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 by ungainly giants。 Kiril Drapeneos was not blind; though; however over…tall。 He had sent a dozen scouts forward; too。 Weiramon had sent one。
       〃Doressin;〃 Bertome said softly; then; a little louder; 〃Doressin; you lump!〃
       The bony man gave a start in his saddle。 Like Bertome; like the other three; he had shaved and powdered the front of his head; the style of marking yourself like a soldier had bee quite fashionable。 Doressin should have called him a toad in return; the way they had since boyhood; but instead he heeled his gelding up beside Bertome's and leaned close。 He was worried; and letting it show; his forehead furrowed deeply。 〃You realize the Lord Dragon means us to die?〃 he whispered; glancing at the column trailing behind them。 〃Blood and fire; I only listened to Colavaere; but I have known I was a dead man since he killed her。〃
       For a moment; Bertome eyed the column of armsmen; snaking back through the rolling hills。 The trees were more scattered here than ahead; but still enough to shield an attack until it was right on top of you。 The last olive grove lay nearly a mile behind。 Weiramon's men rode at the fore; of course; in those ridiculous coats with their fat white…striped sleeves; and then Kiril's Illianers in enough green and red to shame Tinkers。 His own people; decently clad in dark blue beneath their breastplates; were still beyond his sight with Doressin's and the others'; ahead only of the pany of Legionmen。 Weiramon had seemed surprised that the foot kept up; though he had hardly set a difficult pace。
       It was not really the armsmen Bertome glanced at; though。 Seven men rode before even Weiramon's; seven men with hard faces and death…cold eyes; in black coats。 One wore a pin in the shape of a silver sword on his tall collar。
       〃An elaborate way to go about it;〃 he told Doressin dryly。 〃And I doubt al'Thor would have sent those fellows with us; if we were just being fed into a sausage grinder。〃 Forehead still creased; Doressin opened his mouth again; but Bertome said; 〃I need to talk to the Tairen。〃 He disliked seeing his childhood friend this way。 Al'Thor had unhinged him。
       Absorbed in one another; Weiramon and Gedwyn did not hear him riding up on them。 Gedwyn was idly playing with his reins; his features cold with contempt。 The Tairen was red…faced。 〃I don't care who you are;〃 he was saying to the black…coated man in a low; hard voice; spittle flying; 〃I won't take more risk without a mand direct from the lips of … 〃
       Abruptly the pair became aware of Bertome; and Weiramon's mouth snapped shut。 He glared as if he wanted to kill Bertome。 The Asha'man's ever…present smile melted away。 The wind gusted; cold and sharp as clouds drifted across the sun; but no colder than Gedwyn's sudden stare。 With a small shock Bertome realized the man also wanted to strike him dead on the spot。
       Gedwyn's icily murderous gaze did not change; but Weiramon's face underwent a remarkable transformation。 The red faded slowly as he produced a smile in an instant; an oily smile with only a trace of mocking condescension。 〃I've been thinking about you; Bertome;〃 he said heartily。 〃A pity al'Thor strangled your cousin。 With his own hands; I hear。 Frankly; I was surprised you came when he called。 I've seen him watching you。 I fear he plans something more。。。 interesting。。。 for you than thrashing your heels on the floor while his fingers tighten on your throat。〃
       Bertome suppressed a sigh; and not only at the fool's clumsiness。 A good many thought to manipulate him with Colavaere's death。 She had been his favorite cousin; but ambitious beyond reason。 Saighan had good claims to the Sun Throne; yet she could not have held it against the strength of Riatin or Damodred either one; let alone both together; not without the open blessings of the White Tower or the Dragon Reborn。 Still; she had been his favorite。 What did Weiramon want? Certainly not what it seemed on the surface。 Even this Tairen oaf was not that simple。
       Before he could frame any response; a horseman came galloping toward them through the trees ahead。 A Cairhienin; and as he reined to a sudden halt in front of them; that made his horse sit back on its haunches; Bertome recognized one of his own armsmen; a gap…toothed fellow with seamed scars on both cheeks。 Doile; he thought。 From the Colchaine estates。
       〃My Lord Bertome;〃 the fellow panted; bowing hastily。 〃There are two thousand Taraboners hard on my heels。 And women with them! With lightning on their dresses!〃
       〃Hard on his heels;〃 Weiramon murmured disparagingly。 〃We'll see what my man has to say when he gets back。 I certainly don't see any …!〃
       Sudden whoops in the near distance ahead cut him off; and the thunder of hooves; and then quickly galloping lancers appeared; a flowing tide spreading through the trees。 Straight toward Bertome and the others。
       Weiramon laughed。 〃Kill whoever you wish; wherever you wish; Gedwyn;〃 he said; drawing sword with a flourish。 〃I use the methods I use; and that's that!〃 Racing back toward his armsmen; he waved the blade over his head shouting; 〃Saniago! Saniago and glory!〃 It was no surprise he did not add a shout for his country to those for his House and his greatest love。
       Spurring in the same direction; Bertome raised his own voice。 〃Saighan and Cairhien!〃 No need for sword waving yet。 〃Saighan and Cairhien!〃 What had the man been after?
       Thunder rumbled; and Bertome looked to the sky; perplexed。 There were few more clouds than earlier。 No; Doile … Dalyn? … had mentioned those women。 And then he forgot all about whatever the fool Tairen wanted as steel…veiled Taraboners poured over the wooded hills toward him; the earth blooming fire and the sky raining lightning ahead of them。
       〃Saighan and Cairhien!〃 he shouted。
       The wind rose。
       Horsemen clashed amid thick trees and heavy underbrush; where shadows hung heavily。 The light seemed to be failing; the clouds thickening overhead; but it was hard to say with the dense forest canopy for a roof。 Booming roars half…drowned the ring of steel on steel; the shouts of men; the screams of horses。 Sometimes the ground shook。 Sometimes the enemy raised shouts。
       〃Den Lushenos! Den Lushenos and the Bees!〃
       〃Annallin! Rally to Annallin!〃
       〃Haellin! Haellin! For the High Lord Sunamon!〃
       The last was the only cry Varek understood in the least; though he suspected any of the locals who named themselves High Lords or Ladies might not be offered the chance to swear the Oath。
       He jerked his sword free from where he had jammed it into his opponent's armpit; just above the breastplate; and let the pale little man topple。 A dangerous fighter; until he made the mistake of raising his blade too high。 The man's bay crashed off through the undergrowth; and Varek spared a moment for regret。 The animal looked better than the white…footed dun he was forced to ride。 A moment only; and then he was peering through the close…set trees; where it seemed vines dangled from half the branches and bunches of some gray; feathery plant from nearly all。
       Sounds of battle rose from every direction; but at 
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