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ing that bared the inner slopes of her breasts。 Wetlanders spluttered at the mention of a sweat tent or being unclothed in front of gai'shain; then walked about half…exposed where any stranger could see。 Aviendha did not really mind for Nynaeve; but Elayne was her near…sister。 And would be more; she hoped。
       The raised heels of Birgitte's boots made her almost a hand taller than Nynaeve; if still shorter than Elayne or Aviendha。 In dark blue coat and wide green trousers; she carried herself with much of the same warily confident readiness as Lan; though it seemed more casual in her。 A leopard lying on a rock; and not nearly so lazy as she appeared。 There was no arrow nocked in the bow Birgitte carried; but for all her stroll and smiles; she could have a shaft out of the quiver at her waist before anyone could blink; and be loosing her third before anybody else could have fitted a second to bowstring。
       She gave Elayne a wry grin and a shake of her head that swung a golden braid as long and thick as Nynaeve's dark one。 〃I promised to your face; not behind your back;〃 she said dryly。 〃When you've learned a little more; I won't have to tell you about Warders and Aes Sedai。〃 Elayne sniffed and lifted her chin haughtily; busying herself with the ribbons of her hat; which was covered with long green plumes and worse than Nynaeve's。 〃Perhaps a great deal more;〃 Birgitte added。 〃You're tying another knot in that bow。〃
       Had Elayne not been her near…sister; Aviendha would have laughed at the crimson that flooded her cheeks。 Tripping someone who tried to walk too high was always fun; or watching it done; and even a short fall was worth a laugh。 As it was; she leveled a firm stare at Birgitte; a promise that more might bring retribution。 She liked the woman despite all her secrets; but the difference between a friend and a near…sister was a thing these wetlanders seemed unable to prehend。 Birgitte only smiled; glancing from her to Elayne; and murmured under her breath。 Aviendha caught the word 〃kittens。〃 Worse; it sounded fond。 Everyone must have heard。 Everyone!
       〃What's gotten into you; Aviendha?〃 Nynaeve demanded; prodding her shoulder with a stiff finger。 〃Do you intend to stand there blushing all day? We are in a hurry。〃
       Only then did Aviendha realize by the heat in her face that she must be as red as Elayne。 And standing still as stone besides; when they had need for haste。 Cut by a word; like a girl newly wedded to the spear and unused to the banter among Maidens。 She had almost twenty years; and she was behaving like a child playing with her first bow。 That added flames to her cheeks。 Which was why she all but leaped around the next turning and very nearly ran headlong into Teslyn Baradon。
       Skidding awkwardly on red…and…green floor tiles; Aviendha half…fell backward; catching herself against Elayne and Nynaeve。 This time she managed not to blush herself to fire; but she wanted to。 She was shaming her near…sister as much as herself。 Elayne always held her posure; no matter what。 Luckily; Teslyn Baradon took the encounter little better。
       The sharp…faced woman recoiled in surprise; gaping before she could stop herself; then shifting her narrow shoulders irritably。 Gaunt cheeks and a narrow nose hid the ageless quality of the Red sister's features; and her red dress; brocaded in a blue that was nearly black; only made her appear bonier; yet she quickly gathered a clan roofmistress's self…possession; dark brown eyes as cool as deep shadows。 They slid past Aviendha dismissively; ignoring Lan like a tool she had no use for; burned a brief moment at Birgitte。 Most Aes Sedai disapproved of Birgitte being a Warder; though none could give a reason beyond sour mutters about tradition。 Elayne and Nynaeve; however; the woman fixed by turns。 Aviendha could have tracked yesterday's wind before reading anything on Teslyn Baradon's face now。
       〃I did already tell Merilille;〃 she said in a thick Illianer accent; 〃but I may as well put your minds at rest; also。 Whatever。。。 mischief。。。 you do be about; Joline and I will no interfere。 I did see to that。 Elaida may never learn of it; if you do have some care。 Stop gaping at me like carp; children;〃 she added with a grimace of distaste。 〃I be neither blind nor deaf。 I do know of Sea Folk Windfinders in the palace; and secret meetings with Queen Tylin。 And other things。〃 That thin mouth tightened; and though her tone remained serene; her dark gaze flared with anger。 〃You will pay dearly yet for those other things; you and those who do allow you to play at being Aes Sedai; but I will look aside for now。 Atonement can wait。〃
       Nynaeve took a tight grip on her braid; back straight; head high; and her own eyes blazed。 Under different circumstances Aviendha might have found some sympathy for the target of the tongue…lashing plainly about to erupt。 Nynaeve's tongue carried more spines than a hair…needle segade; and sharper ones。 Coldly; Aviendha considered this woman who thought she could look fight through her。 A Wise One did not stoop to thrashing someone with her fists; but she was still only an apprentice; perhaps it would not cost her ji if she just bruised this Teslyn Baradon a little。 She opened her mouth to give the Red sister a chance to defend herself at the same instant Nynaeve opened hers; yet Elayne spoke first。
       〃What we are about; Teslyn;〃 she said in a chill voice; 〃is none of your business。〃 She; too; stood straight; her eyes blue ice; a chance ray of light from a high window caught her golden…red curls; seeming to set them afire。 Right then; Elayne could have made a roofmistress seem a goatherd with too much oosquai in her belly。 It was a skill she honed well。 She delivered each word with cold crystal dignity。 〃You have no right to interfere in anything we do; in anything that any sister does。 No right whatsoever。 So pull your nose out of our coats; you summer ham; and be glad we do not choose to take issue with you supporting a usurper on the Amyrlin Seat。〃
       Perplexed; Aviendha glanced sideways at her near…sister。 Pull her nose out of their coats? She and Elayne; at least; were not wearing coats。 A summer ham? What did that mean? Wetlanders often said peculiar things; but the other women all looked as puzzled as she。 Only Lan; staring at Elayne askance; appeared to understand; and he seemed。。。 startled。 And perhaps amused。 It was difficult to tell; Aan'allein controlled his features well。
       Teslyn Baradon sniffed; pinching her face even tighter。 Aviendha was trying hard to call these people by only part of their names the way they themselves did … when she used a whole name; they thought she was upset! … but she could not begin to imagine being so intimate with Teslyn Baradon。 〃I will leave you foolish children to your business;〃 the woman growled。 〃Be sure you do no get your noses caught in a worse crack than they already do be。〃
       As she turned to go; gathering her skirts grandly; Nynaeve caught her arm。 Wetlanders usually let emotion gild their faces; and Nynaeve's was the image of conflict; anger struggling to break through fixed determination。 〃Wait; Teslyn;〃 she said reluctantly。 〃You and Joline may be in 
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