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       Outside; the sun was just peeking over the horizon; a low dome of pale yellow。 Only a few clouds marred a beautiful blue sky; and they were white and fluffy; not the sort to carry snow。 It seemed a wonderful day for traveling。
       Except that Adeleas was trampling a path up the snowy street; and the white…haired sister was dragging one of the Kin; Garenia Rosoinde; by her arm。 Garenia was a slim…hipped Saldaean who had spent the last twenty years as a merchant although she looked only a few years older than Nynaeve did。 Normally; her strongly hooked nose gave her a forceful appearance; a woman who would make hard trading and not back away。 Now her dark tilted eyes were large in her face and her wide mouth hung open; emitting a wordless wail。 A growing knot of Kinswomen followed behind; skirts held high out of the snow; whispering among themselves; with more running from every direction to join。 Reanne and the rest of the Knitting Circle were in the front; all grim…faced except for Kirstian; who seemed even paler than usual。 Alise was there; too; wearing an utterly blank expression。
       Adeleas stopped in front of Elayne and shoved Garenia so hard the woman fell to hands and knees in the snow。 Where she stayed; still wailing。 The Kinswomen gathered behind her; more of their number flocking in。
       〃I'm bringing this to you because Nynaeve is busy;〃 the Brown sister told Elayne。 She meant that Nynaeve was enjoying a little time alone with Lan somewhere; but for once; not so much as a hint of a smile crossed her lips。 〃Be quiet; child!〃 she snapped at Garenia。 Who promptly went silent。 Adeleas gave a satisfied nod。 〃This is not Garenia Rosoinde;〃 she said。 〃I finally recognized her。 Zarya Alkaese; a novice who ran away just before Vandene and I decided to retire and write our history of the world。 She admitted it; when I confronted her。 I'm surprised Careane didn't recognize her before this; they were novices together for two years。 The law is clear; Elayne。 A runaway must be put back in white as soon as possible and kept under strict discipline until she can be returned to the Tower for proper punishment。 She won't think of running again after that!〃
       Elayne nodded slowly; trying to think of what to say。 Whether or not Garenia … Zarya … thought of running again; she would not be allowed the opportunity。 She was very strong in the Power; the Tower would not let her go if it took the rest of her life to earn the shawl。 But Elayne was recalling something she had heard this woman say the first time she met her。 The meaning had not registered then; but now it did。 How would Zarya face novice white again after living as her own woman for seventy years? Worse; those whispers among the Kinswomen had begun to sound like rumbles。
       She did not have long to think。 Suddenly Kirstian fell to her knees; clutching at Adeleas' skirts with one hand。 〃I submit myself;〃 she said calmly; her tone a wonder ing from that bloodless face。 〃I was enrolled in the novice book almost three hundred years ago; and ran away less than a year later。 I submit myself; and。。。 and beg mercy。〃
       It was white…haired Adeleas' turn to go wide…eyed。 Kirstian was claiming to have run away from the White Tower when she herself was an infant; if not before she was born! Most of the sisters still did not really believe the ages claimed by the Kin。 Indeed; Kirstian appeared just into her middle years。
       Even so; Adeleas recovered herself quickly。 However old the other woman was; Adeleas had been Aes Sedai about as long as anyone living。 She carried an aura of age; and authority。 〃If that is so; child;〃 her voice did falter just a bit at that; 〃I fear we must put you in white; too。 You will still be punished; but surrendering as you have will gain you some mitigation。〃
       〃That is why I did it。〃 Kirstian's steady tone was spoiled somewhat by a hard swallow。 She was almost as strong as Zarya … none of the Knitting Circle were weak … and she would be held very closely。 〃I knew you would find me out sooner or later。〃
       Adeleas nodded as though that were clearly obvious; though how the woman would have been found out; Elayne could not guess。 She very much doubted that Kirstian Chalwin was the name the woman had been born with。 Most of the Kin believed in Aes Sedai omniscience; though。 They had; at least。
       〃Rubbish!〃 Sarainya Vostovan's husky voice cut through the murmured babble of the Kin。 Neither strong enough to bee Aes Sedai nor nearly old enough to stand very high among the Kin; she still stepped from the pack defiantly。 〃Why should we give them up to the White Tower? We have helped women run away; and rightly so! It is not part of the rules to give them back!〃
       〃Control yourself!〃 Reanne said sharply。 〃Alise; take Sarainya in hand; please。 It seems she forgets too many of the rules she claims to know。〃
       Alise looked at Reanne; her face still unreadable。 Alise; who enforced the Kin's rules with a firm hand。 〃It is not part of our rules to hand runaways back; Reanne;〃 she said。
       Reanne jerked as though struck。 〃And how do you suggest keeping them?〃 she demanded finally。 〃We have always held runaways apart until we were sure they were no longer hunted; and if they were found before; we let the sisters take them。 That is the rule; Alise。 What other rule do you propose violating? Do you suggest that we actually set ourselves against Aes Sedai?〃 Ridicule of such a notion larded her voice; yet Alise stood looking at her; silent。
       〃Yes!〃 a voice shouted from the crowd of Kinswomen。 〃We are many; and they are few!〃 Adeleas stared at the crowd in disbelief。 Elayne embraced saidar; though she knew the voice was right … the Kin were too many。 She felt Aviendha embracing the Power; and Birgitte setting herself。
       Giving herself a shake as if ing to; Alise did something far more practical; certainly far more effective。 〃Sarainya;〃 she said loudly; 〃you will report to me when we stop tonight; with a switch you cut yourself before we leave this morning。 You; too; Asra; I recognize your voice!〃 And then; just as loudly; she said to Reanne; 〃I will report myself for your judgment when we stop tonight。 I don't see anyone getting ready!〃
       The Kinswomen broke up quickly then; heading off to gather their things; yet Elayne saw some of them talking quietly as they went。 When they rode over the bridge across the frozen stream that wound down beside the village; with Nynaeve incredulous over what she had missed and glaring about for someone to call down; Sarainya and Asra carried switches … as did Alise … and Zarya and Kirstian wore hastily found white dresses beneath their dark cloaks。 The Windfinders pointed at them and laughed uproariously。 But many of the Kinswomen still talked in clusters; falling silent whenever a sister or one of the Knitting Circle looked at them。 And there was a darkness to their eyes when they looked at Aes Sedai。
       Eight more days of floundering through the snow when it was not falling; and grinding her teeth in an inn when it was。 Eight more days of brooding by the Kin; of staring bleakly at the sisters; days of strutting by the Windfinders around Kin and Aes Sedai a
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