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a space where damp brown grass and mud were squeezed flat and dry; for the rest to sleep wrapped in their cloaks。 That was done with the Power; of course; they did everything with the Power; not even bothering to build cook fires。 A few in the other camps stared at them; wide…eyed; as the tent seemed to spring up of its own accord and hampers floated away from packsaddles; but most looked anywhere else at all once they realized what was going on。 Two or three of the black…coated Soldiers appeared to be talking to themselves。
       Flinn and the others did not join Gedwyn's lot … they had a pair of tents that went up not far from Rand's … but Dashiva wandered over to where the 〃Storm Leader〃 and the 〃Attack Leader〃 were standing at their ease; and occasionally issuing a sharp order。 A few words; and he wandered back shaking his head and muttering angrily under his breath。 Gedwyn and Rochaid were not a friendly pair。 As well they were not。
       Rand took to his tent as soon as it was pitched; and sprawled fully clothed on his cot; staring at the sloped ceiling。 There were bees embroidered on the inside as well; on a false roof made of silk。 Hopwil brought a steaming pewter mug of mulled wine … Rand had left his servants behind … but the wine grew cold on his writing table。 His mind worked feverishly。 Two or three more days; and the Seanchan would have been dealt a blow that knocked them on their heels。 Then it was back to Cairhien to see how negotiations with the Sea Folk had gone; to learn what Cadsuane was after … he owed her a debt; but she was after something! … maybe to put a final end to what remained of the rebellion there。 Had Caraline Damodred and Darlin Sisnera slipped away in the confusion? The High Lord Darlin in his hands might finish the rebellion in Tear; as well。 Andor。 If Mat and Elayne were in Murandy; the way it appeared; it would be weeks more at best before Elayne could claim the Lion Throne。 Once that happened; he would have to stay clear of Caemlyn。 But he had to talk to Nynaeve。 Could he cleanse saidin? It might work。 It might destroy the world; too。 Lews Therin gibbered at him in stark terror。 Light; where was Narishma?
       A cemaros storm swept in; all the fiercer this near the sea。 Rain beat his tent like a drum。 Lightning flashes filled the entrance with blue…white light; and thunder rumbled; the sound like mountains tumbling across the land。
       Out of that; Narishma stepped into the tent; dripping wet; dark hair plastered to his head。 His orders had been to avoid notice at all cost。 No flaunting for him。 His sodden coat was plain brown; and his dark hair was tied back; not braided。 Even without bells; near waist…length hair on a man attracted eyes。 He wore a scowl; too; and under his arm he carried a cylindrical bundle tied with cord; fatter than a man's leg; like a small carpet。
       Springing from the cot; Rand snatched the bundle before Narishma could proffer it。 〃Did anyone see you?〃 he demanded。 〃What took you so long? I expected you last night!〃
       〃It took a while to figure out what I had to do;〃 Narishma replied in a flat voice。 〃You didn't tell me everything。 You nearly killed me。〃
       That was ridiculous。 Rand had told him everything he needed to know。 He was sure of it。 There was no point to trusting the man as far as he had; only to have him die and ruin everything。 Carefully he tucked the bundle beneath his cot。 His hands trembled with the urge to strip the wrappings away; to make sure they held what Narishma had been sent for。 The man would not have dared return if they did not。 〃Get yourself into a proper coat before you join the others;〃 he said。 〃And Narishma。。。 〃 Rand straightened; fixing the other man with a steady gaze。 〃You tell anyone about this; and I will kill you。〃
       Kill the whole world; Lews Therin laughed; a moan of derision。 Of despair。 I killed the world; and you can; too; if you try hard。
       Narishma struck himself hard on the chest with his fist。 〃As you mand; my Lord Dragon;〃 he said sourly。
       Bright and early the next morning; a thousand men of the Legion of the Dragon marched out of Illian; across the Causeway of the Northern Star; stepping to the steady beat of drums。 Well; it was early; anyway。 Thick gray clouds roiled across the sky; and a stiff sea breeze sharp with salt whipped cloaks and banners; muttering of another storm on the way。 The Legion attracted a good bit of attention from the armsmen already in the camp; with their blue…painted Andoran helmets and their long blue coats worked on the chest with a red…and…gold Dragon。 A blue pennant bearing the Dragon and a number marked each of the five panies。 The Legionmen were different in many ways。 For instance; they wore breastplates; but beneath their coats; so as not to hide the Dragons … the same reason the coats buttoned up one side … and every man carried a short…sword at his hip and a steel…armed crossbow; every one shouldered exactly the same as every other。 The officers walked; each with a tall red plume on his helmet; just ahead of drum and pennant。 The only horses were Morr's mouse…colored gelding; at their head; and pack animals at the rear。
       〃Foot;〃 Weiramon muttered; slapping his reins on a gauntleted hand。 〃Burn my soul; they're no good; foot。 They'll scatter at the first charge。 Before。〃 The first of the column strode off the causeway。 They had helped take Illian; and they had not scattered。
       Semaradrid shook his head。 〃No pikes;〃 he muttered。 〃I have seen well…led foot hold; with pikes; but without。。。 〃 He made a sound of disgust in his throat。
       Gregorin Panar; the third man sitting his saddle near Rand to watch the new arrivals; said nothing。 Perhaps he had no prejudice against infantry … though if he did not; he would be one of only a handful of noblemen Rand had met without it … but he tried hard not to frown and almost succeeded。 Everyone knew by now that the men with the Dragon on their chests bore arms because they had chosen to follow Rand; chosen to follow the Dragon Reborn; for no other reason than that they wanted to。 The Illianer had to be wondering where they were going that Rand wanted the Legion and the Council of Nine was not trusted to know。 For that matter; Semaradrid eyed Rand sideways。 Only Weiramon was too stupid to think。
       Rand turned Tai'daishar away。 Narishma's package had been rewrapped; into a thinner bundle; and tied beneath his left stirrup leather。 〃Strike the camp; we're moving;〃 he told the three nobles。
       This time; he let Dashiva weave the gateway to take them all away。 The plain…faced fellow frowned at him and mumbled to himself … Dashiva actually seemed affronted; for some reason! … and Gedwyn and Rochaid; their horses shoulder…by…shoulder; watched with sardonic smiles as the silvery slash of light rotated into a hole in nothing。 Watched Rand more than Dashiva。 Well; let them watch。 How often could he seize saidin and risk falling dizzily on his face before he really did fall? It could not be where they could see。
       This time; the gateway took them to a wide road carved through the low; brushy foothills of mountains to the west。 The Nemarellin Mountains。 Not the equals of the Mountai
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