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 boy … 〃but it's obvious you came to Cairhien because of him; and until you tell us why and what you intend; you must understand that you'll find no aid from us。〃 Faeldrin; another Green; gave a start at Bera's bold tone; but she was nodding agreement before Bera finished。
       〃You must understand this; too;〃 Merana added; her serenity regained。 〃If we decide we must oppose you; we will。〃 Beta's face did not change; but Faeldrin's mouth tightened briefly。 Perhaps she disagreed; and perhaps she did not want to reveal too much。
       Cadsuane favored them with a thin smile。 Tell them why and what? If they decided? So far they had managed to stuff themselves into young al'Thor's saddlebags tied hand and foot; even Bera。 Small remendation for letting them decide so much as what to wear in the morning! 〃I did not e to see you;〃 she said。 〃Though I suppose Kumira and Daigian would enjoy a visit; since you have a freeday。 You will excuse me。〃
       Motioning Corgaide to lead on; she followed the woman across the entry hall。 She only glanced back once。 Bera and the others had already gathered up Kumira and Daigian and were hustling them away; but hardly like wele guests。 More like herded geese。 Cadsuane smiled。 Most sisters considered Daigian little better than a wilder and treated her little better than a servant。 In that pany; Kumira hardly stood much higher。 The most suspicious could not think they were there to try to convince anyone of anything。 So Daigian would pour the tea and sit quietly except when addressed … and apply her excellent mind to everything she heard。 Kumira would let everyone except Daigian speak before her … and sort and file away every word; every gesture and grimace。 Bera and the rest would keep their oaths to the boy; of course … that went without saying … but how assiduously was another question。 Even Merana might be unwilling to go too far beyond bare obedience。 That was bad enough; yet it left considerable room for them to maneuver。 Or be maneuvered。
       Dark…liveried servants hurrying at their tasks along the broad; tapestry…hung hallways darted aside for Cadsuane and Corgaide; and the two of them progressed to a flurry of deep bows and curtsies made over baskets and trays and armloads of towels。 From the way eyes watched Corgaide; Cadsuane suspected the deference was as much for the Holder of the Keys as for an Aes Sedai。 There were a few Aiel about; too; huge men like cold…eyed lions and women like colder…eyed leopards。 Some of those gazes followed her icily enough to bring on the snow threatened by the rain outside; but other Aiel nodded to her gravely; and here and there one of the fierce…eyed women went so far as to smile。 She had never claimed to be responsible for saving their Car'a'carn; but tales became twisted in retelling; and the belief granted her more respect than any other sister; and certainly more freedom of movement around the Palace。 She wondered how they would feel if they knew that had she had the boy in front of her right then; she would have been hard…pressed to stop herself from blistering his hide for him! Barely more than a week since he nearly got himself killed; and not only had he managed to elude her pletely; he had made her task even more difficult; if half what she heard was true。 A pity he had not been raised in Far Madding。 But then; that might have led to its own catastrophe。
       The room Corgaide took her to was fortably warm; with fires blazing in marble fireplaces at either end of the chamber and lamps lit; mirrored flames in glass towers that chased the day's gloom。 Plainly Corgaide had sent orders ahead to prepare while she was waiting in the entry hall。 A serving woman appeared almost as soon as they; with both hot tea and spiced wine on a tray; and small cakes glazed with honey。
       〃Will there be anything else; Aes Sedai?〃 Corgaide asked as Cadsuane set her sewing basket beside the tray on a table with edge and legs thickly gilded。 Rigidly carved; too; as was the wide cornice; also covered with gilt。 Cadsuane always felt she was in a golden fish weir when she visited Cairhien。 Despite the light and warmth inside; rain dripping outside the tall narrow windows and the gray sky outside heightened the sensation。
       〃The tea will do nicely;〃 she said。 〃If you will; tell Alanna Mosvani that I want to see her。 Tell her; without delay。〃
       Corgaide's keys jingled as she curtsied; murmuring respectfully that she would find 〃Alanna Aes Sedai〃 herself。 Her grave expression never altered as she left。 Very likely she was examining the request for subtleties。 Cadsuane preferred to be direct; when possible。 She had tripped up any number of clever people who had not believed she meant exactly what she said。
       Opening the lid of her sewing basket; she took out her embroidery hoop with a less than half…done piece of work wrapped around it。 The basket had pockets woven inside to hold items that had nothing to do with sewing。 Her ivory hand mirror and hairbrush and b; a pen case and tightly stoppered ink bottle; a number of things that she had found useful to have at hand over the years; including some that would have surprised anyone with nerve enough to search the basket。 Not that she often left it out of her sight。 Setting the polished silver thread box carefully on the table; she selected the skeins she needed and sat with her back to the door。 The major image on her piece of embroidery was finished; a man's hand clutching the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai。 Cracks ran across the black…and…white disc; and there was no telling whether the hand was trying to hold it together or crush it。 She knew what she intended; but time would tell what was truth。
       Threading a needle; she set to work on one of the surrounding images; a bright red rose。 Roses and starblaze and sunburst alternated with daisies and heartsblush and snowcap; all separated by bands of stark nettles and long…thorned briars。 It would be a disturbing piece; when pleted。
       Before she had finished half a petal on the rose; a flash of motion reflected on the flat lid of the thread box caught her eye。 It had been carefully placed to reflect the doorway。 She did not raise her head from the hoop。 Alanna stood there glaring at her back。 Cadsuane continued the slow work of her needle; but she watched that reflection from the corner of her eye。 Twice Alanna half turned as if to go; then finally drew herself up; visibly steeling herself。
       〃e in; Alanna。〃 Still not raising her head; Cadsuane pointed to a spot in front of her。 〃Stand there。〃 She smiled wryly as Alanna jumped。 There were advantages to being a legend; people seldom noticed the obvious when dealing with a legend。
       Alanna stalked into the room in a swish of silk skirts and took the place Cadsuane had indicated; but there was a sulky twist to her mouth。 〃Why do you persist in badgering me?〃 she demanded。 〃I cannot tell you any more than I have。 And if I could; I don't know that I would! He belongs to …!〃 She cut off abruptly; biting her lower lip; but she might as well have finished。 The al'Thor boy belonged to her; her Warder。 She had the gall to think that!
       〃I have kept your crime to myself;〃 Cadsuane
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