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stigate us?〃 she snapped in tones as frosty as her eyes were hot。 She was Aes Sedai as the child Min had seen them; regal above queens; powerful above powers。 〃You were present in the beginning; ta'veren; and you twisted them as you wanted them。 You could have had them all kneeling to you! But you left! They were not pleased to know they had been dancing for a ta'veren。 Somewhere; they learned to weave shields; and before you were well off their ship; Rafela and I were shielded。 So we could not take advantage with the Power; they said。 More than once; Harine threatened to hang us in the rigging by our toes until we came to our senses; and I for one believe she meant it! Feel lucky that you have the ships you want; Rand al'Thor。 Harine would have given you a handful! Feel lucky she didn't want your new boots and that ghastly throne of yours as well! Oh; by the by; she formally acknowledged you as the Coramoor; may you get a bellyache from it!〃
       Min stared at her。 Rand and Dobraine stared at her; and the Cairhienin's jaw hung open。 Rafela stared; her mouth working soundlessly。 For that matter; the fire faded from Merana's eyes; and they slowly grew wider and wider as if she were just hearing what she had said。
       The Dragon Scepter trembled in Rand's fist。 Min had seen his fury swell near to bursting for far less。 She prayed for a way to avoid the explosion; and could not see one。
       〃It seems;〃 he said finally; 〃that the words a ta'veren drags out aren't always the words he wants to hear。〃 He sounded。。。 calm; Min was not about to think; sane。 〃You've done well; Merana。 I handed you a dog's dinner; but you and Rafela have done well。〃
       The two Aes Sedai swayed; and for a moment; Min thought they might collapse in puddles on the floor from sheer relief。
       〃At least we managed to keep the details from Cadsuane;〃 Rafela said; smoothing her skirts unsteadily。 〃There was no way to stop everyone learning we had made some sort of agreement; but we kept that much from her。〃
       〃Yes;〃 Merana said breathlessly。 〃She even waylaid us on the way here。 It's difficult keeping anything from her; but we did。 We didn't think you'd want her to。。。 〃 She trailed off at the stony look on Rand's face。
       〃Cadsuane again;〃 he said flatly。 He frowned at the carved length of spearhead in his hand; then tossed it onto a chair as if he did not trust himself with it。 〃She's in the Sun Palace; is she? Min; tell the Maidens outside to carry a message to Cadsuane。 She is to attend the Dragon Reborn in all haste。〃
       〃Rand; I don't think;〃 Min began uneasily; but Rand cut in。 Not harshly; but quite firmly。
       〃Do it; please; Min。 This woman is like a wolf eyeing the sheepfold。 I intend to find out what she wants。〃
       Min took her time getting up; and dragged her feet to the doors。 She was not the only one to think this a bad idea。 Or at least to want to be elsewhere when the Dragon Reborn faced Cadsuane Melaidhrin。 Dobraine passed her on the way to the door; making a hasty bow with barely a pause; and even Merana and Rafela were out of the room before her; though they made it appear they were not hurrying。 Inside the room; they did; anyway。 When Min put her head into the hallway; the two sisters had caught Dobraine and were scurrying along at little short of a trot。
       Strangely; the half…dozen Maidens who had been outside when Min entered earlier had now grown in number until they lined the corridor as far as she could see in both directions; tall hard…faced women in the grays and browns and grays of the cadin'sor; shoufa wrapped around their heads with the long black veil hanging down。 A good many carried their spears and bull…hide bucklers as if they expected a battle。 Some were playing a finger…game called 〃knife; paper; stone;〃 and the rest were watching intently。
       Not so intently that they did not see her; though。 When she passed Rand's message; handtalk flashed up and down the rows; then two lanky Maidens went trotting off。 The others promptly returned to the game; playing or watching。
       Scratching her head in puzzlement; Min went back in。 The Maidens often made her nervous; yet they always had a word for her; sometimes respectful; as to a Wise One; sometimes joking; though their humor was odd; to say the least。 Never had they ignored her like this。
       Rand was in the bedchamber。 That simple fact set her heart racing。 He had his coat off; his snowy shirt unlaced at neck and cuffs and pulled out of his breeches。 Sitting on the foot of the bed; she leaned back against one of the heavy blackwood bedposts and swung her feet up; crossing her ankles。 She had not had a chance to watch Rand undress himself; and she intended to enjoy it。
       Instead of continuing; though; he stood there looking at her。 〃What can Cadsuane possibly teach me?〃 he asked suddenly。
       〃You; and all the Asha'man;〃 she replied。 That had been her viewing。 〃I don't know what; Rand。 I only know you have to learn it。 All of you do。〃 It did not seem he intended to progress beyond letting his shirt hang down。 Sighing; she went on。 〃You need her; Rand。 You can't afford to make her angry。 You can't afford to chase her away。〃 Actually; she did not think fifty Myrddraal and a thousand Trollocs could chase Cadsuane anywhere; but the point was the same。
       A far…off look came into Rand's eyes; and after a moment; he shook his head。 〃Why should I listen to a madman?〃 he muttered almost under his breath。 Light; did he really believe Lews Therin Telamon spoke in his head? 〃Let someone know you need them; Min; and they have a hold on you。 A leash; to pull you where they want。 I won't put a halter on my own neck for any Aes Sedai。 Not for anyone!〃 Slowly his fists unclenched。 〃You; I need; Min;〃 he said simply。 〃Not for your viewings。 I just need you。〃
       Burn her; but the man could sweep her feet out from under her with a few words!
       With a smile as eager as hers; he grasped the bottom of his shirt with both hands and bent to begin hauling it over his head。 Lacing her fingers over her stomach; she settled back to watch。
       The three Maidens who marched into the room no longer wore the shoufa that had concealed their short hair in the corridor。 They were empty…handed; and no longer wore those heavy…blade belt knives; either。 That was all Min had time to notice。
       Rand's head and arms were still inside the shirt; and Somara; flaxen…haired and tall even for an Aiel woman; seized the white linen and tangled it; trapping him。 Almost in the same movement; she kicked him between the legs。 With a strangled groan; he bent further; staggering。
       Nesair; fiery…haired and beautiful despite white scars on both sun…dark cheeks; planted a fist in his right side hard enough to make him stumble sideways。
       With a cry; Min launched herself from the bed。 She did not know what madness was happening here; could not even begin to guess。 One of her knives came smoothly from each sleeve; and she threw herself at the Maidens; shouting; 〃Help! Oh; Rand! Somebody; help!〃 At least; that was what she tried to shout。
       The third Maiden; Nandera; turned like a snake; and Min found a foot planted in her stoma
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