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hope they can … then my army will at best melt away。 At worst it'll join Vilkata and augment his strength; which is already greater than yours and mine bined。
 〃You; of course; will applaud my fall and my destruction … but not for very long。〃
 The Knight; his aspect one of unaltered grimness; nodded。 〃So; Queen of Yambu; what do you propose?〃
 〃No more than what you must have already guessed; Sir Andrew。 An alliance; of course; between us two。〃 Yambu turned her head slightly; her noble bearing at the moment could almost turn the fallen log into a throne。 〃Tell him; good Dame; if you love him … an alliance with me now represents his only chance。〃
 Neither Sir Andrew nor his enchantress gave an immediate answer。 But the Knight looked so black that; had he spoken; Denis thought the conference would have ended on the instant。
 Dame Voldi asked the Queen; 〃Suppose we should join forces against Vilkata … what then? How do you propose to fight the Mindsword; with our help or without it?〃
 It was the Baron who replied。 〃To begin with; we mean to avoid battle with Vilkata's troops unless we're sure he's not on the scene himself … he'll never turn the Mindsword over to a subordinate; you may be sure of that。 Your people and ours will exchange intelligence regarding the Dark King's movements。 Yes; it'll still be damned difficult even if we're allied; but if we're still fighting each other at the same time; it's going to be impossible。〃
 Yoldi had another question。 〃Supposing for a moment that such an alliance could be made to work; even temporarily … what do you intend doing with the Mindsword; after the Dark King has somehow been defeated?〃
 Yambu smiled with what looked like genuine amusement。 It made her face more attractive than before。 〃Why; I would leave that up to you。〃
 〃You'd turn the Mindsword over to us?〃 Yoldi asked the question blankly。
 The Queen paused very briefly。 〃Why not? I can agree to that; because I think that your good Knight there is one of the few men in the world who'd never use it。〃
 〃And what of my people who are now your slaves; my lands that you have seized?〃 This was from Sir Andrew。 He had now mastered his obvious anger; and was almost calm; as if he were only discussing some theoretical possibility。
 〃Why; those are yours again; of course; as soon as you and I can reach agreement。 As soon after that as I rejoin my own people; I'll send word by flying beasts to all my garrison manders there; to begin an evacuation at once。〃
 〃And in return for that; what do you want of me?〃
 〃First; of course; immediate cessation of hostilities against my forces; everywhere。 And then your full support against the Dark King; until he is brought down。 Or until he crushes both of us。〃 The Queen paused; giving an almost friendly look to Sir Andrew and his surrounding bodyguard。 She added: 〃You really have no choice; you know。〃
 There was a long pause; during which Sir Andrew studied the Queen even more carefully than before。 At last he said; 〃Tell me something。〃
 〃If I can。〃
 〃Did you in fact sell your own daughter into Red Temple slavery?〃
 Denis saw a shadow; he thought of something more plex than simple anger; cross the Queen's face。 Her voice when she replied was much less hearty。 〃Ah;〃 she said。 〃Ah; and if I tell you the truth of that; will you believe me?〃
 〃Why not? Apparently you expect us to believe your proposal to give us the Mindsword … perhaps at this moment you even believe that yourself。 Still; I would like to hear whatever you wish to say about your daughter。〃
 This time the pause was short。 Then; with a sudden movement; the Silver Queen got up from her seat on the dead tree。
 〃Amintor and I will walk apart a little now; while you discuss my offer。 Naturally you will want to talk to your close advisers before giving me an answer。 I trust they are all here。 Unfortunately … or perhaps fortunately … there isn't time for diplomacy as usually conducted。 But I'll wait; while you have your discussion。〃
 And the two visitors from Yambu did indeed walk apart; Baron Amintor apparently pointing out some curiosities of the swamp flora to the Queen; as if neither of them had anything more important than wild plants on mind。
 Sir Andrew and several others were huddled together; and Denis could imagine what they were saying: About Vilkata and the Mindsword; it must be true; for now we've heard it twice。 But an alliance? With Yambu?
 But; thought Denis; the Queen was right。 He has no real choice but to accept。
 Chapter 9
 Kristin; crowned only hours ago in hurried but joyful ceremony as Princess Regnant of the Lands of Tasavalta; was alone in one of the royal palace's smaller semipublic rooms; sitting on one of her smaller thrones。 She had chosen to sit on this throne at this moment because she was tired … exhausted might have been putting it mildly … and the throne was the most convenient place in the room to sit。 There were no other chairs。 She could willingly have opted for the floor; but the fit of her coronation gown; which had been her sister's; and today had been pressed into service hurriedly; argued against that。
 She was waiting for her lover Mark to be brought to her。 There were certain things that had to be said to him; and only she could say them; and only when the two of them were alone。 And her impending collapse into exhaustion had to be postponed until after they had been said。
 The room was quiet now; except for the distant continuing sounds of celebration from outside。 But if Kristin thought about it; she could remember other days in this room。 Bright days of loud voices and free laughter; in the time when her older sister had been alive and ruling Tasavalta。 And days from an earlier time still; when Kristin had been only a small girl; and there were two girls in this room with their father; a living King; who joked with them about this throne 。。。
 Across the room in present time a small door was opening; quietly and discreetly。 Her Uncle Karel; master of magic and teacher of magicians; looked in; saw she was alone; and gave her an almost imperceptible nod of approval。 Karel was enormously fat and somewhat jolly in appearance; red cheeks glowing as usual above gray whiskers; as if he had just e in from an invigorating winter walk。 As far as Kristin could tell he had not changed in the slightest from those bright days of her own girlhood。 Today of course he was decked out; like herself; in full ceremonial garb; including a blue…green garland on his brow。
 He reached behind him now to pull someone forward。 It was Mark; dressed now in strange borrowed finery; that he thrust gently into the room where Kristin waited。
 Karel said to her; in a voice that somewhat belied his jolly face; 〃Highness; it will look bad for you to be alone for very long with this。。。〃
 She stood up; snapped to her feet as if brought there by a spring; weary muscles energized by outrage; by the tension of all that had happened to her today。 〃Uncle Karel; I have been alone with him for a month already。 Thank the gods! For before that I was alone with Vilkata's torturers; and you were not there to bring me out。〃
 That was unfair and Kristin knew it; her voice softened a little。 〃
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