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f of our marriages take place between stedding; groups of young Ogier visit from stedding to stedding so they can see; and be seen。 If they discover I'm Outside without permission; the Elders will almost certainly decide I need a wife to settle me down。 Before I know it; they'll have sent a message to Stedding Shangtai; to my mother; and she will e here and have me married before she washes off the dust of her journey。 She's always said I am too hasty and need a wife。 I think she was looking when I left。 Whatever wife she chooses for me 。。。 well; any wife at all won't let me go back Outside until I have gray in my beard。 Wives always say no man should be allowed Outside until he's settled enough to control his temper。〃
       Mat gave a guffaw loud enough to draw every head; but at Loial's frantic gesture he spoke softly。 〃Among us; men do the choosing; and no wife can stop a man doing what he wants。〃
       Rand frowned; remembering how Egwene had begun following him around when they were both little。 It was then that Mistress al'Vere had begun taking a special interest in him; more than in any of the other boys。 Later; some girls would dance with him on feastdays and some would not; and those who would were always Egwene's friends; while those who would not were girls Egwene did not like。 He also seemed to remember Mistress al'Vere taking Tam aside … And she was muttering about Tam not having a wife for her to talk to! … and after that; Tam and everyone else had acted as if he and Egwene were promised; even though they had not knelt before the Women's Circle to say the words。 He had never thought about it this way before; things between Egwene and him had always just seemed to be the way they were; and that was that。
       〃I think we do it the same way;〃 he muttered; and when Mat laughed; he added; 〃Do you remember your father ever doing anything your mother really didn't want him to?〃 Mat opened his mouth with a grin; then frowned thoughtfully and closed it again。
       Juin came down the steps from outside。 〃If you please; will all of you e with me? The Elders would see you。〃 He did not look at Loial; but Loial still almost dropped the book。
       〃If the Elders try to make you stay;〃 Rand said; 〃we'll say we need you to go with us。〃
       〃I'll bet it isn't about you at all;〃 Mat said。 〃I'll bet they are just going to say we can use the Waygate。 〃 He shook himself; and his voice fell even lower。 〃We really have to do it; don't we。〃 It was not a question。
       〃Stay and get married; or travel the Ways。〃 Loial grimaced ruefully。 〃Life is very unsettling with ta'veren for friends。〃

Chapter 36
Among the Elders

       As Juin took them through the Ogier town; Rand saw that Loial was growing more and more anxious。 Loial's ears were as stiff as his back; his eyes grew bigger every time he saw another Ogier looking at him; especially the women and girls; and a large number of them did seem to take notice of him。 He looked as if he expected his own execution。
       The bearded Ogier gestured to wide steps leading down into a grassy mound that was bigger by far than any other; it was a hill; for all practical purposes; almost at the base of one of the Great Trees。
       〃Why don't you wait out here; Loial?〃 Rand said。
       〃The Elders …〃 Juin began。
       〃… Probably just want to see the rest of us;〃 Rand finished for him。
       〃Why don't they leave him alone;〃 Mat put in。
       Loial nodded vigorously。 〃Yes。 Yes; I think 。。。〃 A number of Ogier women were watching him; from white…haired grandmothers to daughters Erith's age; a knot of them talking among themselves but with all eyes on him。 His ears jerked; but he looked at the broad door to which the stone steps led down; and nodded again。 〃Yes; I will sit out here; and I'll read。 That is it。 I will read。〃 Fumbling in his coat pocket; he produced a book。 He settled himself on the mound beside the steps; the book small in his hands; and fixed his eyes on the pages。 〃I will just sit here and read until you e out。〃 His ears twitched as if he could feel the women's eyes。
       Juin shook his head; then shrugged and motioned to the steps again。 〃If you please。 The Elders are waiting。〃
       The huge; windowless room inside the mound was scaled for Ogier; with a thick…beamed ceiling more than four spans up; it could have fit in any palace; for size at least。 The seven Ogier seated on the dais directly in front of the door made it shrink a little by their size; but Rand still felt as if he were in a cavern。 The somber floorstones were smooth; if large and irregular in shape; but the gray walls could have been the rough side of a cliff。 The ceiling beams; rough…hewn as they were; looked like great roots。
       Except for a high…backed chair where Verin sat facing the dais; the only furnishings were the heavy; vine…carved chairs of the Elders。 The Ogier woman in the middle of the dais sat in a chair raised a little higher than those of the others; three bearded men to her left in long; flaring coats; three women to her right in dresses like her own; embroidered in vines and flowers from neckline to hem。 All had aged faces and pure white hair; even to the tufts on their ears; and an air of massive dignity。
       Hurin gaped at them openly; and Rand felt like staring himself。 Not even Verin had the appearance of wisdom that was in the Elders' huge eyes; nor Morgase in her crown their authority; nor Moiraine their calm serenity。 Ingtar was the first to bow; as formally as Rand had ever seen from him; while the others still stood rooted。
       〃I am Alar;〃 the Ogier woman on the highest chair said when they had finally taken their places beside Verin; 〃Eldest of the Elders of Stedding Tsofu。 Verin has told us that you have need to use the Waygate here。 To recover the Horn of Valere from Darkfriends is a great need; indeed; but we have allowed none to travel the Ways in more than one hundred years。 Neither us; nor the Elders of any other stedding。〃
       〃I will find the Horn;〃 Ingtar said angrily。 〃I must。 If you will not permit us to use the Waygate 。。。〃 He fell silent as Verin looked at him; but the scowl remained on his face。
       Alar smiled。 〃Be not so hasty; Shienaran。 You humans never take time for thought。 Only decisions reached in calm can be sure。〃 Her smile faded to seriousness; but her voice kept its own measured calm。 〃The dangers of the Ways are not to be faced with a sword in your hand; not charging Aiel or ravening Trollocs。 I must tell you that to enter the Ways is to risk not only death and madness; but perhaps your very souls。〃
       〃We have seen Machin Shin;〃 Rand said; and Mat and Perrin agreed。 They could not manage to sound eager to do it again。
       〃I will follow the Horn to Shayol Ghul itself; if need be;〃 Ingtar said firmly。 Hurin only nodded as if including himself in Ingtar's words。
       〃Bring Trayal;〃 Alar manded; and Juin; who had remained by the door; bowed and left。 〃It is not enough;〃 she told Verin; 〃to hear what can happen。 You must see it; know it in your heart。〃
       There was an unfortable silence until Juin returned; and it became more unfortable still as two Ogier women followed him; g
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