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might be read two days from now。〃
       Merilille snorted; a very strong sound to e from that slight body。 〃That is a rare Talent; girl。 Neither Teslyn nor Joline has it。 Or do you Aiel wilders all learn that as well?〃
       〃Few can do it;〃 Aviendha admitted calmly。 〃But I can。〃 That produced a different sort of stare; from Elayne as well; it was a very rare Talent。 She did not seem to notice。 〃Do you claim that none of the Shadowsouled can?〃 she went on。 The tightness of her shoulder under Elayne's hand said she was not so cool as she pretended。 〃Are you such fools that you leave tracks for your enemies to follow? Any who could read the residues could make a gateway to this spot。〃
       That would have taken great dexterity; very great dexterity; but the suggestion was enough to leave Merilille blinking。 Adeleas opened her mouth; then closed it without speaking; and Vandene frowned thoughtfully。 Sareitha simply looked worried。 Who could say what Talents the Forsaken had; what skill?
       Strangely; all the fierceness drained out of Aviendha。 Her eyes fell; her shoulders loosened。 〃Perhaps I should not have taken the risk;〃 she muttered。 〃With that man watching me; I could not think clearly; and when he disappeared。。。 〃 A little of her spirit returned; but not a great deal。 〃I do not think a man could read my weaves;〃 she said to Elayne; 〃but if he was one of the Shadowsouled; or even the gholam。。。 The Shadowsouled know more than any of us。 If I was wrong; I have great toh。 But I do not think I was。 I do not think it。〃
       〃What man?〃 Nynaeve demanded。 Her hat had been knocked askew in pushing among the horses; and that; with the tight frown she directed at everyone impartially; made her look ready for a fight。 Perhaps she was。 Careane's gelding accidentally nudged her with a shoulder; and she swatted the blue dun's nose。
       〃A servant;〃 Merilille said dismissively。 〃Whatever orders Tylin gave; Altaran servants are an independent lot。 Or perhaps her son; that boy is too curious by half。〃
       The sisters around her nodded; and Careane said; 〃One of the Forsaken would hardly have stood and watched。 You said so yourself。〃 She was patting her gelding's neck and frowning accusingly at Nynaeve … Careane was one of those who gave her horse the sort of affection most people reserved for infants … she was frowning at Nynaeve; and Nynaeve took the words for her; too。
       〃Maybe it was a servant; and maybe it was Beslan。 Maybe。〃 Nynaeve's sniff said she did not believe it。 Or that she wanted them to believe she did not; she could tell you to your face that you were a blind idiot; yet let anyone else say it; and she would defend you until she went hoarse。 Of course; she did not seem ready to decide whether she liked Aviendha; but she definitely did not like the older Aes Sedai。 She tugged her hat almost straight; and her frown swept across them; then started over。 〃Whether it was Beslan or the Dark One; there's no call to stand here all day。 We need to get ready and move on to the farm。 Well? Move!〃 She clapped her hands sharply; and even Vandene gave a little start。
       There was little preparation left to do when the sisters moved their horses away。 Lan and the other Warders had not sat on their heels once they realized there was no danger。 Some of the servants had gone back through the gateway before Aviendha disposed of it; but the rest stood with the three dozen or so packhorses; occasionally glancing at the Aes Sedai; clearly wondering what marvel they might produce next。 The Windfinders were all mounted; if awkwardly; and holding their reins as though expecting their horses to bolt any moment; or perhaps sprout wings and take flight。 So were the Knitting Circle; with a good deal more grace; unconcerned that their skirts and petticoats were pushed up past their knees; and with Ispan still hooded and tied across a saddle like a sack。 She could not possibly have sat upright on a horse; yet even Sumeko's eyes popped whenever they touched her。
       Glaring about her; Nynaeve looked ready to tongue…lash everybody into doing what they had already done; but only until Lan handed her the reins of her plump brown mare。 She had adamantly refused the gift of a better horse from Tylin。 Her hand trembled a little when it touched Lan's; and her face changed color as she swallowed the anger she had been about to unleash。 When he offered a hand for her foot; she stared at him for a moment as if wondering what he was about; then colored again when he boosted her to her saddle。 Elayne could only shake her head。 She hoped she did not turn into an idiot when she married。 If she married。
       Birgitte brought her silvery…gray mare and the yellow dun Aviendha rode; but she seemed to understand that Elayne wanted a private word with Aviendha。 She nodded almost as if Elayne had spoken; swung up onto her mouse…colored gelding; and rode to where the other Warders were waiting。 They greeted her with nods and began discussing something in low voices。 By the glances directed at the sisters; the 〃something〃 had to do with taking care of Aes Sedai whether Aes Sedai wanted care taken or not。 Including herself; Elayne noted grimly。 There was no time now for that; though。 Aviendha stood fiddling with her horse's reins; staring at the animal like a novice staring at a kitchen full of greasy pots。 Very likely; Aviendha saw small difference between having to scrub pots and having to ride。
       Snugging her green riding gloves; Elayne casually shifted Lioness to block them from the others' view; then touched Aviendha's arm。 〃Talking to Adeleas or Vandene might help;〃 she said gently。 She had to be very careful here; as careful as with any ter'angreal。 〃They're old enough to know more than you might suspect。 There has to be a reason you've been。。。 having trouble。。。 with Traveling。〃 That was a mild way of putting it。 Aviendha almost had failed to make the weave work at all; in the beginning。 Careful。 Aviendha was far more important than any ter'angreal ever could be。 〃They might be able to help。〃
       〃How can they?〃 Aviendha stared stiffly at the saddle on her gelding。 〃They cannot Travel。 How could any of them know how to help?〃 Abruptly her shoulders slumped; and she turned her head to Elayne。 Shockingly; unshed tears glistened in her green eyes。 〃That isn't the truth; Elayne。 Not the whole truth。 They cannot help; but。。。 You are my near…sister; you have the right to know。 They think I panicked at a servant。 If I ask for help; it must all e out。 That I Traveled once to run from a man; a man I hoped in my soul would catch me。 To run like a rabbit。 To run; wanting to be caught。 How could I let them know such shame? Even if they really could help; how could I?〃
       Elayne wished she did not know。 About the catching part; at least。 About the fact that Rand had caught her。 Snatching the flecks of jealousy that suddenly were floating through her; she pushed them into a sack and stuffed it into the back of her head。 Then she jumped up and down on it for good measure。 When a woman plays the fool; look for the man。 That was one of Lini's favorites。 Another was; Kittens tangle your yarn; men tangle your wits; and it's simple as breathin
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