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owning woman; 〃I have some matters I must see to。〃 He hurried away; only looking back once。 Lini was shaking a finger at Master Gill; berating him despite his protests。 The breeze was wrong for Perrin to hear what they were saying。 In truth; he did not want to。 They were all crazy!
       Berelain might have her two maids and her thief…catchers; but Faile had her own attendants; of a sort。 Close on twenty young Tairens and Cairhienin were sitting cross…legged near the tent; the women in coats and breeches with swords belted on just like the men。 None wore their hair longer than the shoulder; and men and women both had it tied back with a ribbon; imitating the Aiel tail。 Perrin wondered where the rest were; they seldom strayed far from the sound of Faile's voice。 Not causing trouble; he hoped。 She had taken them under her wing to keep them out of trouble; she said; and the Light knew they would have gotten into it; left back in Cairhien with a great lot of young fools just like them。 In Perrin's opinion; the whole lashing of them needed a swift kick in the bottom to knock some sense into them。 Dueling; playing at ji'e'toh; pretending to be some sort of Aiel。 Idiocy!
       Lacile rose to her feet as Perrin came closer; a pale little woman with red ribbons pinned to her lapels; small gold hoops in her ears; and a challenging stare that sometimes made the Two Rivers men think she might like a kiss despite her sword。 Right then; the challenge was stony hard。 A moment behind her; Arrela stood too; tall and dark; with her hair cut short as a Maiden's and her clothes plainer than most of the men's。 Unlike Lacile; Arrela made it clear she would as soon kiss a dog as any man。 The pair made as if to move in front of the tent; to block Perrin's way; but a square…chinned fellow in a puffy…sleeved coat barked an order and they sat again。 Reluctantly。 For that matter; Parelean thumbed that block of a chin as though he might be reconsidering。 He had worn a beard the first time Perrin saw him … several of the Tairen men had had them … but Aiel did not wear beards。
       Perrin muttered about foolishness under his breath。 They were Faile's to the bone; and the fact that he was her husband meant little。 Aram might be jealous of his attentions; yet Aram at least shared his affections with Faile。 He could feel the young idiots' eyes on him as he strode inside。 Faile would skin him if she ever learned that he hoped they would keep her from trouble。
       The tent was tall and spacious; with a flowered carpet for a floor and sparse furnishings that folded for storage on a cart; most of them。 The heavy stand…mirror certainly could not。 Except for brass…bound chests draped with embroidered cloths and doubling as extra tables; straight lines of bright gilt decorated everything down to the washstand and its mirror。 A dozen mirrored lamps made the interior nearly as bright as outside; if considerably cooler; and there were even a pair of silk hangings dangling from the roof poles; too ornate for Perrin's taste。 Too rigid; with the birds and flowers marching in lines and angles。 Dobraine had set them up to travel like Cairhienin nobles; though Perrin had managed to 〃lose〃 the worst of it。 The huge bed; for one; a ridiculous thing to travel with。 It had taken up almost a whole cart to itself。
       Faile and Maighdin were sitting alone together; worked silver cups in hand。 They had the air of women feeling one another out; all smiles on the outside yet with a hint of sharpness to the eyes; a hint of listening for something behind the words; and not a clue as to whether they would hug in the next instant or draw knives。 Well; he thought most women would not actually go as far as knives; but Faile could。 Maighdin appeared much less travel…worn than she had; washed and bed; the dust brushed from her dress。 A small mosaic…topped table between them held more cups and a tall sweating silver pitcher that gave off the minty scent of herb tea。 Both women looked around at his entrance; and for an instant; they had almost exactly the same expression; coolly wondering who was barging in and not at all pleased with the interruption。 At least Faile softened hers immediately with a smile。
       〃Master Gill told me your story; Mistress Dorlain;〃 he said。 〃You've faced hard days; but you can be sure you're safe here till you decide to leave。〃 The woman murmured thanks over the rim of her cup; but she smelled wary; and her eyes tried to read him like a book。
       〃Maighdin also told me their story; Perrin;〃 Faile said; 〃and I have an offer to make her。 Maighdin; you and your friends have had trying months behind; and you tell me of no prospects ahead。 Enter my service; all of you。 You will still have to journey; but the circumstances will be much better。 I pay well; and I am not a harsh mistress。〃 Perrin voiced his approval immediately。 If Faile wanted to indulge her fancy for taking in strays; at least he wanted to help this lot; too。 Maybe they would be safer with him than wandering around alone at that。
       Choking on her tea; Maighdin nearly dropped her cup。 She blinked at Faile; dabbing at the damp on her chin with a lace…edged linen handkerchief; and her chair creaked faintly as she turned; strangely; to study Perrin。 〃I。。。 thank you;〃 she said at last; slowly。 〃I think。。。 〃 Another moment's perusal of Perrin; and her voice picked up。 〃Yes; I thank you; and I accept your kind offer gratefully。 I must tell my panions。〃 Rising; she hesitated in setting her cup on the tray; then straightened only to spread her skirts in a curtsy suitable for any palace。 〃I will try to give good service; my Lady;〃 she said levelly。 〃May I withdraw?〃 At Faile's assent; she curtsied again and backed away two steps before turning to go! Perrin scratched his beard。 Somebody else who would be bobbing at him every time she turned around。
       No sooner had the tentflap dropped behind Maighdin than Faile put her cup down and laughed; drumming her heels on the carpet。 〃Oh; I like her; Perrin。 She has spirit! I'll wager she would have singed your beard over those banners if I hadn't saved you。 Oh; yes。 Spirit!〃
       Perrin grunted。 Just what he needed; another woman to singe his beard。 〃I promised Master Gill to look after them; Faile; but。。。 Can you guess what that Lini asked? She wanted me to marry Maighdin to that fellow Tallanvor。 Just stand them up and marry them whatever they said! She claimed they want it。〃 He filled a silver cup with tea and dropped into the chair Maighdin had vacated; ignoring its alarming groans under his sudden weight。 〃In any case; that nonsense is the least of my worries。 Master Gill says it was the Seanchan took Amador; and I believe him。 Light! The Seanchan!〃
       Faile tapped her fingertips together; staring across them at nothing。 〃That might be just the thing;〃 she mused。 〃Most servants do better married than not。 Perhaps I should arrange it。 And for Breane; too。 The way she went running out of here to check on that big fellow as soon as her face was clean; I suspect they should be already。 There was a gleam in her eye。 I won't have that kind of behavior in my servants; Perrin。 It just leads to tears and recriminations and sulking。 And Bre
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