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ight in truth。 The taint slid off onto him; soiling him; but there was no flow of light inside him。 Driven by a distant desperation; he tried again and again。 And again and again there was only the taint。
       With a sudden heave; Loial threw the Trolloc aside; so hard that the thing cartwheeled against the side of a building。 It struck; headfirst; with a loud crack; and slid down the wall to lie with its neck twisted at an impossible angle。 Loial stood staring at it; his chest heaving。
       Rand looked out of the emptiness for a moment before he realized what had happened。 As soon as he did; though; he let void and tainted light go; and hurried to Loial's side。
       〃I never 。。。 killed before; Rand。〃 Loial drew a shuddering breath。
       〃It would have killed you if you hadn't;〃 Rand told him。 Anxiously; he looked at the alleys and shuttered windows and barred doors。 Where there were two Trollocs; there had to be more。 〃I'm sorry you had to do it; Loial; but it would have killed both of us; or worse。〃
       〃I know。 But I cannot like it。 Even a Trolloc。〃 Pointing toward the setting sun; the Ogier seized Rand's arm。 〃There's another of them。〃
       Against the sun; Rand could not make out details; but it appeared to be another group of men with a huge puppet; ing toward Loial and him。 Except that now he knew what to look for; the 〃puppet〃 moved its legs too naturally; and the snouted head rose to sniff the air without anyone lifting a pole。 He did not think the Trolloc and Darkfriends could see him among the evening shadows; or what lay in the street around him; they moved too slowly for that。 Yet it was plain they were hunting; and ing closer。
       〃Fain knows I am out here somewhere;〃 he said; hastily wiping his blade on a dead Trolloc's coat。 〃He's set them to find me。 He is afraid of the Trollocs being seen; though; or he wouldn't have them disguised。 If we can reach a street where there are people; we'll be safe。 We have to get back to Hurin。 If Fain finds him; alone with the Horn 。。。〃
       He pulled Loial along to the next corner and turned toward the nearest sounds of laughter and music; but long before they reached it; another group of men appeared ahead of them in the otherwise empty street with a puppet that was no puppet。 Rand and Loial took the next turning。 It led east。
       Every time Rand tried to reach the music and laughter; there was a Trolloc in the way; often sniffing the air for a scent。 Some Trollocs hunted by scent。 Sometimes; here where there were no eyes to see; a Trolloc stalked alone。 More than once he was sure it was one he had seen before。 They were closing in; and making sure he and Loial did not leave the deserted streets with their shuttered windows。 Slowly the two of them were forced east; away from the city and Hurin; away from other people; along narrow; slowly darkening streets that ran in all directions; uphill and down。 Rand eyed the houses they passed; the tall buildings closed up tight for the night; with more than a little regret。 Even if he pounded on a door until someone opened it; even if they took Loial and him in; none of the doors he saw would stop a Trolloc。 All that would do would be to offer up more victims with Loial and himself。
       〃Rand;〃 Loial said finally; 〃there is nowhere else to go。〃
       They had reached the eastern edge of the Foregate; the tall buildings to either side of them were the last。 Lights in windows on the upper stories mocked him; but the lower floors were all shut tight。 Ahead lay the hills; cloaked in first twilight and bare of so much as a farmhouse。 Not entirely empty; though。 He could just make out pale walls surrounding one of the larger hills; perhaps a mile away; and buildings inside。
       〃Once they push us out there;〃 Loial said; 〃they won't have to worry who sees them。〃
       Rand gestured to the walls around the hill。 〃Those should stop a Trolloc。 It must be a lord's manner。 Maybe they'll let us in。 An Ogier; and an outland lord? This coat has to be good for something sooner or later。 〃 He looked back down the street。 No Trollocs in sight yet; but he drew Loial around the side of the building anyway。
       〃I think that is the Illuminators' chapter house; Rand。 Illuminators guard their secrets tightly。 I don't think they would let Galldrian himself inside there。〃
       〃What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?〃 said a familiar woman's voice。 There was suddenly a spicy perfume in the air。
       Rand stared: Selene stepped around the corner they had just rounded; her white dress bright in the dimness。 〃How did you get here? What are you doing here? You have to leave immediately。 Run! There are Trollocs after us。〃
       〃So I saw。〃 Her voice was dry; yet cool and posed。 〃I came to find you; and I find you allowing Trollocs to herd you like sheep。 Can the man who possesses the Horn of Valere let himself be treated so?〃
       〃I don't have it with me;〃 he snapped; 〃and I don't know how it could help if I did。 The dead heroes are not supposed to e back to save me from Trollocs。 Selene; you have to get away。 Now!〃 He peered around the corner。
       Not more than a hundred paces away; a Trolloc was sticking its horned head cautiously into the street; smelling the night。 A large shadow by its side had to be another Trolloc; and there were smaller shadows; too。 Darkfriends。
       〃Too late;〃 Rand muttered。 He shifted the flute case to pull off his cloak and wrap it around her。 It was long enough to hide her white dress entirely; and trail on the ground besides。 〃You'll have to hold that up to run;〃 he told her。 〃Loial; if they won't let us in; we will have to find a way to sneak in。〃
       〃But; Rand …〃
       〃Would you rather wait for the Trollocs?〃 He gave Loial a push to start him; and took Selene's hand to follow at a trot。 〃Find us a path that won't break our necks; Loial。〃
       〃You're letting yourself bee flustered;〃 Selene said。 She seemed to have less trouble following Loial in the failing light than Rand did。 〃Seek the Oneness; and be calm。 One who would be great must always be calm。〃
       〃The Trollocs might hear you;〃 he told her。 〃I don't want greatness。〃 He thought he heard an irritated grunt from her。
       Stones sometimes turned underfoot; but the way across the hills was not hard despite the twilight shadows。 Trees; and even brush; had long since been cleared from the hills for firewood。 Nothing grew except knee…high grass that rustled softly around their legs。 A night breeze came up softly。 Rand worried that it might carry their scent to the Trollocs。
       Loial stopped when they reached the wall; it stood twice as high as the Ogier; the stones covered with a whitish plaster。 Rand peered back toward the Foregate。 Bands of lighted windows reached out like spokes of a wheel from the city walls。
       〃Loial;〃 he said softly; 〃can you see them? Are they following us?〃
       The Ogier looked in the direction of the Foregate; and nodded unhappily。 〃I only see some of the Trollocs; but they are ing this way。 Running。 Rand; I really don't think…〃
       Selene cut him off。 〃If he wants to go in; alantin; he needs a door。 Such as that one。〃 She pointed to a dark patch a 
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