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 from her every night since entering Ghealdan。 He was here in part because of Alliandre's cautious letter to Rand; offering。。。 Support? Allegiance? Her desire for secrecy had been paramount; in any case。
       Perrin doubted that even Aram; sitting his leggy gray a few paces behind them; could have heard a word Faile said; yet before she finished speaking; Berelain brought her white mare up on his other side; sweat glistening on her cheeks。 She also smelled determined; through a cloud of rose perfume。 To him; it seemed a cloud。 For a wonder; her green riding dress showed no more flesh than it had to。
       Berelain's two panions stayed back; though Annoura; her Aes Sedai advisor; studied him with an unreadable expression from beneath her cap of thin shoulder…long beaded braids。 Not him and the two women at his sides; him in particular。 No sweat there。 He wished he were close enough to smell the beak…nosed Gray sister; unlike the other Aes Sedai; she had made no promises to anyone。 For whatever those promises were worth。 Lord Gallenne; mander of Berelain's Winged Guards; was seemingly busy examining Bethal through a looking glass raised to his one eye; and fiddling with his reins in a way Perrin had e to know meant that he was deep in calculations。 Probably how to take Bethal by force; Gallenne always saw the worst possibility first。
       〃I still think I should be the one to approach Alliandre;〃 Berelain said。 This; too; Perrin had heard every day。 〃It is why I came; after all。〃 That was one of the reasons。 〃Annoura will be granted an audience at once; and take me in with none the wiser save Alliandre。〃 A second wonder。 There had not been a hint of flirtation in her voice。 She seemed to be paying as much attention to smoothing her red leather gloves as to him。
       Which one? The trouble was; he did not want to choose either。
       Seonid; the second Aes Sedai who had e to the ridgeline; stood beside her bay gelding a little way off; near a tall drought…withered blackwood; looking not at Bethal but the sky。 The two pale…eyed Wise Ones with her made a sharp contrast; faces sun…dark to her pale plexion; fair…haired to her dark; tall to her short; not to mention their dark skirts and white blouses contrasting to her fine blue wool。 Necklaces and bracelets of gold and silver and ivory draped Edarra and Nevarin; while Seonid wore only her Great Serpent ring。 They were young to her ageless。 The Wise Ones matched the Green sister for self…possession; though; and they were studying the sky; too。
       〃Do you see something?〃 Perrin asked; putting off the decision。
       〃We see the sky; Perrin Aybara;〃 Edarra said calmly; her jewelry making a soft clatter as she adjusted the dark shawl looped over her elbows。 The heat seemed to touch the Aiel as little as it did the Aes Sedai。 〃If we saw more; we would tell you。〃 He hoped they would。 He thought they would。 At least; if it was something they believed Grady and Neald might see; too。 The two Asha'man would not keep it secret。 He wished they were there instead of back in the camp。
       More than half a week ago; now; a lace of the One Power streaking high across the sky had created quite a stir among the Aes Sedai and Wise Ones。 And with Grady and Neald。 Which fact had made a bigger stir still; as close to panic as any Aes Sedai was likely to e。 Asha'man; Aes Sedai and Wise Ones all claimed they could still feel the Power faintly in the air long after that bar of lace vanished; but nobody knew what it meant。 Neald said it made him think of wind; though he could not tell why。 No one would voice more of an opinion than that; yet if both the male and female halves of the Power were visible; it had to be the Forsaken at work; and on a huge scale。 Wondering what they were up to had kept Perrin awake late most nights since。
       In spite of himself; he glanced to the sky。 And saw nothing; of course; except a pair of pigeons。 Abruptly a hawk plummeted into his sight; and one of the pigeons was gone in a spray of feathers。 The other winged on frantically toward Bethal。
       〃Have you reached a decision; Perrin Aybara?〃 Nevarin asked; a touch sharply。 The green…eyed Wise One appeared even younger than Edarra; perhaps no older than he was; and she did not quite have the blue…eyed woman's serenity。 Her shawl slid down her arms as she planted hands on hips; and he half expected her to shake a finger at him。 Or a fist。 She reminded him of Nynaeve; though they surely looked nothing alike。 Nevarin would have made Nynaeve look plump。 〃What use our advice if you will not listen?〃 she demanded。 〃What use?〃
       Faile and Berelain sat straight in their saddles; both as proud as they could be; both smelling expectant and uncertain at the same time。 And irritated at being uncertain; neither liked that one speck。 Seonid was too far to send her scent; but pressed lips gave her mood well enough。 Edarra's mand not to speak unless spoken to infuriated her。 Still; she certainly wanted him to take the Wise Ones' counsel; she stared at him intently; as though the pressure of her eyes could push him the way they wanted him to go。 In truth; he wanted to choose her; yet he hesitated。 How far did her oath of fealty to Rand truly hold? Further than he would have believed; by the evidence seen so far; but still; how far could he trust an Aes Sedai? The arrival of Seonid's two Warders spared him for another few minutes。
       They rode up together; though they had gone out separately; keeping their horses well back into the trees along the ridgeline so they would not be seen from the town。 Furen was a Tairen; nearly as dark as good soil; with gray streaking his curly black hair; while Teryl; a Murandian; was twenty years younger; with dark reddish hair; curled mustaches; and eyes bluer than Edarra's; yet they were stamped from the same mold; tall and lean and hard。 They dismounted smoothly; cloaks shifting colors and vanishing in a queasy…making way; and made their reports to Seonid; deliberately ignoring the Wise Ones。 And Perrin。
       〃It's worse than back north;〃 Furen said disgustedly。 A few drops of sweat beaded on his forehead; but neither man appeared much affected by the heat。 〃The local nobles are shut up in their manors or the town; and the Queen's soldiers keep inside the town walls。 They've abandoned the countryside to the Prophet's men。 And the bandits; though those seem scarce around here。 The Prophet's people are all over。 I think Alliandre will be happy to see you。〃
       〃Rabble;〃 Teryl snorted; slapping his reins on his palm。 〃I never saw more than fifteen or twenty in one place; armed with pitchforks and boar spears mainly。 Ragged as beggars; they were。 Fit for scaring farmers; to be sure; but you'd think the lords would be rooting them out and hanging them in bunches。 The Queen will kiss your hand to see a sister。〃
       Seonid opened her mouth; then glanced up at Edarra; who nodded。 If anything; gaining permission to speak tightened the Green's mouth more。 Her tone was mild as butter; though。 〃There is no more reason to put off your decision; Lord Aybara。〃 She emphasized that title a bit; knowing exactly how much right he had to it。 〃Your wife can claim a great House; an
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