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       By order of the Dragon Reborn。 For the first time; Toveine felt fear; an icicle worming into her middle。 The Dragon Reborn。 She thrashed Sparrow's neck with the reins。 The shield was still on her! Surely there were enough trees between them already to block the cursed men's sight of her! Oh; Light; the Dragon Reborn!
       She grunted as something struck her across the middle; a branch where there was no branch; snatching her out of the saddle。 She hung there watching Sparrow plow off at as much of a gallop as the snow allowed。 She hung there。 In the middle of the air; arms trapped at her sides; feet dangling a pace or more above the ground。 She swallowed。 Hard。 It had to be the male part of the Power holding her up。 She had never been touched by saidin before。 She could feel the thick band of nothing snug around her middle。 She thought she could feel the Dark One's taint。 She quivered; fighting down screams。
       The tall man reined his horse to a halt in front of her; and she floated down to sit sideways in front of his saddle。 He did not seem particularly interested in the Aes Sedai he had captured; though。 〃Hardlin!〃 he shouted。 〃Norley! Kajima! One of you bloody young louts e here now!〃
       He was very tall; with shoulders an axe…handle wide。 That was how Mistress Doweel would have put it。 Just short of his middle years; handsome in a brooding; rugged fashion。 Not at all like the pretty boys Toveine liked; eager and grateful and so easily controlled。 A silver sword decorated the tall collar of his black wool coat on one side; with a peculiar creature in gold and red enamel on the other。 He was a man who could channel。 And he had her shielded and a prisoner。
       The shriek that burst from her throat startled even her。 She would have held it back if she could; but another leaped out behind it; higher still; and another even higher; another and another。 Kicking wildly; she flung herself from side to side。 Useless against the Power。 She knew that; but only in a tiny corner of her mind。 The rest of her howled at the top of her lungs; howled wordless pleas for rescue from the Shadow。 Screaming; she struggled like a mad beast。
       Dimly she was aware of his horse plunging and dancing as her heels drummed its shoulder。 Dimly she heard the man talking。 〃Easy; you lump…eared sack of coal! Calm down; sister。 I'm not going to … Easy; you spavined mule! Light! My apologies; sister; but this is how we learn to do it。〃 And then he kissed her。
       She had only a heartbeat to realize his lips were touching hers; then sight vanished; and warmth flooded through her。 More than warmth。 She was melted honey inside; bubbling honey; rushing toward the boil。 She was a harpstring; vibrating faster and faster; vibrating to invisibility and faster still。 She was a thin crystal vase; quivering on the brink of shattering。 The harpstring broke; the vase shattered。
       At first; she did not realize that sound had e from her gaping mouth。 For a moment; she could not think coherently。 Panting; she stared up at the male face above her; wondering who it belonged to。 Yes。 The tall man。 The man who could …
       〃I could have done without the extra bit;〃 he sighed; patting the horse's neck; the animal snorted; but it no longer leaped about; 〃yet I suppose it is necessary。 You're hardly a wife。 Be calm。 Don't try to escape; don't attack anyone in a black coat; and don't touch the Source unless I give you permission。 Now; what's your name?〃
       Unless he gave permission? The effrontery of the man! 〃Toveine Gazal;〃 she said; and blinked。 Now; why had she answered him?
       〃There you are;〃 another black…coated man said; splashing his horse through the snow to them。 This one would be much more to her liking … if he could not actually channel; at least。 She doubted this pink…cheeked lad shaved more than twice in the week。 〃Light; Logain!〃 the pretty boy exclaimed。 〃Did you take a second one? The M'Hael won't like that! I don't think he likes us taking any! Maybe it won't matter; though; you two being so close and all。〃
       〃Close; Vinchova?〃 Logain said wryly。 〃If the M'Hael had his way; I'd be hoeing turnips with the new boys。 Or buried under the field;〃 he added in a mutter she did not think he meant to be heard。
       However much he heard; the pretty boy laughed with incredulous disbelief。 Toveine barely heard him。 She was gazing up at the man looming over her。 Logain。 The false Dragon。 But he was dead! Stilled and dead! And holding her before his saddle with a casual hand。 Why was she not screaming; or striking at him? Even her belt knife would do; this near。 Yet she had no desire at all to reach for the ivory haft。 She could; she realized。 That band around her middle was gone。 She could at least slip down off the horse and try to … She had no desire to do that; either。
       〃What did you do to me?〃 she demanded。 Calmly。 At least she had managed to hold on to that!
       Turning his horse to ride back to the road; Logain told her what he had done; and she put her head against that wide chest; not caring at all how big he was; and wept。 She was going to make Elaida pay for this; she vowed。 If Logain ever let her; she would。 That last was an especially bitter thought。
Chapter 27 
(Rising Sun) 
The Bargain 
       Seated cross…legged in a heavily gilded; high…backed chair; Min tried to lose herself in the leather…bound copy of Herid Fel's Reason and Unreason lying open on her knees。 It was not easy。 Oh; the book itself was mesmerizing; Master Fel's writings always swept her into worlds of thought she had not dreamed of while working in stables。 She very much regretted the sweet old man's death。 She hoped to find a clue in his books to why he had been killed。 Her dark ringlets swung as she shook her head and tried to apply herself。
       The book was fascinating; but the room was oppressive。 Rand's small throne room in the Sun Palace was thick with gilt from the wide cornices to the tall mirrors on the walls replacing those Rand had smashed; from the two rows of chairs like the one she sat in to the dais at the head of the rows and the Dragon Throne atop the dais。 That was a monstrosity; in the style of Tear as imagined by Cairhienin craftsmen; resting on the backs of a pair of Dragons with two more Dragons for the arms and others climbing the back; all with large sunstones for eyes; the whole glittering with gilt and red enamel。 A huge golden; wavy…rayed Rising Sun set in the polished stone floor only added to the sense of heaviness。 At least the fires blazing in two great fireplaces; tall enough for her to walk into; gave a pleasing warmth; especially with snow spilling down outside。 And these were Rand's rooms; the fort of that alone outweighed any amount of oppression。 An irritating thought。 This was Rand's room if he ever deigned to return。 A very irritating thought。 Being in love with a man seemed to consist largely of a great many irritating admissions to yourself!
       Shifting in a vain attempt to make the hard chair fortable; she tried to read; but her eyes kept swinging to the tall doors; each climbed by its own line of gilded Rising Suns。 
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