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dovecotes in Salidar and Traveling back with reports from the eyes…and…ears。 A large much…mended piece of heavy canvas; not a patch on the splendor of the canopy at the lake; it had been a great deal of effort to set up。 Most often in the past two months; the Hall had convened much as they had yesterday morning; or perhaps squeezed into one of the larger tents。 The pavilion had been erected only twice since leaving Salidar。 Both times for a trial。
       Noticing Egwene and Sheriam's approach; sisters in the back murmured to those ahead; and a gap opened to let them through。 Expressionless eyes watched the pair of them; giving not a clue to whether the watching sisters knew or even suspected what was happening。 Not a clue to what they thought。 Butterflies stirred in Egwene's stomach。 A rosebud。 Calm。
       She stepped onto the layered carpets; woven in bright flowers and a dozen different patterns; and moved through the ring of braziers set up around the canopy's rim; and Sheriam began。 〃She es; she es。。。 〃 If she sounded a little less grand than usual; a touch nervous; it was small wonder。
       The polished benches and cloth…covered boxes from the lake were in use again。 They made a much more formal sight than the mismatched gaggle of chairs that had been used previously; two slanting lines of nine; grouped by threes; Green; Gray and Yellow to one side; White; Brown and Blue to the other。 At the wide end; farthest from Egwene; stood the striped box and bench for the Amyrlin Seat。 Sitting there; she would be the focus of every eye; very much aware that she was one facing eighteen。 As well she had not changed her clothes; every Sitter still wore her finery from the lake; only adding her shawl。 A rosebud。 Calm。
       One of the benches was empty; though only for a moment longer。 Delana came running in just as Sheriam finished her litany。 Looking breathless and flustered; the Gray Sitter scrambled up to her seat; between Varilin and Kwamesa; with little of her usual grace。 She wore a sickly grin; and toyed nervously with the firedrops around her neck。 Anyone might have thought she was the one on trial。 Calm。 No one was on trial。 Yet。
       Egwene started slowly across the carpets; between the two rows; with Sheriam close behind; and Kwamesa stood。 The light of saidar suddenly shone around the dark slender woman; youngest of the Sitters。 Tonight there would be no skimping of the formalities。 〃What is brought before the Hall of the Tower is for the Hall alone to consider;〃 Kwamesa announced。 〃Whosoever intrudes unbidden; woman or man; initiate or outsider; whether they e in peace or in anger; I will bind according to the law; to face the law。 Know that what I speak is true; it will and shall be done。〃
       That formula was older than the oath against speaking untruth; from a time when almost as many Amyrlins died by assassination as by all other causes put together。 Egwene continued her measured tread。 It was an effort not to touch her stole; for a reminder。 She tried to concentrate on the bench ahead。
       Kwamesa resumed her seat; still shining with the Power; and among the Whites; Aledrin rose; the glow surrounding her as well。 With her dark golden hair and big pale brown eyes; she was quite lovely when she smiled; but tonight a stone had more expression than she。 〃There are those within earshot who are not of the Hall;〃 she said in a cool voice strong with the accents of Tarabon。 〃What is spoken in the Hall of the Tower is for the Hall alone to hear; until and unless the Hall decides otherwise。 I will make us private。 I will seal our words to our ears only。〃 Weaving a ward that walled the entire pavilion; she sat。 There was a stir among the sisters outside; who now must watch the Hall move in utter silence。
       Strange; that so much among Sitters depended on age; when distinction by age was next to anathema among the rest of Aes Sedai。 Could Siuan have seen a pattern in the Sitters' ages? No。 Focus。 Calm; and focus。
       Gripping the edges of her cloak; Egwene stepped up onto the brightly striped box and turned。 Lelaine was already on her feet; blue…fringed shawl looped across her arms; and Romanda was rising; without even waiting for Egwene to sit。 She dared not let either seize the tiller。 〃I call a question before the Hall;〃 she said in a loud; firm voice。 〃Who will stand to declare war against the usurper Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan?〃
       And then she sat; throwing off her cloak and letting it fall across the bench。 Standing beside her on the carpets; Sheriam appeared quite cool and collected; but she made a small sound; almost a whimper。 Egwene did not think anyone else had heard。 She hoped not。
       There was a brief moment of shock; women frozen on their seats; staring at her in amazement。 Perhaps as much because she had asked at all as what she had asked。 No one put a question before the Hall before sounding out the Sitters; it just was not done; for practical reasons as much as tradition。
       At last Lelaine spoke。 〃We do not declare war on individuals;〃 she said in a dry voice。 〃Not even on traitors like Elaida。 In any case; I call to shelve your question while we deal with more immediate matters。〃 She had had time to gather herself since the ride back; her face was merely hard now; not thunderous。 Brushing blue…slashed skirts as if brushing away Elaida … or perhaps Egwene … she turned her attention to the other Sitters。 〃What brings us to sit tonight is。。。 I was about to say simple; but it isn't。 Open the novice book? We would have grandmothers clamoring to be tested。 Remain here a month? I hardly need list the difficulties; beginning with spending half our gold without ing a foot nearer Tar Valon。 And as for not crossing into Andor … 〃
       〃My sister Lelaine; in her anxiety; has forgotten who has the right to speak first;〃 Romanda cut in smoothly。 Her smile managed to make Lelaine appear merry。 Still; she took her time adjusting her shawl just as she wanted; a woman with all the time in the world。 〃I have two questions to call before the Hall; and in the second I will address Lelaine's concerns。 Unfortunately for her; my first question concerns Lelaine's own fitness to continue in the Hall。〃 Her smile widened without growing the slightest bit warmer。 Lelaine sat slowly; her scowl quite open。
       〃A question of war cannot be shelved;〃 Egwene said in a carrying tone。 〃It must be answered before any question called after it。 That is the law。〃
       Quick; questioning glances passed between Sitters。
       〃Is that so?〃 Janya said finally。 Squinting thoughtfully; she twisted on her bench to address the woman next to her。 〃Takima; you remember everything you read; and I'm sure I remember you saying you had read the Law of War。 Is that what it says?〃
       Egwene held her breath。 The White Tower had sent soldiers to any number of wars over the last thousand years; but always in response to a plea for help from at least two thrones; and it always had been their war; not the Tower's。 The last time the Tower itself actually declared war had been against Artur Hawkwing。 Siuan said that now only a few librarians knew much more than that there was a Law of War。
       Short; with long d
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