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find out you're here。〃
       Nynaeve shook her head in wonder。 〃Marin; you're afraid of her。 You are shaking。 What kind of woman is she? Why did the Women's Circle ever choose someone like her?〃
       Mistress al'Vere gave a bitter laugh。 〃We must have been mad。 Malena came down to see Mavra Mallen the day before Mavra had to go back to Deven Ride; and that night some children took sick; and Malena stayed to look after them; and then the sheep started dying; and Malena took care of that; too。 It just seemed natural to choose her; but 。。。 She's a bully; Nynaeve。 She browbeats you into doing what she wants。 She keeps at you; and keeps at you; until you're too tired to say no anymore。 And worse。 She knocked Alsbet Luhhan down。〃
       A picture flashed in Nynaeve's head of Alsbet Luhhan and her husband; Haral; the blacksmith。 She was nearly as tall as him; and stoutly built; though handsome。 〃Alsbet's almost as strong as Haral。 I can't believe 。。。〃
       〃Malena's not a big woman; but she's … she's fierce; Nynaeve。 She beat Alsbet all around the Green with a stick; and none of us who saw had the nerve to try to stop it。 When they found out; Bran and Haral said she had to go; even if they were interfering in Women's Circle business。 I think some of the Circle might have listened; but Bran and Haral both took sick the same night; and died within a day of each other。〃 Marin bit her lip and looked around the room as if she thought someone might be hiding there。 Her voice lowered。 〃Malena mixed medicine for them。 She said it was her duty even if they had spoken against her。 I saw。。。 I saw gray fennel in what she took away with her。〃
       Nynaeve gasped。 〃But 。。。 Are you sure; Marin? Are you certain?〃 The other woman nodded; her face wrinkling on the point of tears。 〃Marin; if you even suspected this woman might have poisoned Bran; how could you not go to the Circle?〃
       〃She said Bran and Haral didn't walk in the Light;〃 Marin mumbled; 〃talking against the Wisdom the way they did。 She said that was why they died; the Light abandoned them。 She talks about sin all the time。 She said Paet al'Caar sinned; talking against her after Bran and Haral died。 All he said was she didn't have the way with Healing you did; but she drew the Dragon's Fang on his door; right out where everyone could see her with the charcoal in her hand。 Both his boys were dead before the week was out … just dead when their mother went to wake them。 Poor Nela。 We found her wandering; laughing and crying all at the same time; screaming that Paet was the Dark One; and he'd killed her boys。 Paet hung himself the next day。〃 She shuddered; and her voice went so soft Nynaeve could barely hear it。 〃I have four daughters still living under my roof。 Living; Nynaeve。 Do you understand what I'm saying。 They're still alive; and I want to keep them alive。〃
       Nynaeve felt cold to her bones。 〃Marin; you can't allow this。〃 The way back will e but once。 Be steadfast。 She pushed it away。 〃If the Women's Circle stands together; you can be rid of her。〃
       〃Stand together against Malena?〃 Marin's laugh was nearer a sob。 〃We're all afraid of her。 But she's good with the children。 There are always children sick these days; it seems; but Malena does the best she can。 Almost no one ever died of sickness when you were Wisdom。〃
       〃Marin; listen to me。 Don't you see why there are always children sick? If she can't make you afraid of her; she makes you think you need her for the children。 She's doing it; Marin。 Just as she did it to Bran。〃
       〃She couldn't;〃 Marin breathed。 〃She; wouldn't。 Not the little ones。〃
       〃She is; Marin。〃 The way back … Nynaeve suppressed the thought ruthlessly。 〃Is there anyone in the Circle who isn't afraid? Anyone who will listen?〃
       The other woman said; 〃No one who isn't afraid。 But Corin Ayellin might listen。 If she does; she might bring two or three more。 Nynaeve; if enough of the Circle listens; will you be our Wisdom again? I think you may be the only one who won't back down to Malena; even if we all know。 You don't know what she's like。〃
       〃I will。〃 The way back … No! These are my people! 〃Get your cloak; and we'll go to Corin。〃
       Marin was hesitant about leaving the inn; and once Nynaeve had her outside she slunk along from doorstep to doorstep; crouching and watching。
       Before they were halfway to Corin Ayellin's house; Nynaeve saw a tall; scrawny woman striding down the other side of the Green toward the inn; slashing the heads off weeds with a thick willow switch。 Bony as she was; she had a look of wiry strength; and a set; determined slash of a mouth。 Cenn Buie scuttled along in her wake。
       〃Malena。〃 Marin pulled Nynaeve into the space between two houses; and whispered as if afraid the woman might hear across the Green。 〃I knew Cenn would go to her。〃
       Something made Nynaeve look over her shoulder。 Behind her stood a silver arch; reaching from house to house; glowing whitely。 The way back will e but once。 Be steadfast。
       Marin gave a soft scream。 〃She's seen us。 Light help us; she's ing this way!〃
       The tall woman had turned across the Green; leaving Cenn standing uncertainly。 There was no uncertainty on Malena's face。 She walked slowly; as if there were no hope of escape; a cruel smile growing with every step。
       Marin tugged at Nynaeve's sleeve。 〃We have to run。 We have to hide。 Nynaeve; e on。 Cenn will have told her who you are。 She hates anyone even to speak of you。〃
       The silver arch pulled Nynaeve's eyes。 The way back。。。 She shook her head; trying to remember。 It is not real。 She looked at Marin; stark terror twisted the woman's face。 You must be steadfast to survive。
       〃Please; Nynaeve。 She's seen me with you。 She…has…seen…me! Please; Nynaeve! 〃
       Malena came closer; implacable。 My people。 The arch shone。 The way back。 It is not real。
       With a sob; Nynaeve tore her arm out of Marin's grasp and plunged toward the silvery glow。
       Marin's shriek hounded her。 〃For the love of the Light; Nynaeve; help me! HELP ME!〃
       The glow enveloped her。
       Staring; Nynaeve staggered out of the arch; barely aware of the chamber or the Aes Sedai。 Marin's last cry still rang in her ears。 She did not flinch when cold water was suddenly poured over her head。
       〃You are washed clean of false pride。 You are washed clean of false ambition。 You e to us washed clean; in heart and soul。〃 As the Red Aes Sedai stepped back; Sheriam came to take Nynaeve's arm。
       Nynaeve gave a start; then realized who it was。 She seized the collar of Sheriam's dress in both hands。 〃Tell me it was not real。 Tell me!〃
       〃Bad?〃 Sheriam pried her hands loose as if she were used to this reaction。 〃It is always worse; and the third is the worst of all。〃
       〃I left my friend 。。。 I left my people 。。。 in the Pit of Doom to e back。〃 Please; Light; it was not real。 I didn't really 。。。 I have to make Moiraine pay。 I have to!
       〃There is always some reason not to return; something to prevent you; or distract you。 This ter'angreal weaves traps for you from your own mind; weaves them tight and strong; harder than steel and more deadly than poison。 That
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