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 a narrow…eyed fellow with a thrusting nose; and Perrin upbraided himself for not noticing him before。 Hari's green silk coat was much finer than what he had worn when he denied collecting ears。 The fellow rubbed his hands together and grinned at Perrin viciously; but he kept silent as Masema went on。 The Prophet's voice grew hotter by the word; not with anger; but as though he meant to burn every syllable deep into Perrin's flesh。 〃I know about you murdering men who have e to the Lord Dragon。 I know about you trying to carve out your own kingdom! Yes; I know about Manetheren! About your ambition! Your greed for glory! You have turned your back on …!〃
       Suddenly Masema's eyes bulged; and for the first time; anger flamed in his scent。 Hari made a strangled sound and tried to back through the wall。 Seonid and Masuri had lowered their hoods and stood with bare faces; calm and cool; and plainly Aes Sedai to anyone who knew the look。 Perrin wondered whether they held the Power。 He would have wagered that the Wise Ones did。 Edarra and Carelle were quietly watching every direction at once; and smooth faces or no; if he had ever seen anyone ready to fight; it was them。 For that matter; Grady wore readiness like his black coat; maybe he held the Power; too。 Elyas was leaning against the wall beside the open doors; outwardly as posed as the sisters; but he smelled ready to bite。 And Aram stood gazing at Masema with his mouth hanging open! Light!
       〃So that is true; too!〃 Masema snapped; spittle flying from his lips。 〃With filthy rumors spreading against the holy name of the Lord Dragon; you dare to ride with these。。。 these。。。!〃
       〃They've sworn fealty to the Lord Dragon; Masema;〃 Perrin cut in。 〃They serve him! Do you? He sent me to stop the killing。 And to bring you to him。〃 No one was offering him a chair; so he pushed a stack of papers from one and sat。 He wished the rest would sit; too; shouting seemed harder when you were sitting down。
       Hari goggled at him; and Masema was practically shaking。 Because he had taken a chair without being asked? Oh。 Yes。
       〃I have given up the names of men;〃 Masema said coldly。 〃I am simply the Prophet of the Lord Dragon; may the Light illumine him and the world e to kneel before him。〃 By his tone; the world and the Light would regret failure equally。 〃There is much to do here; yet。 Great works。 All must obey when the Lord Dragon calls; but in winter; travel is always slow。 A delay of a few weeks will make little difference。〃
       〃I can have you in Cairhien today;〃 Perrin said。 〃Once the Lord Dragon has spoken to you; you can return the same way and be back here in a few days。〃 If Rand let him return。
       Masema actually recoiled。 Baring his teeth; he glared at the Aes Sedai。 〃Some contrivance of the Power? I will not be touched with the Power! It is blasphemy for mortals to touch it!〃
       Perrin came close to gaping。 〃The Dragon Reborn channels; man!〃
       〃The blessed Lord Dragon is not as other men; Aybara!〃 Masema snarled。 〃He is the Light made flesh! I will obey his summons; but I will not be touched by the filth these women do!〃
       Slumping back in the chair; Perrin sighed。 If the man was this bad over Aes Sedai; how would he be when he learned that Grady and Neald could channel? For a moment; he considered simply knocking Masema over the head; and。。。 Men were passing by in the corridor; pausing to glance in before hurrying on。 All it took was one of them raising a shout; and Abila could bee a slaughterhouse。 〃Then we ride; Prophet;〃 he said sourly。 Light; Rand had said to keep this secret until Masema stood in front of him! How to manage that riding all the way to Cairhien? 〃But no delays。 The Lord Dragon is very anxious to talk with you。〃
       〃I am anxious to speak with the Lord Dragon; may his name be blessed by the Light。〃 His eyes flickered toward the two Aes Sedai。 He tried to hide it; actually smiling at Perrin。 But he smelled。。。 grim。 〃I am very anxious indeed。〃
       〃Would my Lady like me to ask one of the handlers to bring her a hawk?〃 Maighdin asked。 One of Alliandre's four hawk handlers; all men as lean as their birds; urged a sleek duckhawk wearing a feathered hood onto his heavy gauntlet from the wooden stand in front of his saddle and lifted the gray bird toward her。 The falcon; with its blue…tipped wings; was on Alliandre's green…gloved wrist。 That bird was reserved to her; unfortunately。 Alliandre knew her place as a vassal; but Faile understood not wanting to relinquish a favorite bird。
       She merely shook her head; and Maighdin bowed in her saddle and moved her roan mare away from Swallow; far enough not to intrude but close enough to be at hand without Faile raising her voice。 The dignified golden…haired woman had proved to be every bit as good a lady's maid as Faile had hoped; knowledgeable; capable。 At least; she had once she learned that whatever their relative positions with their former mistress; Lini was first among Faile's serving women; and willing to use her authority。 Surprisingly; that had actually taken an episode with a switch; but Faile pretended not to know。 Only an utter fool embarrassed her servants。 There was still the matter of Maighdin and Tallanvor; of course。 She was certain Maighdin had begun sharing his bed; and if she found proof; they would marry if she had to turn Lini loose on both of them。 Still; that was a small matter; and could not spoil her morning。
       Hawking had been Alliandre's idea; but Faile had not objected to a ride through this sparse forest; where snow made a rolling blanket over everything and lay thick and white on bare branches。 The green of the trees that still held their leaves seemed sharper。 The air was crisp; and it smelled new and fresh。
       Bain and Chiad had insisted on acpanying her; but they squatted nearby; shoufa wrapped around their heads; watching her with disgruntled expressions。 Sulin had wanted to e with all of the Maidens; but with a hundred stories of Aiel depredations floating everywhere; the sight of an Aiel was enough to send most people in Amadicia running or reaching for a sword。 There must be some truth in those tales; or so many would not know an Aiel; though the Light alone knew who they were or where they had e from; yet even Sulin agreed that whoever they were; they had moved on east; perhaps into Altara。
       In any case; this close to Abila; twenty of Alliandre's soldiers and as many Mayener Winged Guards provided sufficient escort。 The streamers on their lances; red or green; lifted like ribbons when the breeze stirred。 Berelain's presence was the only blight。 Though watching the woman shiver in her fur…trimmed red cloak; thick enough for two blankets; was certainly amusing。 Mayene did not have a real winter。 This was like the last days of autumn。 In Saldaea; the heart of winter could freeze exposed flesh hard as wood。 Faile took a deep breath。 She felt like laughing。
       By some miracle; her husband; her beloved wolf; had begun behaving as he should。 Instead of shouting at Berelain or running from her; Perrin now tolerated the jade's blandishments; plainly tolerated them the way he would a child playing around his kne
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