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s in her thin braids; ageless face turned down and hands still on her reins。 Renaile told everyone who would listen that among the Atha'an Miere; a Darkfriend was stripped of his or her names as soon as proven guilty; then thrown over the side tied to ballast stones。 Among the Kinswomen; even Reanne and Alise paled every time they saw the Taraboner woman。 But Ispan grew meeker and meeker; eager to please and full of ingratiating smiles for the two white…haired sisters no matter what it was they did to her when they carried her away from the others at night。 On the other hand; Adeleas and Vandene grew more and more frustrated。 Adeleas told Nynaeve in Elayne's hearing that the woman spilled out volumes about old plots of the Black Ajah; those she had not been involved in much more enthusiastically than those she was; yet even when they pressed her hard … Elayne could not quite make herself ask how they pressed … and she let slip the names of Darkfriends; most were certainly dead and none was a sister。 Vandene said they were beginning to fear she had taken an Oath … the capital was audible … against betraying her cohorts。 They continued to isolate Ispan as much as possible and continued with their questions; but it was plain they were feeling their way blindly; now; and carefully。
       And there was Nynaeve; and Lan。 Most definitely Nynaeve and Lan; with her near to bursting at the effort of holding her temper around him; mooning over him when they had to sleep apart … which was nearly always; the way acmodations divided up … and torn between eager and afraid when she could sneak him off to a hayloft。 It was her own fault for choosing a Sea Folk wedding; in Elayne's estimation。 The Sea Folk believed in hierarchy as they did in the sea; and they knew a woman and her husband might be promoted one past the other many times in their lives。 Their marriage rites took that into account。 Whoever had the right to mand in public; must obey in private。 Lan never took advantage; so Nynaeve said … 〃not really;〃 whatever that was supposed to mean! She always blushed when she said it … but she kept waiting for him to do so; and he just seemed to grow more and more amused。 This amusement; of course; screwed Nynaeve's temper to a fever pitch。 Nynaeve did erupt; out of all the explosions Elayne had expected。 She snapped at anyone and everyone who got in her way。 Except at Lan; with him; she was all honey and cream。 And not at Alise。 She came close once or twice; but even Nynaeve could not seem to make herself snap at Alise。
       Elayne had hopes; not worries; about the things brought out of the Rahad along with the Bowl of the Winds。 Aviendha helped her search; and so did Nynaeve once or twice; but she was entirely too slow and ginger about it and showed little skill at finding what they were searching for。 They found no more angreal; yet the collection of ter'angreal grew; once all the rubbish had been thrown away; objects that used the One Power filled five entire panniers on the packhorses。
       Careful as Elayne was; though; her attempts to study them did not go so well。 Spirit was the safest of the Five Powers to use in this … unless; of course; Spirit happened to be what triggered the thing! … yet at times she had to use other flows; as fine as she could weave。 Sometimes her delicate probing did nothing; but her first touch at the thing that looked like a blacksmith's puzzle made of glass left her dizzy and unable to sleep for half the night; and a thread of Fire touching what looked like a helmet made of fluffy metal feathers gave everyone within twenty paces a blinding headache。 Except for herself。 And then there was the crimson rod that felt hot。 Hot; in a way。
       Sitting on the edge of her bed at an inn called The Wild Boar; she examined the smooth rod by the light of two polished brass lamps。 Wrist…thick and a foot long; it looked like stone; but felt firm rather than hard。 She was alone; since the helmet; she had tried to do her studying away from the others。 The heat of the rod made her think of Fire。。。
       Blinking; she opened her eyes and sat up in the bed。 Sunlight streamed in at the window。 She was in her shift; and Nynaeve; fully dressed; stood frowning down at her。 Aviendha and Birgitte were watching from beside the door。
       〃What happened?〃 Elayne demanded; and Nynaeve shook her head grimly。
       〃You don't want to know。〃 Her lips twitched。
       Aviendha's face gave away nothing。 Birgitte's mouth might have been a little tight; but the strongest emotion Elayne felt from her was a bination of relief and … hilarity! The woman was doing her utmost not to roll on the floor laughing!
       The worst of it was; no one would tell what had happened。 What she had said; or done; she was sure it was that; by the quickly hidden grins she saw; from Kinswomen and Windfinders as well as sisters。 But no one would tell her! After that; she decided to leave studying the ter'angreal to somewhere more fortable than a inn。 Somewhere definitely more private!
       Nine days after their flight from Ebou Dar; scattered clouds appeared in the sky and a sprinkling of fat raindrops splashed dust in the road。 An intermittent drizzle fell the next day; and the day after; a deluge kept them huddled in the houses and stables of Forel Market。 That night; the rain turned to sleet; and by morning; thick flurries of snow drifted from a cloud…dark sky。 More than halfway to Caemlyn; Elayne began to wonder whether they could make it in two weeks from where they stood。
       With the snow; clothes became a worry。 Elayne blamed herself for not thinking of the fact that everyone might need warm clothes before they reached their destination。 Nynaeve blamed herself for not thinking of it。 Merilille thought she was at fault; and Reanne thought she was。 They actually stood in the main street of Forel Market that morning with snowflakes drifting down on their heads; arguing over who could claim the blame。 Elayne was not sure which of them saw the absurdity first; who was the first to laugh; but all were laughing as they settled around a table in The White Swan to decide what to do。 A solution turned out to be no laughing matter。 Providing one warm coat or cloak for everyone would take a large bite out of their coin; if so many could be found。 Jewelry could be sold or traded; of course; but no one in Forel Market seemed to be interested in necklaces or bracelets; however fine。
       Aviendha solved that difficulty by producing a small sack that bulged with clear; perfect gemstones; some quite large。 Strangely; the same folk who had said with bare politeness that they had no use for be…gemmed necklaces went round…eyed at the unset stones rolling about in Aviendha's palm。 Reanne said they saw one as frippery; the other as wealth; but whatever their reasons; in return for two rubies of moderate size; one large moonstone; and a small firedrop; the people of Forel Market were more than willing to provide as many thick woolens as their visitors desired; some of them hardly worn。
       〃Very generous of them;〃 Nynaeve muttered sourly as people began rooting clothes out of their chests and attics。 A steady stream marched into the inn with their ar
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