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       Egwene breathed deep in relief。 It was done。 She could hardly believe。 After a moment; she cleared her throat; and Sheriam actually jumped。
       Green eyes as big as teacups; the Keeper cleared her throat; too。 〃The lesser consensus standing; war is declared against Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan。〃 Her voice was none too steady; but it sufficed。 〃In the interest of unity; I ask for the greater consensus to stand。〃
       Faiselle half…moved; then clenched her hands in her lap。 Saroiya opened her mouth; then closed it without speaking; her face troubled。 No one else stirred。
       〃You won't get it;〃 Romanda said flatly。 The sneer she directed across the pavilion at Lelaine was as good as a statement of why she; at least; would not stand。 〃Now that little business is finished; we can go on with … 〃
       〃I don't think we can;〃 Egwene cut in。 〃Takima; what does the Law of War say about the Amyrlin Seat。〃 Romanda was left with her mouth hanging open。
       Takima's lips writhed。 The diminutive Brown looked more than ever a bird wishing to take flight。 〃The Law。。。 〃 she began; then took a deep breath and sat up straight。 〃The Law of War states; 'As one set of hands must guide a sword; so the Amyrlin Seat shall direct and prosecute the war by decree。 She shall seek the advice of the Hall of the Tower; but the Hall shall carry out her decrees with all possible speed; and for the sake of unity; they shall。。。 〃 She faltered; and had to visibly force herself to go on。 〃。。。 they shall and must approve any decree of the Amyrlin Seat regarding prosecution of the war with the greater consensus。〃
       A long silence stretched。 Every eye seemed to be goggling。 Turning abruptly; Delana vomited onto the carpets behind her bench。 Kwamesa and Salita both climbed down and started toward her; but she waved them off; plucking a scarf from her sleeve to wipe her mouth。 Magla and Saroiya and several others still seated looked as though they might follow her example。 No others who had been chosen in Salidar; though。 Romanda appeared ready to bite through a nail。
       〃Very clever;〃 Lelaine said at last in clipped tones; and after a deliberate pause; added; 〃Mother。 Will you tell us what the great wisdom of your vast experience tells you to do? About the war; I mean。 I want to make myself clear。〃
       〃Let me make myself clear; too;〃 Egwene said coldly。 Leaning forward; she fixed the Blue Sitter sternly。 〃A certain degree of respect is required toward the Amyrlin Seat; and from now on; I will have it; daughter。 This is no time for me to have to unchair you and name a penance。〃 Lelaine's eyes crept wider and wider with shock。 Had the woman really believed everything would continue as before? Or after so long not daring to show more than the tiniest backbone; had Lelaine simply believed she had none? Egwene really did not want to unchair her; the Blues would almost certainly return the woman; and she still had to deal with the Hall on matters that could not be convincingly disguised as part of the war against Elaida。
       From the corner of her eye; she saw a smile pass across Romanda's lips at seeing Lelaine set down。 Small profit if all she did was raise Romanda's stock with the others。 〃That holds for everyone; Romanda;〃 she said。 〃If need be; Tiana can find two birches as easily as one。〃 Romanda's smile vanished abruptly。
       〃If I may speak; Mother;〃 Takima said; rising slowly。 She attempted a smile; but she still looked decidedly ill。 〃I myself think you have begun well。 There may be benefits to stopping here a month。 Or longer。〃 Romanda's head jerked around to stare at her; but for once; Takima did not appear to notice。 〃Wintering here; we can avoid worse weather further north; and also plan carefully … 〃
       〃There's an end to delays; daughter;〃 Egwene cut in。 〃No more dragging our feet。〃 Would she be another Gerra; or another Shein? Either was still possible。 〃In one month; we will Travel from here。〃 No; she was Egwene al'Vere; and whatever the secret histories would say of her faults and virtues; the Light only knew; but they would be hers; not copies of some other woman's。 〃In one month; we will begin the siege of Tar Valon。〃
       This time; the silence was broken only by the sound of Takima weeping。
Chapter 20 
(Lion Rampant) 
Into Andor 
       Elayne hoped that the journey to Caemlyn would go smoothly; and in the beginning; it seemed to do so。 She thought that even as she and Aviendha and Birgitte sat bone…weary and huddled in the rags that remained of their clothing; filthy with dirt and dust and the blood of the injuries they had received when the gateway exploded。 In two weeks at most; she would be ready to present her claims to the Lion Throne。 There on the hilltop; Nynaeve Healed their numerous hurts and spoke barely a word; certainly not berating them。 Surely that was a pleasant sign; if unusual。 Relief at finding them alive battled worry on her face。
       Lan's strength was necessary to remove the Seanchan crossbow bolt from Birgitte's thigh before she could be Healed of that wound; but although her face drained of blood and Elayne felt a stab of agony through the bond; agony that made her want to cry out; her Warder barely groaned through her gritted teeth。
       〃Tai'shar Kandor;〃 Lan murmured; tossing the pile…head quarrel; made to punch through armor; aside on the ground。 True blood of Kandor。 Birgitte blinked; and he paused。 〃Forgive me; if I erred。 I assumed from your clothes you were Kandori。〃
       〃Oh; yes;〃 Birgitte breathed。 〃Kandori。〃 Her sickly grin might have been from her injuries; Nynaeve was impatiently shooing Lan out of the way so she could lay hands on her。 Elayne hoped the woman knew more of Kandor than the name; when Birgitte had last been born; there had been no Kandor。 She should have taken it as an omen。
       For the five miles to the small slate…roofed manor house; Birgitte rode behind Nynaeve on the latter's stout brown mare … named Loversknot; of all things … and Elayne and Aviendha rode Lan's tall black stallion。 At least; Elayne sat Mandarb's saddle with Aviendha's arms around her waist while Lan led the fiery…eyed animal。 Trained warhorses were as much weapons as a sword; and dangerous mounts for strange riders。 Be sure of yourself; girl; Lini had always told her; but not too sure; and she did try。 She should have realized events were no more in her control than Mandarb's reins。
       At the three…story stone house; Master Hornwell; stout and gray…haired; and Mistress Hornwell; slightly less round and slightly less gray but otherwise resembling her husband remarkably; had every last person who worked the estates; and Merilille's maid; Pol; and the green…and…white liveried servants who had e from the Tarasin Palace as well; all bustling to find sleeping acmodations for over two hundred people; most women; who had appeared out of nowhere with dark near to falling。 The work went with surprising swiftness; in spite of the estates' people stopping to gawk at an Aes Sedai's ageless face; or a Warder's shifting cloak making parts of him vanish; or one of the Sea Folk with all of her bright silks; her earrings and nosering and medallione
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