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on the other side。 She was relieved there was no need for urging; the other two watched the linked women go as warily as she。 〃Since we don't have an army; the three of us will have to do it。 I hope one of you can think of something I haven't; I've wracked my brains; and I always stumble when it es to the a'dam; the leash and collar。 Sul'dam don't like anyone watching too closely when they open them。 I think I can get you inside; if that will help。 One of you; anyway。 They think of me as a servant; but servants may have visitors; as long as they keep to the servants' quarters。〃
       Nynaeve wore a thoughtful frown; but her face cleared almost immediately; taking on a purposeful look。 〃Don't you worry; Min。 I have a few ideas。 I have not spent my time here idly。 You take me to this man。 If he is any harder to handle than the Village Council with their backs up; I will eat this coat。〃
       Elayne nodded; grinning; and Min felt the first real hope she had had since arriving in Falme。 For an instant Min found herself reading the auras of the other two women。 There was danger; but that was to be expected … and new things; too; among the images she had seen before; it was like that; sometimes。 A man's ring of heavy gold floated above Nynaeve's head; and above Elayne's; a red…hot iron and an axe。 They meant trouble; she was sure; but it seemed distant; somewhere in the future。 Only for a moment did the reading last; and then all she saw was Elayne and Nynaeve; watching her expectantly。
       〃It's down near the harbor;〃 she said。
       The sloping street became more crowded the further down they went。 Street peddlers rubbed elbows with merchants who had brought wagons in from the inland villages and would not go out again until winter had e and gone; hawkers with their trays called to the passersby; Falmen in embroidered cloaks brushed past farm families in heavy fleece coats。 Many people had fled here from villages further from the coast。 Min saw no point to it…they had leaped from the possibility of a visit from the Seanchan to the certainty of Seanchan all around them…but she had heard what the Seanchan did when they first came to a village; and she could not blame the villagers too much for fearing another appearance。 Everyone bowed when Seanchan walked past or a curtained palanquin was carried by up the steep street。
       Min was glad to see Nynaeve and Elayne knew about the bowing。 Bare…chested bearers paid no more mind to the people who bent themselves than did arrogant; armored soldiers; but failure to bow would surely catch their eyes。
       They talked a little as they moved down the street; and she was surprised at first to learn they had been in the town only a few days less than Egwene and herself。 After a moment; though; she decided it was no wonder they had not met earlier; not with the crowds in the streets。 She had been reluctant to spend time further from Egwene than was necessary; there was always the fear that she would go for her allowed visit and find Egwene gone。 And now she will be。 Unless Nynaeve can think of something。
       The smell of salt and pitch grew heavy in the air; and gulls cried; wheeling overhead。 Sailors appeared in the throng; many still barefoot despite the cold。
       The inn had been hastily renamed The Three Plum Blossoms; but part of the word 〃Watcher〃 still showed through the slapdash paint work on the sign。 Despite the crowds outside; the mon room was little more than half full; prices were too high for many people to afford time sitting over ale。 Roaring fires on hearths at either end of the room warmed it; and the fat innkeeper was in his shirtsleeves。 He eyed the three women; frowning; and Min thought it was her Seanchan dress that stopped him from telling them to leave。 Nynaeve and Elayne; in their farm women's coats; certainly did not look as if they had money to spend。
       The man she was looking for was alone at a table in a corner; in his accustomed place; muttering into his wine。 〃Do you have time to talk; Captain Domon?〃 she said。
       He looked up; brushing a hand across his beard when he saw she was not alone。 She still thought his bare upper lip looked odd with the beard。 〃So you do bring friends to drink up my coin; do you? Well; that Seanchan lord bought my cargo; so coin I have。 Sit。〃 Elayne jumped as he suddenly bellowed; 〃Innkeeper! Mulled wine here!〃
       〃It's all right;〃 Min told her; taking a place on the end of one of the benches at the table。 〃He only looks and sounds like a bear。〃 Elayne sat down on the other end; looking doubtful。
       〃A bear; do I be?〃 Domon laughed。 〃Maybe I do。 But what of you; girl? Have you given over thought of leaving? That dress do look Seanchan to me。〃
       〃Never!〃 Min said fiercely; but the appearance of a serving girl with the steaming; spiced wine made her fall silent。
       Domon was just as wary。 He waited until the girl had gone with his coins before saying; 〃Fortune prick me; girl; I mean no offense。 Most people only want to go on with their lives; whether their lords be Seanchan or any other。〃
       Nynaeve leaned her forearms on the table。 〃We also want to go on with our lives; Captain; but without any Seanchan。 I understand you intend to sail soon。〃
       〃I would sail today; if I could;〃 Domon said glumly。 〃Every two or three days that Turak do send for me to tell him tales of the old things I have seen。 Do I look a gleeman to you? I did think I could spin a tale or two and be on my way; but now I think when I no entertain him any longer; it be an even wager whether he do let me go or have my head cut off。 The man do look soft; but he be as hard as iron; and as coldhearted。〃
       〃Can your ship avoid the Seanchan?〃 Nynaeve asked。
       〃Fortune prick me; could I make it out of the harbor without a damane rips Spray to splinters; I can。 If I do no let a Seanchan ship with a damane e too close once I do make the sea。 There be shoal waters all along this coast; and Spray do have a shallow draft。 I can take her into waters those lumbering Seanchan hulks can no risk。 They must be wary of the winds close inshore this time of year; and once I do have Spray …〃
       Nynaeve cut him off。 〃Then we will take passage with you; Captain。 There will be four of us; and I will expect you to be ready to sail as soon as we are aboard。〃
       Domon scrubbed a finger across his upper lip and peered into his wine。 〃Well; as to that; there still do be the matter of getting out of the harbor; you see。 These damane … 〃
       〃What if I tell you you will sail with something better than damane?〃 Nynaeve said softly。 Min's eyes widened as she realized what Nynaeve intended。
       Almost under her breath; Elayne murmured; 〃And you tell me to be careful。〃
       Domon had eyes only for Nynaeve; and they were wary eyes。 〃What do you mean?〃 he whispered。
       Nynaeve opened her coat to fumble at the back of her neck; finally pulling out a leather cord that had been tucked inside her dress。 Two gold rings hung on the cord。 Min gasped when she saw one … it was the heavy man's ring she had seen when she read Nynaeve in the street…but she knew it was the other; slighter and made for a woman's slender fing
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