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wayed and rubbed at his potato nose。 The Legionmen kept apart; but they had taken in the 〃volunteers〃 who had followed Padros to the Banner of Light。 That lot seemed more eager than anyone since learning how Padros died。 Blue…coated Legionmen were showing them how to change direction without falling apart like a gaggle of geese。
       Flinn was among the wounded with Adley and Morr and Hopwil。 Narishma could Heal little more than minor cuts; no better than Rand; and Dashiva not even that。 Gedwyn and Rochaid stood talking well apart from anyone else; holding their horses by the reins atop the hill in the middle of the valley。 The hill where they had expected to catch the Seanchan by surprise when they rushed out of gateways surrounding it。 Near fifty dead; and more to e; but it would have been above two hundred without Flinn and the rest who could manage Healing to one degree or another。 Gedwyn and Rochaid had not wanted to dirty their hands and grimaced when Rand drove them to it。 One of the dead was a Soldier; and another Soldier; a round…faced Cairhienin; sat slumped beside a fire with a dazed look that Rand hoped came from being tossed through the air by the ground erupting almost under his feet。
       Down there on the furrowed flats; Ailil was conferring with her Lance…captain; a pale little man called Denharad。 Their horses stood nearly touching; and occasionally they looked up the mountain toward Rand。 What were they scheming?
       〃We'll do better next time;〃 Bashere murmured。 He ran his gaze around the valley; then shook his head。 〃The worst mistake is to make the same one twice; and we won't。〃
       Weiramon heard him and repeated the same thing; but using twenty times the words; and flowery enough for a garden in spring。 Without admitting that there had been any mistakes; certainly not on his part。 He avoided Rand's mistakes with equal adroitness。
       Rand nodded; his mouth tight。 Next time they would do better。 They had to; unless he wanted to leave half his men buried in these mountains。 Right then; he was wondering what to do with the prisoners。
       Most of those who escaped death on the mountainside had managed to withdraw through the trees that remained standing。 With amazingly good order considering; Bashere claimed; yet they were unlikely to be much threat now。 Not unless they had the damane with them。 But a hundred or so men sat huddled on the ground; stripped of weapons and armor; under the watchful eyes of two dozen mounted panions and Defenders。 Taraboners; for the most part; they had not fought like men driven to it by conquerors。 A fair number held their heads up; and jeered at their guards。 Gedwyn had wanted to kill them; after putting them to the question。 Weiramon did not care whether they had their throats slit; but he considered torture a waste of time。 None would know anything useful; he maintained; there was not a one nobly born。
       Rand glanced at Bashere。 Weiramon was still going on sonorously。 〃。。。 sweep these mountains clean for you; my Lord Dragon。 We'll trample them beneath our hooves; and。。。 〃 Anaiyella was nodding grim approval。
       〃Six up; and half a dozen down;〃 Bashere said softly。 He scraped mud from one of his thick mustaches with a fingernail。 〃Or as some of my tenants say; what you gain on the swings; you lose on the roundabouts。〃 What in the Light was a roundabout? A great help that was!
       And then one of Bashere's patrols made matters worse。
       The six men came prodding a prisoner along the slope ahead of their horses with the butts of their lances。 She was a black…haired woman in a torn and dirty dark blue dress; with red panels on the breast and skirts bearing forked lightning。 Her face was dirty; too; and tear…streaked。 She stumbled and half…fell; but the prodding was more gesture than actual touching。 She glared scornfully at her captors; even spitting once。 She sneered at Rand; too。
       〃Did you hurt her?〃 he demanded。 A strange question; perhaps; about an enemy after what had happened in this valley。 About a sul'dam。 But it popped out。
       〃Not us; my Lord Dragon;〃 the gruff…faced patrol leader said。 〃We found her like this。〃 Scratching his chin through a black flowing beard; he eyed Bashere as if for support。 〃She claims we killed her Gille。 A pet dog; or cat; or some such; the way she carries on。 Her name's Nerith。 We got that much out of her。〃 The woman turned and snarled at him again。
       Rand sighed。 Not a pet dog。 No! That name did not belong on the list! But he could hear the litany of names reciting itself in his head; and 〃Gille the damane〃 was there。 Lews Therin moaned for his Ilyena。 Her name also was on the list。 Rand thought it had a right。
       〃This is a Seanchan Aes Sedai?〃 Anaiyella asked suddenly; leaning over the pommel of her saddle to peer hard at Nerith。 Nerith spat at her; as well; eyes widening in outrage。 Rand explained the little he knew of sul'dam; that they controlled women who could channel with the aide of a leash…and…collar ter'angreal but could not themselves channel; and to his surprise; the dainty simpering High Lady said coldly; 〃If my Lord Dragon feels constrained; I'll hang her for him。〃 Nerith spat at her again! Contemptuously; this time。 No shortfall of courage there。
       〃No!〃 Rand growled。 Light; the things people would do to get on his good side! Or maybe Anaiyella had been closer to her Master of the Horse that was considered proper。 The man had been stout and balding … and a moner; that counted heavily with Tairens … but women did have strange tastes in men。 He knew that for a pure fact。
       〃As soon as we're ready to move again;〃 he told Bashere; 〃turn the men down there loose。〃 Taking prisoners along when he launched his next attack was out of the question; and leaving a hundred men … a hundred now; more later; for sure … leaving them to follow with the supply carts risked fifty kinds of mischief。 They could cause no trouble left behind。 Even the fellows who had gotten away on horseback could not carry a warning faster than he could Travel。
       Bashere shrugged faintly; he thought it might be so; but then again there was always the odd chance。 Strange things happened even without a ta'veren around。
       Weiramon and Anaiyella opened their mouths almost together; faces set in protest; but Rand pressed on。 〃I've spoken; and it's done! We'll keep the woman; though。 And any more women we capture。〃
       〃Burn my soul;〃 Weiramon exclaimed。 〃Why?〃 The man appeared dumbfounded; and for that matter; Bashere gave a startled jerk of his head。 Anaiyella's mouth twisted in contempt before she managed to turn it to a simpering smile for the Lord Dragon。 Plainly; she thought him too soft to send a woman off with the others。 They would have hard walking in this terrain; not to mention short rations。 And the weather was not weather to turn a woman out in。
       〃I have enough Aes Sedai against me without sending sul'dam back to their trade;〃 he told them。 The Light knew that was true! They nodded; if Weiramon was slow about it; Bashere looked relieved; Anaiyella disappointed。 But what to do with the woman; and any more he captured? He did not intend to turn the Black Tower into
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