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lood; too。 Most are。 Think about it。 Would you want somebody inside your head while you cuddled up with a likely wench? Sorry; I forgot you were married; now。 No offense meant。 I was surprised to hear you'd married a Saldaean; though。〃
       〃Surprised?〃 Perrin had never considered that about the Warder bond。 Light! For that matter; he had never really thought about Aes Sedai that way。 It seemed about as possible as。。。 as a man talking to wolves。 〃Why surprised?〃 They started down through the trees on this side of the hill; not hurrying and making little noise。 Perrin had always been a good hunter; accustomed to the forests; and Elyas hardly disturbed the leaves underfoot; gliding smoothly through the undergrowth without shifting a branch。 He might have slung his bow on his back now; but he still carried it ready。 Elyas was a wary man; especially around people。
       〃Why; because you're a quiet sort; and I thought you'd marry somebody quiet; too。 Well; you know by now Saldaeans aren't quiet。 Except with strangers and outsiders。 Set the sun on fire one minute; and the next; it's all blown away and forgotten。 Make Arafellin look stolid and Domani downright dull。〃 Elyas grinned suddenly。 〃I lived a year with a Saldaean; once; and Merya shouted my ears off five days in the week; and maybe heaved the dishes at my head; too。 Every time I thought about leaving; though; she'd want to make up; and I never seemed to get to the door。 In the end; she left me。 Said I was too restrained for her taste。〃 His rasping laugh was reminiscent; but he rubbed at a faint; age…faded scar along his jaw reminiscently; too。 It looked to have been made by a knife。
       〃Faile's not like that。〃 It sounded like being married to Nynaeve! Nynaeve with sore teeth! 〃I don't mean she doesn't get angry now and then;〃 he admitted reluctantly; 〃but she doesn't shout and throw things。〃 Well; she did not shout very often; and instead of flaring hot and vanishing; her anger started hot and dragged on till it turned cold。
       Elyas glanced at him sideways。 〃If I ever smelled a man trying to dodge hail。。。 You've been giving her soft words all the time; haven't you? Mild as milk…water and never lay your ears back? Never raise your voice to her?〃
       〃Of course not!〃 Perrin protested。 〃I love her! Why would I shout at her?〃
       Elyas began muttering under his breath; though Perrin could hear every word; of course。 〃Burn me; a man wants to sit on a red adder; it's his affair。 Not my business if a man wants to warm his hands when the roof's on fire。 It's his life。 Will he thank me? No; he bloody well won't!〃
       〃What are you going on about?〃 Perrin demanded。 Catching Elyas' arm; he pulled him to a stop beneath a winterberry tree; its prickly leaves still mostly green。 Little else nearby was; except for some struggling creepers。 They had e less than halfway down the hill。 〃Faile isn't a red adder or a roof on fire! Wait until you meet her before you start talking like you know her。〃
       Irritably; Elyas raked fingers through his long beard。 〃I know Saldaeans; boy。 That year wasn't the only time I've been there。 I've only ever met about five Saldaean women I'd call meek; or even mild…mannered。 No; she isn't an adder; what she is is a leopard; I'll wager。 Don't growl; burn you! I'll bet my boots she'd smile to hear me say it!〃
       Perrin opened his mouth angrily; then closed it again。 He had not realized he was growling deep in his throat。 Faile would smile at being called a leopard。 〃You can't be saying she wants me to shout at her; Elyas。〃
       〃Yes; I am。 Most likely; anyway。 Maybe she's the sixth。 Maybe。 Just hear me out。 Most women; you raise your voice; and they go bulge…eyed or ice; and next thing you know; you're arguing about you being angry; never mind what put the ember down your back in the first place。 Swallow your tongue with a Saldaean; though; and to her; you're saying she isn't strong enough to stand up to you。 Insult her like that; and you're lucky she doesn't feed you your own gizzard for breakfast。 She's no Far Madding wench; to expect a man to sit where she points and jump when she snaps her fingers。 She's a leopard; and she expects her husband to be a leopard; too。 Light! I don't know what I'm doing。 Giving a man advice about his wife is a good way to get your innards spilled。〃
       It was Elyas' turn to growl。 He jerked his hat straight unnecessarily and looked around the slope frowning; as though considering whether to vanish back into the forests; then poked a finger at Perrin。 〃Look here。 I always knew you were more than a stray; and putting what the wolves told me together with you just happening to be heading toward this Prophet fellow; I thought maybe you could use a friend to watch your back。 Of course; the wolves didn't mention you were leading those pretty Mayener lancers。 Neither did Gaul; till we saw them。 If you'd like me to stay; I will。 If not; there's plenty of the world I haven't seen yet。〃
       〃I can always use another friend; Elyas。〃 Could Faile really want him to shout? He had always known he might hurt somebody if he was not careful; and he always tried to keep a tight rein on his temper。 Words could hurt as hard as fists; the wrong words; words you never meant; let loose in a temper。 It had to be impossible。 It just stood to reason。 No woman would stand for that; from her husband or any man。
       A bluefinch's call brought Perrin's head up; ears pricking。 It was just at the edge of hearing even for him; but a moment later the trill was repeated closer; then again; nearer still。 Elyas cocked an eyebrow at him; he would know the call of a Borderland bird。 Perrin had learned it from some Shienarans; Masema among them; and taught the Two Rivers men。
       〃We have visitors ing;〃 he told Elyas。
       They came quickly; four riders at a fast canter; arriving before he and Elyas reached the bottom of the hill。 Berelain led the way; splashing across the stream with Annoura and Gallenne close behind and a woman in a pale; hooded dust…cloak at her side。 They swept right by the Mayener camp without a glance; not drawing rein until they were in front of the red…and…white striped tent。 Some of the Cairhienin servants rushed to take bridles and hold stirrups; and Berelain and her panions were inside before the dust of their arrival settled。
       All in all; the arrival created quite a stir。 A buzz rose among the Two Rivers men that Perrin could only call anticipatory。 The inevitable gathering of Faile's young fools scratched their heads and stared at the tent; chattering excitedly among themselves。 Grady and Neald watched the tent through the trees; too; now and then leaning together to talk though nobody was close enough to hear anything they said。
       〃Looks like your visitors are more than casual;〃 Elyas said quietly。 〃Watch Gallenne; he could be trouble。〃
       〃You know him; Elyas? I'd like you to stay; but if you think he might tell one of the sisters who you are。。。 〃 Perrin shrugged in resignation。 〃I might be able to stop Seonid and Masuri〃 … he thought he could … 〃but I think Annoura will do whatever she wants。〃 And what did she really think about Masema?
       〃Oh; Bertain Gallenne
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