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ago on the Blue Temple treasury。 But why should either of those dubious claims to fame have caused the Emperor to send him a Sword?
 All the stories agreed that the Emperor liked jokes。
 Mark was no closer to an answer when he once more fell asleep。
 In the morning he was up and moving early。 Soon he found a side canyon that appeared passable; and led off to the east。 He refilled his water bottle before leaving the river; then followed the side canyon's gradually ascending way。 When; after some kilometers; the smaller canyon had shallowed enough to let him climb out of it easily; he did so。 Now eastern mountains; blue as if with forests; were visible in the distance。 Tasavalta; he thought。 Or somewhere near to it。
 He was a day closer to those mountains when he saw the mounted patrol。 He was sure even at a considerable distance that these riders were the Dark King's soldiers。 He had fought against such often enough to be able to distinguish them; he thought; by no more than the fold of a distant cloak; the shape of a spearhead carried high。 The patrol was between him and his goal; and was heading almost directly toward him; but he did not think that they had seen him yet。
 Mark had automatically taken concealment behind a bush at his first sight of the riders; and he continued watching them from hiding。 He was planning; almost unthinkingly; how best to remain out of their sight as they passed; when he recalled what Sword it was that now swung at his side。 He had used Sightblinder once before; and he trusted its powers fully。
 Boldly he stood up; hand on the hilt of the Sword; feeling a stirring of its power as he approached his enemies; he marched straight toward the oning riders。 But before the patrol saw him they altered course slightly; perversely turned aside。 Mark muttered oaths。 If he had been helpless and endeavoring to hide; he thought; they would have stumbled over him without trying。
 They were pletely out of sight when he reached their trail; but he followed it into the setting sun; blue mountains now at his back。 His messages for Princess Rimac were really routine。 His soldier's instincts told him that here he might have an excellent target of opportunity。
 An hour or so later he found the patrol; a dozen tough…looking men; gathered by their evening fire; which was large enough to show that they had no particular fear of night attack。 The hilt of Sight blinder was vibrating smoothly in Mark's hand as he strode into the firelight to stand before them。
 They looked up at him; and they all sat still。 Hard warriors though they were; he could see that they were instantly afraid。 Of what; he did not know; except that it was some image that they saw of him。 Looking down at his own body; he saw; as he had known he would; himself unchanged。
 Mark left it to them to break the silence。 At last one who was probably their sergeant stood up; bowed; and asked him: 〃Lord; what will you have of us?〃
 〃In what direction do your orders take you?〃 Mark's voice; to his own ears; sounded no different than before。
 〃Great Lord; we are bound for the encampment of the Dark King himself。 There we are to report to our captain the results of our patrol。〃
 Mark drew in a deep breath。 〃Then you will take me with you。〃
 Chapter 4
 Jord scratched delicately at his itching arm…stump; then grimaced at the unaccustomed soreness there。 He rubbed at the place; more delicately still; with a rough fingertip。 There was some kind of minor swelling; too。
 Not that he was plaining。 On the contrary。 He was lying on a soft couch covered with fine fabric; in morning sunshine。 Birds sang pleasantly nearby。 Otherwise he was alone on the elegant rooftop terrace; largely a garden of plants and birds; fresh from last night's rain。 The terrace covered most of the flat roof of the House of Courtenay。 A plate of food; second helpings that Jord had been unable to finish; rested on a small table at his side。 He was wearing a fine white nightshirt; of a material strange to him; that felt as what he supposed silk must feel。 Well; he'd obviously and very fortunately reached wealthy and powerful friends; so none of these details were really all that surprising。
 What did surprise him … what left him in fact almost numb with astonishment … was what had happened to his wounds。
 The husky men; obviously some kind of servants; who had carried Jord up here to the terrace this morning had told him that he'd arrived here at the House of Courtenay only last night。 Jord hadn't questioned the servants beyond that; because he wasn't sure how much they knew about their master's secret affairs; and about who he; Jord; really was; in terms of his business here。
 Jord's last memories from last night were of being afraid of bleeding to death; and of trying to pound on the back door of his house; knowing that if he fainted before he got help he'd likely never to wake up。 Well; he must have fainted。 And he had certainly awakened; feeling almost healthy; ravenously hungry … and with his wounds well on the way to being pletely healed。
 The sun; rising higher now; would have begun to grow unfortably hot; but at just the proper angle a leafy bower now began to shade the couch。 The noise of the city's streets was increasing; but it was fortably far below。 Jord had learned enough about cities to live in them when he had to; but he felt really at home only in a village or small town。
 The trellises that shaded him; he noticed now; also screened him well from observation from any of the city's other tall buildings nearby。 Meanwhile the interstices of latticework and leaves afforded him a pretty good outward view。 Slate rooftops; like trees in a forest; stretched away to the uneven horizon formed by the city's formidable walls。 Tashigang was built upon a series of hills; with the Corgo; here divided into several branches; flowing between some of them。 The House of Courtenay; practically at riverside; was naturally in one of the lowest areas。 The effect was that some of the sections of wall; and the hilltop buildings in the distance; loomed to what seemed magical height; being towers out of some story of the Old World。
 〃Good morning。〃 The words breaking in upon Jord's thoughts came in a female voice that he did not recognize。 He quickly turned back from peering through the trellis。 She was young and small; really tiny; and black…haired; dressed in white; she was obviously a lady。 A young nursemaid and a small child were visible in the background; out of easy earshot along a graveled path that helped make the rooftop look like a country garden。
 〃Good morning; Lady。〃 In the past ten years or so Jord had been often enough in cosmopolitan society that now he could feel more or less at ease with practically anyone。 〃The men who brought me up here told me that I was in the house of Mistress and Master Courtenay。〃
 〃So you are; I am the mistress of this house。 Gods and demons; don't try to get up。 And you are Jord。〃
 Jord abandoned his token effort to rise。 〃I am Jord; as you say。 And I thank you for your help。〃
 〃Is the food not to your taste?〃
 〃It's very good。 Only they gave me more than enough。〃
 The lady was looking at him thoughtfully。 There were ch
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