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       〃What brings you and your friend; Moghedien?〃 Graendal asked。 The Spider was the very last she had expected to e out from the shadows。 〃Have no fear of speaking in front of my servants。〃 She gestured; and the pair by the door sank to their knees; pressed their faces to the floor。 They would not quite fall dead by her simple mand; but close。
       〃What interest can you find in them when you destroy anything that might make them interesting?〃 Cyndane demanded; striding arrogantly across the floor。 She held herself very straight; striving for every hair of height。 〃Do you know that Sammael is dead?〃
       Graendal kept her own face smooth; with a little effort。 She had supposed this girl some Friend of the Dark whom Moghedien had picked up to run errands; perhaps a noble who thought her title counted; but now that she was close。。。 The girl was stronger in the One Power than she herself! Even in her own Age; that had been unmon among men; and very rare indeed among women。 On the instant; on instinct; she changed her intention to deny any contact with Sammael。
       〃I suspected;〃 she replied; directing a false smile over the young woman's head at Moghedien。 How much did she know? Where had the Spider found a girl so much stronger than she; and why was she traveling with her? Moghedien had always been jealous of anyone with more strength。 Or more of anything。 〃He used to visit me; importuning my help in one mad plan or another。 I never rejected him outright; you know Sammael is … was a dangerous man to reject。 He appeared every few days without fail; and when he stopped; I assumed something dire had happened to him。 Who is this girl; Moghedien? A remarkable find。〃
       The young woman stepped closer; staring up at her with eyes like blue fire。 〃She told you my name。 That is all you need know。〃 The girl knew she spoke to one of the Chosen; and yet her tone remained frost。 Even given her strength; this was no simple Friend of the Dark。 Unless she was insane。 〃Have you paid attention to the weather; Graendal?〃
       Abruptly; Graendal realized that Moghedien was letting the girl do all the talking。 Hanging back until a weakness became apparent。 And Graendal had been letting her! 〃I do not suppose you came to tell me of Sammael's death; Moghedien;〃 she said sharply。 〃Or to talk about weather。 You know I seldom go outside。〃 Nature was unruly; lacking order。 There were not even windows in this room; nor in most that she used。 〃What do you want?〃 The dark…haired woman was edging sideways along the wall; the glow of the One Power still surrounded her。 Graendal stepped casually so that both remained in her sight。
       〃You make a mistake; Graendal。〃 A chilly smile barely curved Cyndane's full lips; she was enjoying this。 〃I lead between us。 Moghedien is in a bad odor with Moridin for her recent mistakes。〃
       Wrapping her arms around herself; Moghedien shot the silver…haired little woman a scowl as good as any spoken confirmation。 Suddenly Cyndane's big eyes opened even wider; and she gasped; shuddering。
       Moghedien's glare turned malicious。 〃You lead for the moment;〃 she sneered。 〃Your place in his eyes is not far better than mine。〃 And then she gave a start and shivered; biting her lip。
       Was she being toyed with; Graendal wondered。 The pure hatred for each other on the two women's faces seemed unfeigned。 Either way; she would see how they enjoyed being played。 Unconsciously rubbing her hands together; rubbing the angreal on her finger; she moved to a chair without taking her eyes from the pair。 The sweetness of saidar flowing into her was a fort。 Not that she needed fort; but there was something odd here。 The high straight back; thickly carved and gilded; made the chair seem a throne; though it was no different from any other in the room。 Such things affected even the most sophisticated on levels they never knew consciously。
       She sat leaning back with her leg's crossed; one foot kicking idly; the picture of a woman at her ease; and made her voice bored。 〃Since you lead; child; tell me; when this man who calls himself Death is in his skin; who is he? What is he?〃
       〃Moridin is Nae'blis。〃 The girl's voice was calm and cold and arrogant。 〃The Great Lord has decided it is time for you to serve the Nae'blis; too。〃
       Graendal jerked upright。 〃This is preposterous。〃 She could not keep the anger from her voice。 〃A man I've never heard of has been named the Great Lord's Regent on Earth?〃 She did not mind when others tried to manipulate her … she always found a way to turn their schemes against them … but Moghedien must take her for a half…wit! She had no doubt that Moghedien was directing this obnoxious girl; whatever they claimed; whatever looks they stabbed at each other。 〃I serve the Great Lord and myself; no other! I think the two of you should go; now; and play your little game elsewhere。 Demandred might be diverted by it。 Or Semirhage? Be careful how you channel in leaving; I have set a few inverted webs; and you would not want to trigger one。〃
       That was a lie; but a very believable one; so it came as a shock when Moghedien suddenly channeled and every lamp in the room went out; plunging them into darkness。 Instantly Graendal flung herself from the chair so as not to be where they had last seen her; and she also channeled even as she moved; weaving a web of light that hung to one side; a sphere of pure white that cast lurid shadows about the room。 And revealed the pair clearly。 Without hesitation; she channeled again; drawing the full strength of the little ring。 She did not need it all; or even most; but she wanted every advantage she could find。 Attack her; would they! A net of pulsion tightened on each of them before they could twitch。
       She had spun the nets strong; for anger's sake; nearly strong enough to do harm; and the women stood staring at her adoringly; eyes wide and mouths hanging open in adulation; intoxicated with worship。 They were hers to mand; now。 If she told them to cut their own throats; they would。 Suddenly Graendal realized that Moghedien was no longer embracing the Source。 This much pulsion might have shocked her into letting go。 The servants by the door had not moved; of course。
       〃Now;〃 she said a touch breathlessly; 〃you will answer my questions。〃 She had a number; including who was this Moridin fellow; if there was such a man; and where had Cyndane e from; but one piqued her more than the rest。 〃What did you hope to gain by this; Moghedien? I may decide to knot those webs on you。 You can pay for your game by serving me。〃
       〃No; please;〃 Moghedien groaned; wringing her hands。 She actually began to weep! 〃You will kill us all! Please; you must serve the Nae'blis! That is what we came for。 To bring you to Moridin's service!〃 The silver…haired little woman's face was a shadowed mask of terror in the pale light; her bosom heaving as she gulped breath。
       Suddenly uneasy; Graendal opened her mouth。 This made less and less sense by the moment。 She opened her mouth; and the True Source vanished。 The One Power vanished from her; and blackness swallowed the room again。 Abruptly the caged birds broke into a frenzy of chirrupi
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