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shall lie across the Pattern of the Age; and the Dark One shall once more lay 
his hand upon the world of man。 Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of 
the earth are rent like rotting cloth。 Neither shall anything stand nor abide。。。
Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow; born once more as he was born before 
and shall be born again; time without end。 The Dragon shall be Reborn; and there 
shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth。 In sackcloth and ashes 
shall he clothe the people; and he shall break the world again by his ing; 
tearing apart all ties that bind。 Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us; 
and burn us; yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle; 
and his blood shall give us the Light。 Let tears flow; O ye people of the world。 
Weep for your salvation。

… from The Karaethon Cycle:
The Prophecies of the Dragon;
as translated by Ellaine Marise'idin Alshinn;
Chief Librarian at the Court of Arafel;
in the Year of Grace 231
of the New Era; the Third Age
(Serpent and Wheel)
In the Shadow

       The man who called himself Bors; at least in this place; sneered at the low murmuring that rolled around the vaulted chamber like the soft gabble of geese。 His grimace was hidden by the black silk mask that covered his face; though; just like the masks that covered the hundred other faces in the chamber。 A hundred black masks; and a hundred pairs of eyes trying to see what lay behind them。
       If one did not look too closely; the huge room could have been in a palace; with its tall marble fireplaces and its golden lamps hanging from the domed ceiling; its colorful tapestries and intricately patterned mosaic floor。 If one did not look too closely。 The fireplaces were cold; for one thing。 Flames danced on logs as thick as a man's leg; but gave no heat。 The walls behind the tapestries; the ceiling high above the lamps; were undressed stone; almost black。 There were no windows; and only two doorways; one at either end of the room。 It was as if someone had intended to give the semblance of a palace reception chamber but had not cared enough to bother with more than the outline and a few touches for detail。
       Where the chamber was; the man who called himself Bors did not know; nor did he think any of the others knew。 He did not like to think about where it might be。 It was enough that he had been summoned。 He did not like to think about that; either; but for such a summons; even he came。
       He shifted his cloak; thankful that the fires were cold; else it would have been too hot for the black wool draping him to the floor。 All his clothes were black。 The bulky folds of the cloak hid the stoop he used to disguise his height; and bred confusion as to whether he was thin or thick。 He was not the only one there enveloped in a tailor's span of cloth。
       Silently he watched his panions。 Patience had marked much of his life。 Always; if he waited and watched long enough; someone made a mistake。 Most of the men and women here might have had the same philosophy; they watched; and listened silently to those who had to speak。 Some people could not bear waiting; or silence; and so gave away more than they knew。
       Servants circulated through the guests; slender; golden…haired youths proffering wine with a bow and a wordless smile。 Young men and young women alike; they wore tight white breeches and flowing white shirts。 And male and female alike; they moved with disturbing grace。 Each looked more than a mirror image of the others; the boys as handsome as the girls were beautiful。 He doubted he could distinguish one from another; and he had an eye and a memory for faces。
       A smiling; white…clad girl offered her tray of crystal goblets to him。 He took one with no intention of drinking; it might appear untrusting…or worse; and either could be deadly here…if he refused altogether; but anything could be slipped into a drink。 Surely some among his panions would have no objections to seeing the number of their rivals for power dwindle; whomever the unlucky ones happened to be。
       Idly he wondered whether the servants would have to be disposed of after this meeting。 Servants hear everything。 As the serving girl straightened from her bow; his eye caught hers above that sweet smile。 Blank eyes。 Empty eyes。 A doll's eyes。 Eyes more dead than death。
       He shivered as she moved gracefully away; and raised the goblet to his lips before he caught himself。 It was not what had been done to the girl that chilled him。 Rather; every time he thought he detected a weakness in those he now served; he found himself preceded; the supposed weakness cut out with a ruthless precision that left him amazed。 And worried。 The first rule of his life had always been to search for weakness; for every weakness was a chink where he could probe and pry and influence。 If his current masters; his masters for the moment; had no weakness。。。
       Frowning behind his mask; he studied his panions。 At least there was plenty of weakness there。 Their nervousness betrayed them; even those who had sense enough to guard their tongues。 A stiffness in the way this one held himself; a jerkiness in the way that one handled her skirts。
       A good quarter of them; he estimated; had not bothered with disguise beyond the black masks。 Their clothes told much。 A woman standing before a gold…and…crimson wall hanging; speaking softly to a figure … impossible to say whether it was man or woman … cloaked and hooded in gray。 She had obviously chosen the spot because the colors of the tapestry set off her garb。 Doubly foolish to draw attention to herself; for her scarlet dress; cut low in the bodice to show too much flesh and high at the hem to display golden slippers; marked her from Illian; and a woman of wealth; perhaps even of noble blood。
       Not far beyond the Illianer; another woman stood; alone and admirably silent。 With a swan's neck and lustrous black hair falling in waves below her waist; she kept her back to the stone wall; observing everything。 No nervousness there; only serene self…possession。 Very admirable; that; but her coppery skin and her creamy; high…necked gown … leaving nothing but her hands uncovered; yet clinging and only just barely opaque; so that it hinted at everything and revealed nothing…marked her just as clearly of the first blood of Arad Doman。 And unless the man who called himself Bors missed his guess entirely; the wide golden bracelet on her left wrist bore her House symbols。 They would be for her own House; no Domani bloodborn would bend her stiff pride enough to wear the sigils of another House。 Worse than foolishness。
       A man in a high…collared; sky…blue Shienaran coat passed him with a wary; head…to…toe glance though the eyeholes of his mask。 The man's carriage named him soldier; the set of his shoulders; the way his gaze never rested in one place for long; and the way his hand seemed ready to dart for a sword that was not there; all proclaimed it。 The Shienaran wasted little time on the man who called himself Bors; stooped shoulders and a bent back held no threat。
       The man who called himself Bors snorted as the Shienaran moved on; 
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