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       〃The Wele is finished; my Lord。〃 Tema's gesture took in the bell tower。 〃The Amyrlin Seat will be sending for my Lord; and my Lord's friends; to e to her; now。〃
       Rand broke into a run。 He just had time to see the surprise on Tema's face; and then he was gone。 He did not care what Tema thought。 She will he sending for me now。
Chapter 3
(Ruby…Hilted Dagger)
Friends and Enemies

       Rand did not run far; only as far as the sally gate around the corner from the stable。 He slowed to a walk before he got there; trying to appear casual and unhurried。
       The arched gate was closed tight。 It was barely big enough for two men to ride through abreast; but like all the gates in the outer wall; it was covered with broad strips of black iron; and locked shut with a thick bar。 Two guards stood before the gate in plain conical helmets and plate…and…mail armor; with long swords on their backs。 Their golden surcoats bore the Black Hawk on the chest。 He knew one of them slightly; Ragan。 The scar from a Trolloc arrow made a white triangle against Ragan's dark cheek behind the bars of his face…guard。 The puckered skin dimpled with a grin when he saw Rand。〃Peace favor you; Rand al'Thor。〃 Ragan almost shouted to be heard over the bells。 〃Do you intend to go hit rabbits over the head; or do you still insist that club is a bow?〃 The other guard shifted to stand more in front of the gate。
       〃Peace favor you; Ragan;〃 Rand said; stopping in front of them。 It was an effort to keep his voice calm。 〃You know it's a bow。 You've seen me shoot it。〃
       〃No good from a horse;〃 the other guard said sourly。 Rand recognized him; now; with his deep…set; almost…black eyes that never seemed to blink。 They peered from his helmet like twin caves inside another cave。 He supposed there could be worse luck for him than Masema guarding the gate; but he was not sure how; short of a Red Aes Sedai。 〃It's too long;〃 Masema added。 〃I can shoot three arrows with a horsebow while you loose one with that monster。〃
       Rand forced a grin; as if he thought it was a joke。 Masema had never made a joke in his hearing; nor laughed at one。 Most of the men at Fal Dara accepted Rand; he trained with Lan; and Lord Agelmar had him at table; and most important of all; he had arrived at Fal Dara in pany with Moiraine; an Aes Sedai。 Some seemed unable to forget his being an outlander; though; barely saying two words to him; and then only if they had to。 Masema was the worst of those。
       〃It's good enough for me;〃 Rand said。 〃Speaking of rabbits; Ragan; how about letting me out? All this noise and bustle is too much for me。 Better to be out hunting rabbits; even if I never see one。〃
       Ragan half turned to look at his panion; and Rand's hopes began to lift。 Ragan was an easygoing man; his manner belying his grim scar; and he seemed to like Rand。 But Masema was already shaking his head。 Ragan sighed。 〃It cannot be; Rand al'Thor。〃 He gave a tiny nod toward Masema as if to explain。 If it were up to him alone 。。。 〃No one is to leave without a written pass。 Too bad you did not ask a few minutes ago。 The mand just came down to bar the gates。〃
〃But why would Lord Agelmar want to keep me in?〃 Masema was eyeing the bundles on Rand's back; and his saddlebags。 Rand tried to ignore him。 〃I'm his guest;〃 he went on to Ragan。 〃By my honor; I could have left anytime these past weeks。 Why would he mean this order for me? It is Lord Agelmar's order; isn't it?〃 Masema blinked at that; and his perpetual frown deepened; he almost appeared to forget Rand's packs。
Ragan laughed。 〃Who else could give such an order; Rand al'Thor? Of course; it was Uno who passed it to me; but whose order could it have been?〃
       Masema's eyes; fixed on Rand's face; did not blink。 〃I just want to go out by myself; that's all;〃 Rand said。 〃I'll try one of the gardens; then。 No rabbits; but at least there won't be a crowd。 The Light illumine you; and peace favor you。〃
       He walked away without waiting for an answering blessing; resolving not to go near any of the gardens on any account。 Burn me; once the ceremonies are done there could be Aes Sedai in any of them。 Aware of Masema's eyes on his back … he was sure it was Masema … he kept his pace normal。
       Suddenly the bells stopped ringing; and he skipped a step。 Minutes were passing。 A great many of them。 Time for the Amyrlin Seat to be shown to her chambers。 Time for her to send for him; to start a search when he was not found。 As soon as he was out of sight of the salley gate; he began to run again。
       Near the barracks' kitchens; the Carters' Gate; where all the foodstuffs for the keep were brought in; stood closed and barred; behind a pair of soldiers。 He hurried past; across the kitchen yard; as if he had never meant to stop。
       The Dog Gate; at the back of the keep; just high enough and wide enough for one man on foot; had its guards; too。 He turned around before they saw him。 There were not many gates; even as big as the keep was; but if the Dog Gate was guarded; they all would be。
       Perhaps he could find a length of rope 。。。 He climbed one of the stairs to the top of the outer wall; to the wide parapet with its crenellated walls。 It was not fortable for him; being so high and exposed if that wind came again; but from there he could see across the tall chimneys and sharp roofs of the town all the way to the city wall。 Even after nearly a month; the houses still looked odd to his Two Rivers eyes; eaves reaching almost to the ground as if the houses were all wood…shingled roof; and chimneys angled to let heavy snow slide past。 A broad; paved square surrounded the keep; but only a hundred paces from the wall lay streets full of people going about their daily business; aproned shopkeepers out under the awnings in front of their shops; rough…clothed farmers in town to buy and sell; hawkers and tradesmen and townspeople gathered in knots; no doubt to talk about the surprise visit from the Amyrlin Seat。 He could see carts and people flowing through one of the gates in the town wall。 Apparently the guards there had no orders about stopping anyone。
       He looked up at the nearest guardtower; one of the soldiers raised a gauntleted hand to him。 With a bitter laugh; he waved back。 Not a foot of the wall but was under the eyes of guards。 Leaning through an embrasure; he peered down past the slots in the stone for setting hoardings; down the sheer expanse of stone to the drymoat far below。 Twenty paces wide and ten deep; faced with stone polished slippery smooth。 A low wall; slanted to give no hiding place; surrounded it to keep anyone from falling in by accident; and its bottom was a forest of razor…sharp spikes。 Even with a rope to climb down and no guards watching; he could not cross that。 What served to keep Trollocs out in the last extreme served just as well to keep him in。
       Suddenly he felt weary to the bone; drained。 The Amyrlin Seat was there; and there was no way out。 No way out; and the Amyrlin Seat there。 If she knew he was there; if she had sent the wind that had seized him; then she was already hunting him; hunting with an Aes Sedai's powers。 Rabbits had more chance against his bow。 He 
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