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eful to be rid of it。 Tallanvor still wore his sword belted over his coat; but not Master Gill or the other two。
       Faile must have been watching; because no sooner did Perrin e out than she gestured toward the tent; clearly issuing orders。 Maighdin and Breane came bustling past him and Aram with lanterns; their jaws set; smelling of determination for some reason。 Neither curtsied; a pleasant surprise。 Lini did; a quick bend of the knee before she darted after the other two muttering about 〃knowing their place。〃 Perrin suspected Lini was one of those women who saw her 〃place〃 as being in charge。 e to think of it; most women did。 That was the way of the world; it seemed; not just the Two Rivers。
       Tallanvor and Lamgwin followed close behind the women; and Lamgwin was as serious about bowing as Tallanvor; who was almost grim。 Perrin sighed and bowed back; and they both gave a start; gaping at him。 A curt shout from Lini jerked them into the tent。
       With only a quickly flashed smile for him; Faile strode off toward the carts; talking alternately to Basel Gill on one side of her and Sebban Balwer on the other。 The men each held a lantern out to light her way。 Of course; a double handful of those idiots kept pace where they could hear if she raised her voice; strutting and stroking sword hilts and staring about in the dimness as though they expected an attack or hoped for one。 Perrin tugged at his short beard。 She always found plenty of work to fill her hours; and nobody took it out of her hands。 Nobody would dare。
       Not so much as the first fingers of dawn showed on the horizon yet; but the Cairhienin were beginning to stir around the carts; and moving more quickly the closer Faile came。 By the time she reached them; they appeared to be trotting; their lanterns bobbing and swinging in the dimness。 The Two Rivers men; used to farmers' days; were already making breakfast; some laughing and roughhousing around their cook fires; some grumping; but most getting the work done。 A few tried to stay in their blankets and were unceremoniously tumbled out。 Grady and Neald were up; too; as always off by themselves; shadows in black coats among the trees。 Perrin could not recall seeing them without those coats; always buttoned to the neck; always clean and unwrinkled e sunrise; whatever they had looked like the night before。 Stepping through the forms in unison; the pair were practicing the sword as they did every morning。 That was better than their evening practice; when they would sit cross…legged; hands on knees; staring at some distant nothing。 They never did anything then that anyone could see; yet not a man in the camp but knew what they were about and kept as far off as possible。 Not even the Maidens would step into their line of sight then。
       Something was missing; Perrin realized with a start。 Faile always had one of the men meet him first thing with a bowl of the thick porridge they breakfasted on; but it seemed she had been too busy this morning。 Brightening; he hurried toward the cook fires; hoping at least to be able to dip up his own porridge for once。 A small hope。
       Flann Barstere; a lanky fellow with a dent in his chin; met him halfway and shoved a carved bowl into his hands。 Flann was from up toward Watch Hill; and Perrin did not know him well; but they had been hunting together a time or two; and once Perrin had helped him dig one of his father's cows out of a bog…hole in the Waterwood。 〃The Lady Faile told me to bring this to you; Perrin;〃 Flann said anxiously。 〃You won't tell her I forgot; will you? You won't tell? I found some honey; and I put in a good dollop。〃 Perrin tried not to sigh。 At least Flann had remembered his name。
       Well; maybe he could not get away with doing the simplest chores for himself; but he was still responsible for the men eating beneath the trees。 Without him; they would be with their families; getting ready for the day's chores around the farm; milking cows and cutting firewood instead of wondering whether they might have to kill or be killed before sunset。 Gulping down the honeyed porridge quickly; he told Aram to take his ease over breakfast; but the man looked so miserable that he relented; so Aram followed as he made his way around the camp。 The journey was not one Perrin enjoyed。
       Men put down their bowls when he approached; or even stood until he passed。 He gritted his teeth whenever somebody he had grown up with; or worse; a man who had sent him on errands as a boy; called him Lord Perrin。 Not everyone did; but too many。 Far too many。 After a time; he gave up telling them to stop out of sheer weariness; all too often the reply was 〃Oh! Whatever you say; Lord Perrin。〃 It was enough to make a man howl!
       Despite that; he made himself pause to speak a word or two to every man。 Mainly; though; he kept his eyes open。 And his nose。 They all knew enough to keep their bows in good repair and tend the fletching and points on their arrows; but some would wear the soles out of their boots or the bottom out of their breeches without noticing; or let blisters fester because they could not be bothered to do anything about them just yet。 Several had the habit of picking up brandy when they could; and two or three of those had no head for it at all。 There had been a small village the day before reaching Bethal that held no fewer than three inns。
       It was very strange。 Having Mistress Luhhan or his mother tell him he needed new boots or his breeches mended had always been embarrassing; and he was sure he would have been irritated at the same from anybody else; but from grizzled old Jondyn Barran on down; the Two Rivers men just said 〃Why; right you are; Lord Perrin; I'll see to it straight away〃 or some such。 He caught a number of them grinning at one another when he moved on。 And they smelled pleased! When he rooted a clay jar of pear brandy out of Jori Congar's saddlebags … a skinny fellow who ate twice as much as anyone else and always looked as if he had not had a bite in a week; Jori was a good shot with a bow; but given a chance he would drink until he could not stand; and he had light fingers besides … Jori gave him a wide…eyed look and spread his hands as if he did not know where the jar had e from。 But as Perrin walked on; emptying the brandy onto the ground; Jori laughed; 〃You can't put anything over on Lord Perrin!〃 He sounded proud! Sometimes; Perrin thought he was the only sane person left。
       Another thing; he noticed。 One and all; they were very interested in what he did not say。 Man after man cast an eye toward the two banners that occasionally flapped atop their poles in a brief gust; Red Wolfhead and Red Eagle。 They eyed the banners and watched him; waiting for the order he had given every time the things had e out since reaching Ghealdan。 And often enough before that。 Except that he had said nothing yesterday; and he said nothing today; and he saw speculation blooming on men's faces。 He left behind clusters of men peering at the banners and at him; murmuring excitedly among themselves。 He did not try to listen。 What would they say if he was wrong; if the Whitecloaks or King Ailron decided they could look away from the Prophet an
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