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to a dead end。 For a moment; she stood glaring at it。 〃How did I get here?〃 she demanded loudly。 〃Where is this place?〃 The way out will e but once。
       Once more she turned back。 She was sure there had to be a trick to the maze。 At the last fork; she went left; then right at the next。 Determined; she kept on。 Left; then right。 Straight until she came to a fork。 Left; then right。
       It seemed to her to be working。 At least; she had gone past a dozen forkings this time without finding an end。 She came to another。
       Out of the corner of her eye; she caught a flicker of motion。 When she turned to look; there was only the dusty passage between smooth stone walls。 She started to take the left fork 。。。 and spun around at another glimpse of movement。 There was nothing there; but this time she was sure。 There had been someone behind her。 Was someone。 She broke into a nervous trot in the opposite direction。
       Again and again; now; just at the edge of vision down this side passage or that; she saw something move; too quick to make out; gone before she could turn her head to see it plainly。 She broke into a run。 Few boys had been able to outrun her when she was a girl in the Two Rivers。 The Two Rivers? What is that?
       A man stepped out from an opening ahead of her。 His dark clothes had a musty; half…rotted look; and he was old。 Older than old。 Skin like crazed parchment covered his skull too tightly; as if there were no flesh beneath。 Wispy tufts of brittle hair covered a scabbed scalp; and his eyes were so sunken they seemed to peer out of two caves。
       She skidded to a stop; the uneven paving stones rough under her feet。
       〃I am Aginor;〃 he said; smiling; 〃and I have e for you。〃
       Her heart tried to leap out of her chest。 One of the Forsaken。 〃No。 No; it cannot be!〃
       〃You are a pretty one; girl。 I will enjoy you。〃
       Suddenly Nynaeve remembered she wore not a stitch。 With a yelp and a face red only partly from anger; she darted away down the nearest crossing passage。 Cackling laughter pursued her; and the sound of a shuffling run that seemed to match her best speed; and breathy promises of what he would do when he caught her; promises that curdled her stomach even only half heard。
       Desperately she searched for a way out; peering frantically as she ran with fists clenched。 The way out will e but once。 Be steadfast。 There was nothing; only more of the endless maze。 As hard as she could run; his filthy words came always right behind her。 Slowly; fear turned pletely to anger。
       〃Burn him!〃 she sobbed。 〃The Light burn him! He has no right!〃 Within her she felt a flowering; an opening up; an unfolding to light。
       Teeth bared; she turned to face her pursuer just as Aginor appeared; laughing; in a lurching gallop。
       〃You have no right!〃 She flung her fist toward him; fingers opening as if she were throwing something。 She was only half surprised to see a ball of fire leave her hand。
       It exploded against Aginor's chest; knocking him to the ground。 For only an instant he sprawled there; then rose; staggering。 He seemed unaware of the smoldering front of his coat。 〃You dare? You dare!〃 He quivered; and spittle leaked down his chin。
       Abruptly there were clouds in the sky; threatening billows of gray and black。 Lightning leaped from the cloud; straight for Nynaeve's heart。
       It seemed to her; just for a heartbeat; as if time had suddenly slowed; as though that heartbeat took forever。 She felt the flow inside her … saidar; came a distant thought … felt the answering flow in the lightning。 And she altered the direction of the flow。 Time leaped forward。
       With a crash; the bolt shattered stone above Aginor's head。 The Forsaken's sunken eyes widened; and he tottered back。 〃You cannot! It cannot be!〃 He leaped away as lightning struck where he had stood; stone erupting in a fountain of shards。
       Grimly Nynaeve started toward him。 And Aginor fled。
       Saidar was a torrent racing through her。 She could feel the rocks around her; and the air; feel the tiny; flowing bits of the One Power that suffused them; and made them。 And she could feel Aginor doing。。。 something; as well。 Dimly she felt it; and far distant; as if it were something she could never truly know; but around her she saw the effects and knew them for what they were。
       The ground rumbled and heaved under her feet。 Walls toppled in front of her; piles of stone to block her way。 She scrambled over them; uncaring if sharp rock cut hands and feet; always keeping Aginor in sight。 A wind rose; howling down the passages against her; raging till it flattened her cheeks and made her eyes water; trying to knock her down; she changed the flow; and Aginor tumbled along the passageway like an uprooted bush。 She touched the flow in the ground; redirected it; and stone walls collapsed around Aginor; sealing him in。 Lightning fell with her glare; striking around him; stone exploding ever closer and closer。 She could feel him fighting to push it back at her; but foot by foot the dazzling bolts moved toward the Forsaken。
       Something gleamed off to her right; something uncovered by the collapsing walls。
       Nynaeve could feel Aginor weakening; feel his efforts to strike at her grow more feeble and more frantic。 Yet somehow she knew he had not given up。 If she let him go now; he would chase after her as strongly as before; convinced she was too weak to defeat him after all; too weak to stop him from doing with her as he wished。
       A silver arch stood where stone had been; an arch filled with soft silver radiance。 The way back。。。
       She knew when the Forsaken abandoned his attack; the moment when all his efforts were given over to staving her off。 And his power was not enough; he could no longer deflect her blows。 Now he had to fling himself away from the leaping gouts of stone thrown up by her lightning; the explosions flinging him down again。
       The way back will e but once。 Be steadfast。
       The lightning no longer fell。 Nynaeve turned from the scrabbling Aginor to look at the arch。 She looked back at Aginor; just in time to see him crawl out of sight over the mounded stone and disappear。 She hissed in frustration。 Much of the maze still stood; and a hundred new places to hide in the rubble she and the Forsaken had made。 It would take time to find him again; but she was sure if she did not find him first; he would find her。 In his full strength; he would e on her when she least expected him。
       The way back will e but once。
       Frightened; she looked again and was relieved to see the arch still there。 If she could find Aginor quickly 。。。
       Be steadfast。
       With a cry of thwarted anger; she climbed over the tumbled stone toward the arch。 〃Whoever's responsible for me being here;〃 she muttered; 〃I'll make them wish they had gotten what Aginor got。 I'll … 〃 She stepped into the arch; and the light overwhelmed her。
       〃I'll … 〃 Nynaeve stepped out of the arch and stopped to stare。 It was all as she remembered … the silver ter'angreal; the Aes Sedai; the chamber … but remembering was like a blow; absent memories crashing back into her head。 She 
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