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one who will go to Andor with you; Elayne。 I'll。。。 I'll meet you there。 Mat's in the city。 I have to go back for him。 Burn the boy; he came for me; and I have to。〃
       Elayne wrapped her arms around herself and drew a deep breath。 Queen Tylin she left to the mercies of the Light; Tylin would survive if it was possible。 But Mat Cauthon; her very strange; very instructive subject; her most unlikely rescuer。 He had e for her; too; and offered more。 And Thom Merrilin; dear Thom; who she sometimes still wished would turn out to be her real father; and the Light burn what that would make of her mother。 And the boy; Olver; and Chel Vanin; and。。。 She had to think like a queen。 The Rose Crown is heavier than a mountain; her mother had told her; and duty will make you weep; but you must bear and do what must be done。
       〃No;〃 she said; then more firmly; 〃No。 Look at you; Nynaeve; you can hardly stand。 Even if we all went; what could we do? How many of the Forsaken are there? We'd die; or worse; for no gain。 The Forsaken have no reason to look for Mat or the others。 It's us they will be after。〃
       Nynaeve gaped at her; stubborn Nynaeve with sweat running down her face and her legs unsteady。 Wonderful; gallant; foolish Nynaeve。 〃You're saying leave him; Elayne? Aviendha; talk to her。 Tell her about that honor you're always going on about!〃
       Aviendha hesitated; then shook her head。 She was almost as sweaty as Nynaeve; and from the way she moved; just as tired。 〃There are times to fight without hope; Nynaeve; but Elayne is right。 The Shadowsouled will not be looking for Mat Cauthon; they will be after us; and the Bowl。 He may have left the city already。 If we go; we risk giving them what can undo what we have done。 Wherever we send the Bowl; they will be able to make us tell them who we sent it with and where。〃
       Nynaeve's face crumpled in pain。 Elayne reached to put her arms around her。
       〃Shadowspawn!〃 someone screamed; and suddenly women were embracing saidar all over the hilltop。 Balls of fire shot up from Merilille's hands; from Careane's and Sareitha's; as fast as they could throw。 A huge winged shape enveloped in flame tumbled out of the sky trailing oily black smoke; falling just beyond the cliff。
       〃There's another one!〃 Kirstian shouted; pointing。 A second winged creature dove away from the hill; body as big as a horse; ribbed wings spanning thirty paces or more; long neck stretched out before and longer tail streaming behind。 Two figures crouched low on its back。 A storm of fire rained after it; quickest of all from Aviendha and the Sea Folk; who made no throwing gesture as part of their weaving。 A hail of fire so thick it seemed that Fire must be forming itself out of the air; and the thing dodged behind the hill on the other side of the farm and appeared to vanish。
       〃Did we kill it?〃 Sareitha asked。 Her eyes shone bright; and she breathed hard in agitation。
       〃Did we even hit it?〃 one of the Atha'an Miere growled disgustedly。
       〃Shadowspawn;〃 Merilille murmured in amazement。 〃Here! At least that proves it's the Forsaken in Ebou Dar。〃
       〃Not Shadowspawn;〃 Elayne said hollowly。 Nynaeve's face was a picture of anguish; she knew; too。 〃They call it a raken。 It's the Seanchan。 We must go; Nynaeve; and take every woman at the farm with us。 Whether we killed that thing or not; more will e。 Anyone we leave behind will be wearing a damane leash by tomorrow morning。〃 Nynaeve nodded; slowly; painfully; Elayne thought she murmured; 〃Oh; Mat。〃
       Renaile strode up with the Bowl in her arms; once more swathed in its white covering。 〃Some of our ships have encountered these Seanchan。 If they are in Ebou Dar; then the ships beat to sea。 My ship fights for his life; and I am not on his deck! We go now!〃 And she formed the weave for a gateway; right there。
       It tangled uselessly; of course; flared bright for an instant then collapsed into nothing; but Elayne squeaked in spite of herself。 Right there in the middle of them! 〃You aren't going anywhere from here unless you mean to stay long enough to learn this hilltop!〃 she snapped。 She hoped none of the women who had been in the circle tried the weave; holding saidar was the fastest way to learn a place。 She could have made it work here; and very likely so could they。 〃You aren't going to a moving ship from anywhere; I don't think it's even possible!〃 Merilille nodded; though that meant little; Aes Sedai believed a great many things to be true; and some of them actually were。 As well if the Sea Folk believed it proven; in any case。 Nynaeve; haggard and staring; was in no condition to do any leading at the moment; so Elayne went on。 She hoped she managed to do her mother's memory proud。 〃But most of all; you aren't going anywhere except with us; because our bargain isn't plete; the Bowl of the Winds is not yours until the weather is right。〃 Not precisely true unless you twisted the words of the bargain a little; and Renaile opened her mouth; but Elayne plowed on。 〃And because you made a bargain with Matrim Cauthon; my subject。 You go voluntarily where I want you to; or you go tied to a packsaddle。 Those were the choices you accepted。 So; get down this hill now; Renaile din Calon Blue Star; before the Seanchan sweep down on us with an army and a few hundred women who can channel and would like nothing better than to see us collared alongside them。 Now! Run!〃
       To her astonishment; they ran。
Chapter 6 
(Insect…Like; Horned Helmet) 
       Elayne ran; too; of course; holding her skirts up; and quickly took the lead on the well…worn dirt path。 Only Aviendha stayed close; though she seemed to have no idea how to run in a dress; divided or not; tired as she was; she certainly would have passed Elayne otherwise。 Everyone else strung out behind them along the narrow; winding track。 None of the Atha'an Miere would push by Renaile; and despite her silk trousers she could not move very fast carrying the Bowl hugged to her chest。 Nynaeve had no such punctions; elbowing past and running hard; shouting for people to get out of her way when she stumbled into them whether they were Windfinders; Kinswomen; or Aes Sedai。
       Bounding down the hillside; tripping and catching herself; Elayne wanted to laugh despite the urgency。 Despite the danger。 Lini and her mother had been death on running and climbing trees from the time she was twelve; but it was not just the sheer pleasure of running again that made delight bubble up in her middle。 She had behaved as a queen was supposed to behave; and it had worked exactly as it was supposed to! She had taken charge; to lead people out of danger; and they followed! Her whole life had been training for this。 It was satisfaction that made her laugh; and the hot glow of pride seemed about to burst through her skin like the radiance of saidar。
       Rounding the last curve; she pounded down the final straight beside one of the tall white…plastered barns。 And her toe caught an almost buried stone。 She pitched forward heavily; windmilling her arms; and suddenly she was somersaulting head…over…heels through the air。 No time even to yell。 With a thump that jarred h
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