen; she thought it a wonder he had remained so long。
       There was one Seanchan vessel in the harbor not burning; though its towers were black from fires already extinguished。 As the tall ship crept toward the harbor mouth; a figure on horseback suddenly appeared around the cliffs skirting the harbor。 Riding across the water。 Min's mouth fell open。 Silver glittered as the figure raised a bow; a streak of silver lanced to the boxy ship; a gleaming line connecting bow and ship。 With a roar she could hear even at that distance; fire engulfed the foretower anew; and sailors rushed about the deck。
       Min blinked; and when she looked again; the mounted figure was gone。 The ship still slowly made way toward the ocean; the crew fighting the flames。
       She gave herself a shake and started to climb the street again。 She had seen too much that day for someone riding a horse across water to be more than a momentary distraction。 Even if it really was Birgitte and her bow。 And Artur Hawkwing。 I did see him。 I did。
       In front of one of the tall stone buildings; she stopped uncertainly; ignoring the people who brushed past her as if stunned。 It was in there; somewhere; that she had to go。 She rushed up the stairs and pushed open the door。
       No one tried to stop her。 As far as she could tell; there was no one in the house。 Most of Falme was out in the streets; trying to decide whether they had all gone mad together。 She went on through the house; into the garden behind; and there he was。
       Rand lay sprawled on his back under an oak; face pale and eyes closed; left hand gripping a hilt that ended in a foot of blade that appeared to have been melted at the end。 His chest rose and fell too slowly; and not with the regular rhythm of someone breathing normally。
       Taking a deep breath to calm herself; she went to see what she could do for him。 First was to get rid of that stub of a blade; he could hurt himself; or her; if he started thrashing。 She pried his hand open; and winced when the hilt stuck to his palm。 She tossed it aside with a grimace。 The heron on the hilt had branded itself into his hand。 But it was obvious to her that that was not what had him lying there unconscious。 How did he e by that? Nynaeve can put a salve on it later。
       A hasty examination showed that most of his cuts and bruises were not new … at least; the blood had had time to dry in a crust; and the bruises had started to turn yellow at the edges … but there was a hole burned through his coat on the left side。 Opening his coat; she pulled up his shirt。 Breath whistled through her teeth。 There was a wound burned into his side; but it had cauterized itself。 What shook her was the feel of his flesh。 It had a touch of ice in it; he made the air seem warm。
       Grabbing his shoulders; she began to drag him toward the house。 He hung limp; a dead weight。 〃Great lummox;〃 she grunted。 〃You couldn't be short; and light; could you? You have to have all that leg and shoulder。 I ought to let you lie out here。〃
       But she struggled up the steps; careful not to bump him any more than she could avoid; and pulled him inside。 Leaving him just within the door; she knuckled the small of her back; muttering to herself about the Pattern; and made a hasty search。 There was a small bedroom in the back of the house; perhaps a servant's room; with a bed piled high with blankets; and logs already laid on the hearth。 In moments; she had the blankets thrown back and the fire lit; as well as a lamp on the bedside table。 Then she went back for Rand。
       It was no small task getting him to the room; or up onto the bed; but she managed it with only a little hard breathing; and covered him up。 After a moment; she stuck a hand under the blankets; she winced and shook her head。 The sheets were icy cold; he had no body warmth for the blankets to hold。 With a put…upon sigh; she wriggled under the covers beside him。 Finally; she put his head on her arm。 His eyes were still closed; his breathing ragged; but she thought he would be dead by the time she came back if she left to find Nynaeve。 He needs an Aes Sedai; she thought。 All I can do is try to give him a little warmth。
       For a time she studied his face。 It was only his face she saw; she could never read anyone who was not conscious。 〃I like older men;〃 she told him。 〃I like men with education; and wit。 I have no interest in farms; or sheep; or shepherds。 Especially boy shepherds。〃 With a sigh; she smoothed back the hair from his face; he had silky hair。 〃But then; you aren't a shepherd; are you? Not anymore。 Light; why did the Pattern have to catch me up with you? Why couldn't I have something safe and simple; like being shipwrecked with no food and a dozen hungry Aielmen?〃
       There was a sound in the hall; and she raised her head as the door opened。 Egwene stood there; staring at them by the light of the fire and the lamp。 〃Oh;〃 was all she said。
       Min's cheeks colored。 Why am I behaving like I'm done something wrong? Fool! 〃I 。。。 I'm keeping him warm。 He is unconscious; and he's as cold as ice。〃
       Egwene did not e any further into the room。 〃I … I felt him pulling at me。 Needing me。 Elayne felt it; too。 I thou
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