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n place in every window; drafts drifted along the broad; tapestry…hung corridors and made the stand…lamps flicker。 Cold drafts; and difficult to ignore when they slipped under her skirts。 Her rooms were warm and fortable; and safe。
       Maids bobbed curtsies and manservants bowed in her wake; half…seen and pletely ignored。 Most sisters were in their own Ajahs' quarters; and those few out and about moved with wary pride; often in pairs; always of the same Ajah; shawls spread along their arms and displayed like banners。 She smiled and nodded pleasantly to Talene; but the statuesque; golden…haired Sitter returned a hard stare; beauty carved from ice; then stalked away twitching her green…fringed shawl。
       Too late now to approach Talene about being part of the search; even had Pevara been agreeable。 Pevara counseled caution; then more caution; and truth to tell; Seaine was more than willing to listen under the circumstances。 It was just that Talene was a friend。 Had been a friend。
       Talene was not the worst。 Several ordinary sisters sniffed at her openly。 At a Sitter! None White; of course; but that should have made no difference。 No matter what was going on in the Tower; proprieties should be observed。 Juilaine Madome; a tall; attractive woman with short…cut black hair who had held a chair for the Brown less than a year; brushed past her without so much as a murmur of apology and went off with those mannish strides of hers。 Saerin Asnobar; another Brown Sitter; gave Seaine a fierce scowl and fingered that curved knife she always carried behind her belt before disappearing down a side corridor。 Saerin was Altaran; slight touches of white at her dark temples emphasizing a thin age…faded white scar across one olive cheek; and only a Warder could match her for scowling。
       Perhaps these things were all to be expected。 There had been several unfortunate incidents recently; and no sister would forget being bundled unceremoniously from the hallways around another Ajah's quarters; much less what had sometimes gone with it。 Rumor said a Sitter … a Sitter! … had had more than her dignity ruffled by the Reds; though not who。 A great pity the Hall could not obstruct Elaida's mad decree; but first one Ajah; then another; had leaped on the new prerogatives; few Sitters were willing to think of giving them up now they were in place; and the result was a Tower divided very nearly into armed camps。 Once Seaine had thought the air in the Tower felt like a quivering hot jelly of suspicion and backbiting; now it was quivering hot jelly with an acid bite。
       Clicking her tongue in vexation; she adjusted her own white…fringed shawl as Saerin vanished。 It was illogical to flinch because an Altaran scowled … even Saerin would go no further; surely not … and more than illogical to worry over what she could not change when she had a task。
       And then; after all of her search that morning; she took a single step and saw her long…sought quarry walking toward her。 Zerah Dacan was a slim; black…haired girl with a prideful air; properly self…possessed; and by all outward evidence untouched by the heated currents flowing through the Tower these days。 Well; not a girl precisely; but Seaine was sure she had not worn that white…fringed shawl fifty years yet。 She was inexperienced。 Relatively inexperienced。 That might help。
       Zerah made no move to avoid a Sitter of her own Ajah; bowing her head in respect as Seaine fell in beside her。 Quite a lot of intricate golden embroidery climbed the sleeves of her snowy dress and made a wide band at the bottom of her skirt。 It was an unusual degree of show for the White Ajah。 〃Sitter;〃 she murmured。 Did her blue eyes hold a touch of worry?
       〃I need you for something;〃 Seaine said more calmly than she felt。 Very likely she was transplanting her own feelings into Zerah's big eyes。 〃e with me。〃 There was nothing to fear; not in the heart of the White Tower; but keeping her hands folded at her waist; unclenched; required surprising effort。
       As expected … as hoped … Zerah went along with only another murmur; this of acquiescence。 She glided at Seaine's side quite gracefully as they descended broad marble staircases and wide curving ramps; and gave only the slightest frown when Seaine opened a door on the ground floor; onto narrow stairs that spiraled down into darkness。
       〃After you; sister;〃 Seaine said; channeling a small ball of light。 By protocol; she should have preceded the other woman; but she could not bring herself to do that。
       Zerah did not hesitate in going down。 Logically; she had nothing to fear from a Sitter; a White Sitter。 Logically; Seaine would tell her what she wanted when the time was ripe; and it would be nothing she could not do。 Illogically; Seaine's stomach fluttered like a huge moth。 Light; she held saidar and the other woman did not。 Zerah was weaker in any case。 There was nothing to fear。 Which did nothing to quiet those fluttering wings in her middle。
       Down they climbed and down; past doors letting onto basements and sub…basements; until they reached the very lowest level; below even where the Accepted were tested。 The dark hallway was lit only by Seaine's small light。 They held their skirts high; but their slippers kicked up small clouds of dust however carefully they stepped。 Plain wooden doors lined the smooth stone walls; many with great lumps of rust for hinges and locks。
       〃Sitter;〃 Zerah asked; finally showing doubt; 〃whatever can we be after down here? I don't believe anyone has been this deep for years。〃
       Seaine was sure her own visit; a few days earlier; had been the first to this level in at least a century。 That was one of the reasons she and Pevara had chosen it。 〃Just in here;〃 she said; swinging open a door that moved with only a little squealing。 No amount of oil could loosen all the rust; and efforts to use the Power had been useless。 Her abilities with Earth were better than Pevara's; but that was not saying very much。
       Zerah stepped in; and blinked in surprise。 In an otherwise empty room; Pevara sat behind a sturdy if rather worn table with three small benches around it。 Getting those few pieces down unseen had been difficult … especially when servants could not be trusted。 Clearing out the dust had been much simpler if no more pleasant; and smoothing the dust in the hall outside; necessary after every visit; had been simply onerous。
       〃I was about to give up sitting here in the dark;〃 Pevara growled。 The glow of saidar surrounded her as she lifted a lantern from beneath the table and channeled it alight; casting as much illumination as the rough…walled former storeroom deserved。 Somewhat plump and normally pretty; the Red Sitter looked a bear with two sore teeth。 〃We want to ask you a few questions; Zerah。〃 And she shielded the woman as Seaine shut the door。
       Zerah's shadowed face remained utterly calm; but she swallowed audibly。 〃About what; Sitters?〃 There was the faintest tremor in the younger woman's voice; as well。 It could be simply the mood of the Tower; though。
       〃The Black Ajah;〃 Pevara replied curtly。 〃We want to know whether you're a Darkfriend。〃
       Amazement and o
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