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d had her doubts about that; but the lack of any word of wele had settled those。 The meanest farmer would have offered a cup and a kiss to a vagabond on the Feast of Abram。 They were not supplicants; and they were not equals。 They were Aes Sedai。
       Warders stood behind their Aes Sedai; and Siuan and Sheriam flanked Egwene。 The sisters ostentatiously flung back cloaks and tucked gloves away to emphasize that the cold did not touch them; a sharp contrast to the nobles clutching their own cloaks close。 Outside; the Flame of Tar Valon lifted in the stiffening breeze。 Only Halima; lounging beside Delana's chair on the edge of the gray…covered box; at all spoiled the grand image; and her big green eyes stared at the Andorans and Murandians so challengingly that she did not spoil it much。
       There were a few stares when Egwene took the seat in front; but only a few。 No one really looked surprised。 I suppose they've heard all about the girl Amyrlin; she thought dryly。 Well; there had been queens younger; including queens of Andor and Murandy。 Calmly; she nodded; and Sheriam gestured to the line of chairs。 No matter who had arrived first or provided the pavilion; there was no doubt who had called this meeting。 Who was in charge。
       Her action was not well received; of course。 There was a moment of silent hesitation while the nobles cast their minds about for some way to regain an equal footing; and no few grimaces as they realized it could not be done。 Grim…faced; eight of them sat down; four men and four women; with much angry gathering of cloaks and adjusting of skirts。 Those of lesser rank stood behind the chairs; and clearly there was little love lost between Andoran and Murandian。 For that matter; the Murandians; men and women alike; muttered and jostled one another for precedence as fiercely as they did their 〃allies〃 from the north。 The Aes Sedai received a good many dark looks as well; and a few folk spared scowls for Bryne; who stood off to one side with his helmet under his arm。 He was well known on both sides of the border; and respected even by most of those who would have liked to see him dead。 At least; that had been the case before he turned up leading the Aes Sedai's army。 He ignored their acid glares as he had the Sitters' acid tongues。
       Another man did not join with either party。 A pale man; less than a hand taller than Egwene; in a dark coat and breastplate; he wore the front of his head shaved; and there was a long red scarf tied around his left arm。 His deep gray cloak had a large red hand worked on the breast。 Talmanes stood opposite Bryne; leaning against one of the pavilion's poles with an arrogant casualness; and watched without revealing a hint of his thoughts。 Egwene wished she knew what he was doing there。 She wished she knew what he had said before she arrived。 In any case; she had to speak with him。 If it could be managed without a hundred ears listening。
       A lean; weathered man in a red cloak; sitting in the middle of the row of chairs; leaned forward and opened his mouth; but Sheriam forestalled him in a clear; carrying voice。
       〃Mother; may I present to you; of Andor; Arathelle Renshar; High Seat of House Renshar。 Pelivar Coelan; High Seat of House Coelan。 Aemlyn Carand; High Seat of House Carand; and her husband; Culhan Carand。〃 They acknowledged their names sourly; with bare nods and no more。 Pelivar was the lean man; he was losing his dark hair from the front。 Sheriam went on without pause; it was a good thing Bryne had been able to supply the names of those who had been chosen to speak。 〃May I present; of Murandy; Donel do Morny a'Lordeine。 Cian do Mehon a'Macansa。 Paitr do Fearna a'Conn。 Segan do Avharin a'Roos。〃 The Murandians seemed to feel the lack of titles even more than the Andorans。 Donel; wearing more lace than most of the women; twisted his curled mustaches fiercely; and Paitr appeared to be trying to yank his loose。 Segan pursed full lips and her dark eyes caught fire; while Cian; a stocky; graying woman; snorted quite loudly。 Sheriam took no notice。 〃You are beneath the eyes of the Watcher of the Seals。 You are before the Flame of Tar Valon。 You may present your supplications to the Amyrlin Seat。〃
       Well。 They did not like that; not in the least。 Egwene had thought them sour before; but now they looked stuffed full of green persimmons。 Perhaps they had believed they could pretend she was not the Amyrlin at all。 They would learn。 Of course; first she had to teach the Hall。
       〃There are ancient ties between Andor and the White Tower;〃 she said; loudly and firmly。 〃Sisters have always expected wele in Andor or Murandy。 Why then do you bring an army against Aes Sedai? You meddle where thrones and nations fear to step。 Thrones have fallen; meddling in the affairs of Aes Sedai。〃
       That sounded suitably threatening; whether or not Myrelle and the others had managed to prepare her way。 With luck; they were well on their way back to the camp; with no one the wiser。 Unless one of these nobles spoke the wrong name。 That would lose her an advantage against the Hall; but alongside everything else; it was a straw beside a hayloft。
       Pelivar exchanged looks with the woman seated beside him; and she stood。 Creases in her face could not disguise the fact that Arathelle had been a beautiful; fine…boned woman when young; now; gray threaded thickly through her hair; and her gaze struck as hard as any Warder's。 Her red…gloved hands gripped the edges of her cloak at her sides; but plainly not in worry。 Mouth pressed to a thin line; she scanned the line of Sitters; and only then spoke。 Past Egwene; to the sisters behind her。 Gritting her teeth; Egwene put on an attentive expression。
       〃We are here precisely because we do not want to bee entangled in the White Tower's affairs。〃 Arathelle's voice held tones of authority; unsurprising in the High Seat of a powerful House。 There was no hint of the diffidence that might have been expected; even from a powerful High Seat; facing so many sisters; not to mention the Amyrlin Seat。 〃If all we've heard is true; then at best; allowing you to pass through Andor unhindered may seem like giving aid; or even alliance; in the eyes of the White Tower。 Failure to oppose you might mean learning what the grape learns in the winepress。〃 Several of the Murandians turned their scowls on her。 No one in Murandy had tried to hinder the sisters' passage。 Very likely; no one had considered the possibilities beyond the day they passed onto another's lands。
       Arathelle continued as if she had not noticed; but Egwene doubted that。 〃At worst。。。 We have heard。。。 reports。。。 of Aes Sedai making their way into Andor in secret; and Tower Guards。 Rumors might be a better word; but they e from many places。 None of us would like to see a battle between Aes Sedai in Andor。〃
       〃The Light preserve and protect us!〃 Donel burst out; red…faced。 Paitr nodded encouragement; sliding to the edge of his seat; and Cian looked ready to jump in herself。 〃No one wants to see it here; either!〃 Donel spat。 〃Not between Aes Sedai! For sure; we've heard what happened out east! And those sisters …!〃
       Egwene breathed a little more easily when
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