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 evaporated upon the wind。 The last wrangling voice of them had been chilled down to silence。
 But not quite the last。
 〃Then who created THEM?〃 the Smith bellowed; hurling forth the question like a challenge to the universe; at the top of his aching; newly perishable lungs。
 He looked ahead。
 There was something; or someone; lying in wait for him; beyond that last convoluted corner of black rock。 Some new power; or ancient one; e to claim the world? Or only the wind?
 He was afraid to look。
 The whole world was cold now。 The Smith could feel the awful cold turning against him; feel it as easily and painfully as the weakest human might。
 He wanted to look around the corner of the rock; but he could not。 He was afraid。 Just in front of him; volcanic heat and gas belched up; turning snow and ice into black slush in a moment。
 Vulcan lurched forward; seeking warmth。 He fell on his hands and knees。 Dying; in what seemed to him the first cold morning of the world; he groped for fire。


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